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OCR 2000 – Word Knowledge for Units 1-5
Unit 1 Word Knowledge – 4th Grade
Risks and Consequences
Lesson 1 – Mrs. Frisby and the Crow
wrap wrapped wrapping
caught stalked squawking gnawing
nervous treacherous dangerous enormous
Mom wrapped the sandwich.
Jeremy was caught in a trap.
Mrs. Frisby was in dangerous territory.
Lesson 2 – Toto
protect protected unprotected
patch watched hutch
envious curious pious
The endangered wildlife is unprotected here.
Suku watched the lion inch closer.
Toto was a curious little elephant.
Lesson 3 – Sarah, Plain and Tall
energy energetic sympathy sympathetic
hundredth tenth fourth twentieth
lately carefully seriously finally
Sarah is more energetic this morning.
This dog is Caleb’s fourth collie.
Lately Anna has wanted to get a cat.
Lesson 4 – The King’s Fountain
school scholar scholarship scholastic
kingdom freedom wisdom boredom
splendid splendor candid candor
The poor man asked the scholar for help.
The fountain would have used all the water in the kingdom.
The king planned a splendid fountain.
Lesson 5 – Mae Jemison
transportation transaction transatlantic
atomic heroic scenic
personal professional musical
She is able to translate English into Spanish.
Did you see the scenic view?
She is a professional basketball player.
Lesson 6 – Two Tickets to Freedom
office officer official officiate
bandage carriage postage passage
destination conversation information plantation
The officer on duty checked the lockers.
The nurse placed a bandage around my wrist.
What is your next destination after Boston?
Lesson 7 – The Girl who Loved the Wind
rose fair light wind kind wave
guess guard beguiled guarantee
scarf scarves chief chiefs leaf leaves
The fair rose bobbed in the light wind.
I guess school will start soon.
These scarves are beautiful.
Unit 2 Word Knowledge – 4th Grade
Dreams to Jobs
Lesson 1 – Eddie, Incorporated
salary grocery factory bravery
arrangement announcement advertisement
sleepy drowsy business company
Eddie himself was in charge of the factory.
It was an advertisement for the company.
Their business was recycling cans.
Lesson 2 – Elias Sifuentes, Restaurateur
simple difficult frustrated satisfied
English savings wrong language
disprove rewrite unacceptable unfortunate
The workers were frustrated when the power went out.
Learning the English language can be difficult.
John had to rewrite his letter.
Lesson 3 – Ice Cream Cones: A New Scoop
buy by their there they’re
hotter fewer biggest busiest
easy easily supply supplier
Mr. Menches thought he would buy one of them for his lunch.
This was going to be one of his busiest days.
He noticed how easily Zalabia folded.
Lesson 4 – Food from the ‘Hood: A Garden of Hope
Saturday Monday today afternoon
suburbs perfect neighborhood mustard
realize dried right try
Every Saturday the students took their crops to sell.
The students wanted to rebuild their neighborhood.
The students did not realize what a wonderful thing they were doing.
Lesson 5 – Business Is Looking Up
hospital excel stencil mall
window video oppose tomatoes
flashlight notebook viewpoints doorstep
Jinx and I headed for the mall.
Today there were no video games.
It’s almost the size of our spelling notebook.
Lesson 6 – Birth of a Baby Food
compete competitor competitive competition
identity quantity wondrous tedious
booklet pamphlet starlet ringlet
The company kept ahead of the competition.
Their product had a strong visual identity.
Experts wrote pamphlets about baby care.
Lesson 7 – Salt
delicious precious conscious
without scoundrels mountain boundary
ahead forth nearby
Once he loaded two ships with precious furs.
The father called his sons scoundrels.
One of the boards was floating nearby.
Unit 3 Word Knowledge – 4th Grade
From Mystery to Medicine
Lesson 1 – Medicine: Past and Present
infect infection infectious disinfected
microbe microscope antibodies antibiotic
smallpox flask pride spared
He disinfected wounds with carbolic acid.
Antibodies can fight smallpox.
The scientist prepared the flask.
Lesson 2 – Sewed up His Heart
immaculate doctor microbes shock onlookers
cautious patient complication examination
cartilage artery sternum pericardium
Making his rounds, he looked as immaculate as always, despite the heat.
Everything that came in contact with the patients must be free from microbes that might cause infection.
He made another cut to separate the rib cartilage from the sternum.
Lesson 3 – The Bridge Dancers
shaky twisty crazy gloomy
cough bruise sore burn
gorge bridge jump plunge
Our bridge is just a shaky old skeleton.
It makes a tea that’s good for coughs.
The bridge pitches and plunges.
