Arkansas River Navigation Study FEISChapter 9

List of Preparers



9.1Introduction...... 9-1

9.2List of Preparers...... 9-1

Arkansas River Navigation Study FEIS1Chapter 9

List of Preparers


Many individuals were involved with the completion of this document. The following section contains a table including the name, education and experience, and primary responsibilities of those people that assisted in writing the Arkansas River Navigation Study EIS.

9.2List of Preparers

Parsons (Contractor)
Name / Education and Experience / Primary Responsibilities
Richard Hall / B.S. Environmental Biology, M.S. Zoology, 25 years of experience in environmental assessment and impact studies, biological community investigations and ecosystem restoration. / Project Manager/Senior Environmental Scientist, principal author of Chapters 1, 2, and 3. Technical review for EIS.
Donald Beisel / B.S. Geography; M.A. Geography; 29years of experience in community/urban planning, environmental planning, and socioeconomic studies. / Senior Project Planner; data collection and preparation of socioeconomic analysis and related text sections.
Karen Boulware / M.S. Resource Planning; B.S. Geology; 11 years experience in environmental assessment impact studies and planning. / Environmental Scientist; data collection, participant in preparation of affected environment section, general editing and quality assurance.
Parsons (Contractor)
Name / Education and Experience / Primary Responsibilities
Joel Budnik / B.S., Fish and Wildlife Sciences/Biology; M.S., Fish and Wildlife Sciences; 7 years experience in fish and wildlife biology and management; ornithology; environmental impact assessment; preparation of environmental documents. / Senior Environmental Scientist; assisted with data collection.
Susan L. Bupp / M.A., Anthropology; 28 years of experience in cultural resources management and environmental management and planning. / Cultural Resources Specialist; oversight of preparation of cultural resources affected environment, environmental consequences, and mitigation sections; preparation of the Programmatic Agreement; general technical editing and quality assurance.
Luke Eggering / B.S., Fish and Wildlife Management; M.S., Biology; 15years experience in wetland management; wildlife, fisheries and endangered species management; preparation of environmental documents. / Principal Environmental Scientist; data collection, analysis and participant in preparation of environmental consequences text and supporting sections relating to biological resources.
Virginia Flynn / B.S. Horticulture; M.S. Botany; 8 years experience in biological surveys, natural resource management, ecological restoration, and environmental impact assessment. / Senior Environmental Scientist involved in data collection; key participant in preparation of affected environment section, impacts, public scoping, GIS analysis and maps, HEP field data collection, data analysis, and summary report.
Lee Gorday / B.A., Geology; M.A. Geology; 19 years of experience in hydrogeologic systems and groundwater contamination. / Senior Hydrogeologist; data collection and preparation of groundwater, geology, and soils elements.
Enid McNutt / B.S. Biology; Master of Environmental Management; 3 years of experience in natural resource surveys, environmental management and planning. / Environmental Scientist; involved in HEP field data collection, participant in preparation of affected environment section, general editing and quality assurance.
Parsons (Contractor)
Name / Education and Experience / Primary Responsibilities
Randy Norris / B.S. Plant and Soil Science; Master of Urban Planning/ Environmental Planning; 14years experience in environmental impact assessment, environmental management and planning. / Environmental Planner; data collection, assisted in affected environment and environmental consequences chapters. Provided general editing support.
Laurie Paonessa / M.A. Anthropology; 17 years of experience in cultural resources management, and environmental management and planning. / Cultural Resources Specialist/Historian; involved in data collection; participant in preparation of cultural resources affected environment and environmental consequences sections.
Rebecca Porath / B.S. Fisheries and Wildlife Management; M.S. Zoology; 7 years experience in plant and wildlife surveys and management, ecological restoration, and environmental impact assessment. / Environmental Scientist; data collection, analysis, and assisted in preparation and formatting of EIS Affected Environment and Environmental Consequences, especially biological resources, land use, infrastructure, and surface water subsections.
Darrel Sisk / B.E.D. Environmental Design; M.S. Architectural Engineering; 21 years experience in base civil engineering, military planning and environmental planning and impact assessment. / Senior Planner; assisted in economics and editing.
Ruth Trocolli / B.A. Classical Archaeology; 23 years of experience in cultural resources management. / Cultural Resources Specialist; involved in data collection; participant in preparation of cultural resources affected environment, environmental consequences, and mitigation sections; preparation of the Programmatic Agreement.
USACE Contributors
Name(s) / Organization / Primary Responsibilities
Ron Carman / USACE, Little Rock District / USACE Project Manager; overall projectmanagement for the EIS and associated Feasibility Study.
Christopher Davies / USACE, Little Rock District / Little Rock District Cultural Resources Lead; USACE lead for the Arkansas cultural resources components of the project.
Christopher Kennedy / USACE, Tulsa District / USACE Senior Chemist, HTRWDesignCenter. Prepared the McClellan-Kerr Arkansas River Navigation System, September 2004 Sediment Study, Chemical Data Quality Assurance Report Memorandum.
Jack Killgore, Jan Hoover, and Catherine Murphy / Engineer Research and DevelopmentCenter Environmental Laboratory / Completed the Arkansas River Navigation Project Aquatic Impacts Evaluation Report and the gravel survey.
Johnny McLean / USACE, Little Rock District / USACE EIS Environmental Lead; lead for the environmental components of the project, involved in HEP field data collection.
Glen Raible / USACE, Little Rock District / Hydrology and Hydraulics Lead; lead for the natural resources engineering aspects of the project.
Ed Rossman / USACE, Tulsa District / Tulsa District Study Lead; assisted with overview and management of the project.
Sandra Stiles / USACE, Tulsa District / Tulsa District Environmental Lead assisted with the environmental components of the project, involved in HEP field data collection.
Louis Vogele / USACE, Tulsa District / Tulsa District Cultural Resources Lead;USACE lead for the Oklahoma cultural resources components of the project.
Antisa Webb and Kelly Burkes-Copes / Engineer Research and DevelopmentCenter Environmental Laboratory / Completed the Terrestrial Habitat Evaluation Procedure elements of the project.
Renee Wright / USACE, Little Rock District / USACE Little Rock Study Lead; assisted with overview and management of the project.
Other Participants
Name(s) / Organization / Primary Responsibilities
Jerry J. Brabander and Kevin Stubbs / U.S.Fish and Wildlife Service / Preparation of the Biological Opinion.
Ms. Heidi Dunn / Employee at Ecological Specialists Inc. / Principal Investigator and field supervisor for the Mussel Surveys on the MKARNS.
Richard Stark and Lindsey Lewis / U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service / Prepared the USFWS planning aid and Coordination Act Report.
Clinton Word / Hydrology and Hydraulics Contractor to USACE Tulsa District / Prepared the “Arkansas River Basin, Arkansas and Oklahoma System Operating Plans” report.

Arkansas River Navigation Study FEIS9-1Chapter 9

List of Preparers