Title: The rise of another beast. part 3
Text: Rev.13: 11-18
Key v. 11
Last week we reviewed the Chronological order of Revelation focusing on the 3 major events within our timeline using 3 pillars. The first major event is the Rapture of the church followed by 7 years of Great Tribulation, the next is the Second Coming of Christ with all His saints, followed by the millennial (1,000 yr. reign of Christ, then the Great White Throne judgement of all unbelievers, concluding with the New Heavens and New Earth for all believers in Christ. We also reviewed v.1-10. I also pointed out to you 3 other major events during the 7 yr. Great Tribulation – The one world government, the one world church, and the final war of Armageddon. In this war,God, will gather all the nations into the valley of Jehoshaphat to be judged. (see:Joel 3: 1,2; cp. Zec.12:2;14:2) read Judgement Day pg. 12,13
[Today we will study the third being (false prophet) of this counterfeit unholy trinity. We have Satan the dragon (the counterfeit Father – I will be like the most High.), the beast (false Christ), andanother beastthe false prophet (the counterfeit Holy Spirit). These three are, in a sense an evil trinity, opposing the true God and His people on earth.] (Wiersbe)
V.11 - (His person) - The beast out of the earth.
Earth = land – some believe the land of Israel, which some believe he might be of Jewish descent. Others believe the earth means he comes from the abyss that lies beneath the earth. The false prophet will be sent forth and controlled by a powerful demon from below.
1. His was like a lamb(with 2 horns), but spoke like a dragon.
Comment: The image of the horns (Rev 13:11) suggests that the false prophet has authority, but the absence of a crown indicates that his authority is not political. Our Lord warned that there would be false prophets (Matt 24:11,24), and this one will be the greatest. He will have the "character" of a lamb but the voice of' the dragon. What a deceiver he will be - and all the world will listen to him! (BEComm.)
Note:1 Cor. 2: 1-5 – Paul did not depend on the eloquence of his words but in the power or divine substance of his words which change lives, including his own.
The word translated demonstration means "legal proof presented in court." The Holy Spirit used Paul's preaching to change lives, and that was all the proof Paul needed that his message was from God. Wicked sinners were transformed by the power of God! (1 Cor 6:9-11) / In contrast the beast will use force v.12
V.12-14 – (His power) -The great deceiver and miracle worker
1.His got all his power from the dragon.v.12; cp. 3; 17:8
Note: Many in world will stand in amazement as the beast recovers from a fatal wound, seeking to duplicate the death and resurrection of the two witnesses in 12: 11-. 2 Cor 11:14- 14 And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light. KJV – The master deceiver!
2. He causes fire to come down to earth in man’s presence. v.13;
Seeking to duplicate what the two witnesses did, but only to some measure. cp. 11:3-5
3. He deceives many to believe in him by his miracles.14 – Read commentary on v.14
[In the last day’s deception, will be at an all-time high, as you can well see in the political landscape, world news. And the re-writing of historical facts. An example of this are those who deny the Holocaust (read article on the Holocaust)
Note:2 Thess.2:8-12 – The Greatest deception will take place during the Great Tribulation. Today we have whole groups of magicians (David Blaine, Criss Angel, David Cooperfield) on stage, in the movies, on T.V., even in the public which mesmerize the gullible with their secret arts of deception, and they are getting more and more sophisticated all the time. And a lot of it is rooted in the occults. (Example of a N.T. magician can be found in: Acts 8:9-23
V.15 -18 – (His program) - The world dictator
1. He executes those who would not worship the image of the beast.v.15
2. He forces (compels)all people to be given an identification number. v.16-18
[Today as you know we have many crying out for big government, they are known as the progressive movement. Where they want to make progress to is a big government in control of every aspect of our lives. Well the day will come when they will get their wish, and it is not going to be what they have longed for. In fact, they all will be strongly pressured through manipulation to cooperate with the new rule of law. Notice the same word causeth which means forced (compels) is used also in v.12, that is used here in v.16]
Conclude: Rev. 14:9-11 – A warning to an unbelieving world./ We as believers are challenge to lead careful, watchful godly lives, faithfully proclaiming the saving gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ rescuing souls from the disaster that looms just over the horizon. 1 Peter 4:7-7 The end of all things is near. Therefore be clear minded and self-controlled so that you can pray. 2 Peter 3:11-12-11 Since everythingwill be destroyed in this way, what kind of people ought you to be? You ought to live holy and godly lives 12 as you look forward to the day of God and speed its coming. NIV