Lesson 4 – The New Doctor
stethoscope microscope telescope kaleidoscope
treatment ailment excitement instrument
fury furious furiously
This is a stethoscope, and I can hear your heartbeat.
The treatment was very much the same as Manuelita would have given.
She was furious about the treatment.
Lesson 5 – The Story of Susan La Flesche Picotte
title available unable
teach siege sleek reluctantly
reservation present bundle drifts
No funds were available to pay her more money.
Susan was soon inundated with a siege of colds, grippe, and pneumonia.
The Whitefeathers lived on the northernmost edge of the reservation.
Lesson 6 – Shadow of a Bull
inside toward alongside aside
goring shuffling raised clotted
elbow photo approach thoroughly
The doctor had cut the bandage and gauze as set them aside.
The bullfighter felt his wound at the time of the goring.
He scrubbed his hands thoroughly.
Unit 4 Word Knowledge – 4th Grade
Lesson 1 – Island of the Blue Dolphins
between behind beyond among against
arrows canoes countries glasses dolphins
advice medicine decide ancestors circle
The sea was calm behind the high cliffs.
Dolphins are animals of good omen.
I knew my ancestors had crosses the sea in their canoes, coming from that place which lay beyond.
Lesson 2 – Arctic Explorer: The Story of Matthew Henson
walruses foxes lunches crevasses
February June August September
Inexperienced impossible independent unfriendly
Peary needed Eskimos to help hunt polar bears and seals and walruses and reindeer and caribou and foxes for furs and meats.
On June 21 Matt saw Greenland for the first time.
The trip would be nearly impossible.
Lesson 3 – Nachito’s Teachings
raspy-throated saddle-colored diamond-back
mouthful handful cupful pocketful
squirted squirms squinted square
The diamond-back wasn’t a horrible-looking creature.
I pulled a handful of the fragrant needles and tucked them into my pocket.
I squinted my eyes in the bright sunlight.
Lesson 4 – McBroom and the Big Wind
ripped slammed snapping clumping
country stout cloud pounded
zephyr gopher trophy pheasant
The wind ripped through the house at a very fast pace.
When I pounded down the last shingle I said to myself, “Josh McBroom, that’s a mighty stout roof.”
We found out later the wind had shingled every gopher hole in the next county.
Lesson 5 – The Big Wave
giant small growing
stronger saddest emptier bravest
questions quiet quilt
The giant wave seemed to be growing larger and larger.
Jiya grew stronger every day.
The quiet after the tidal wave was alarming.
Lesson 6 – Anne Frank: The Diary of a Young Girl
passed craziest luckily steadily necessities
satchel fetched kitchen stretch
gaudy faucet laundry sausage
I put in the craziest things.
Margot filled her satchel with schoolbooks.
The gaudy yellow star spoke for itself.
Lesson 7 – Music and Slavery
allowed forbidden freedom slavery
tribute music future continued
singing swaying clapping stomping
Therefore, drums were forbidden on most plantations.
One way the slaved dealt with these hardships was through music.
Singing helped take their minds off their difficulties.
Unit 5 Word Knowledge – 4th Grade
Lesson 1 – Whales: Songs from the Deep
underwater humpback half-mile large-brained
join enjoying voice noises point
natural creatures future captured
They are swimming underwater.
We are enjoying the outdoor noises.
The song of the humpback has captured our interest.
Lesson 2 – Wordless Speech
fear fright sympathy understanding
amputation infection operation
higher highest more most
Apes are able to express their fear.
Chimpanzees may be exposed to infection.
The message was more eloquent than words.
Lesson 3 – Koko’s Kitten
various tedious curious luxurious
scent canoe toward catalogue
mistake display tailless conversation
There are various ways to play that game.
She found a toy cat in the catalogue.
Koko pointed to the tailless tabby.
Lesson 4 –Breaking into Print
horror horrible horrified horrid horrendous
alphabet prophet nephew orphan pamphlet
stripped striped filled filed
The horrible crack made a horrendous sound.
The nephew printed the alphabet in the pamphlet.
The old fisherman stripped the bones from the striped bass.
Lesson 5 – Louis Braille: The Boy Who Invented Books for the Blind
faint waves rose spring foot
swooped swarmed sweltering swindler
pickets tackle turkey biscuits echo
The waves rolled onto the shore.
The bees swarmed over the flowers.
She always made lots of biscuits and covered them with gravy.
Lesson 6 – One TV Blasting and a Pig Outdoors
people little simple impossible example
blares erupts skip paralyzed burst
look book stood good took
It almost never happens with people Dad knows.
My favorite music blares from my radio.
Dad took one look and bent double from laughing.