Sub-theme N°5: Improvement in the management of electrical infrastructures for a better performance of African power utilities

Paper title: Distribution network reliability optimisation modelling and the development of appropriate network performance targets for Eskom Distribution


In recent years the National Electricity Regulator of South Africa (NERSA) has implemented Incentive Based Regulation (IBR) whereby an incentive and penalty structure has been implemented to regulate Eskom Distribution network performance. This IBR scheme has focused on the total supply outage duration (SAIDI) with the objective of reducing the frequency and duration of outages as experienced by customers.

As part of the IBR scheme and utility best practice, Eskom Distribution has focused on reducing SAIDI, and the paper will summarise recent and ongoing work to:

-Establish the expected network performance levels of the existing networks considering their network structure (e.g. line length, number of customers, voltage level and number of protective devices such as fuses and reclosers) and operating environment (e.g. population density, pollution levels, lightning density and vegetation density).

-Evaluate different approaches to improve network performance including capital options (e.g. reclosers, inter-connectors, feeder splitting and additional HV/MV substations) and operational options (e.g. additional line inspections and preventative maintenance activities such as vegetation management).

-Determine the optimal approaches (capex and opex) to improve network performance for a range of different target performance levels in a sustainable manner such that these performance levels can be achieved for minimum cost.

-Establish appropriate reliability performance targets for different types of networks considering the network characteristics, operating environments, customers supplied and economics benefits associated with reliable supply.

Authors details:

  1. Dr Clinton Geoffrey Carter-Brown

Corporate Specialist

Sustainability and Innovation

Eskom, Corporate Services

Tel: +27 11 655 2472


Dr Carter-Brown has a Bachelors degree in Electrical Engineering from the University of Natal and Masters and Doctorate degrees in Electrical Engineering from the University of Cape Town. He is a corporate consultant in Eskom and specialises in the field of sub-transmission and distribution network planning. He has authored and co-authored over 25 papers, and is the recipient of an Eskom Chairman’s Award and the South African Institute of Electrical Engineers Young Achievers Award. Dr Carter-Brown is the South African representative on Cigre Study Committee C6, Distribution Systems and Dispersed Generation, and is a registered professional engineer with the Engineering Council of South Africa.

  1. Theo Kleynhans

Network Development Planner

Eskom, Corporate Services

Tel: +27 11 747 6552


Theo Kleynhans has a B.Ing. degree in Electrical & Electronic Engineering from Potchefstroom University. He is registered with the Engineering Counsil of South Africa (ECSA). He is a Network Development Planner within Eskom, where he is involved in Sub-Transmission planning. He is also the Chairperson of the Eskom National Reliability Planning working group where best reliability planning practices are formalised and standards for the planners compiled.