Liturgical Music Ministry

Congregational singing is an important part of the Mass and is a way for parishioners to participate in its celebration. Through congregational singing, parishioners are brought closer together as a united whole and experience the joy of unity in being with Christ.

The music ministry is responsible for the liturgical music for all weekend and special liturgies at St. Leonard’s Parish. Its role is to evaluate the music requirements that most closely correspond to the liturgical readings of the day and feasts being celebrated, in accordance with the Lectionary and liturgical calendar of the Church.

Musical settings for all masses at St. Leonard’s, and throughout the Church, were recently changed to align with a new Roman Missal, introduced in 2011.

Primary Objectives

The music ministry’s primary objective is to lead and to engage parishioners in song and praise, in a way that invites and encourages the congregation to enter into song as a form of prayer. Its musicians seek to actively draw people together and foster unity among parishioners in celebration of the Mass.

The music ministry endeavours to support the ministry of the priest. The Mass provides various moments calling for music to gather the congregation, to express contrition, to sing praise, to reflect on the Word, to offer petition, to participate in the anamnesis, the great Amen, to offer thanksgiving and to send on mission. The musicians and choir have a role in helping to make this happen.

Through music, the Word of God, and prayers that have been spoken in union with their priest, parishioners are associated more intimately in the mystery that is being celebrated.

Who can be involved in this ministry?

Accomplished musicians with a good understanding of liturgy are welcome to inquire.

Sunday Masses: We would be interested in hearing from experienced musicians who can improvise. Often with our contemporary pieces, we don't have sheet music, so improvising in a given key is a must.

Approximate time commitment

Saturday 4:30 Mass:

In Ordinary Time, the choir meets weekly for practice (Wednesday, from 7:30 to

9:00 p.m.). Additional practices are required for Masses during the different seasons of the year, such as the Easter Vigil, Holy Thursday, Ash Wednesday, and other celebrations. On a weekly basis, the group’s leader consults the Lectionary and chooses music appropriate to the readings from a repertoire of 200 or more songs with which our parishioners are familiar. A song-list is drawn up and emailed to all choir members. (Approximately 4 hours per week)

Sunday Masses:

Approximate time commitment: 1-2 hours per week


Saturday, 4:30 Mass: Bob Russell, (613) 692-3233

Sunday Masses: Paul Grant, (613) 620-3643,