JOURNALS spring 2008

·  J1: IOE

·  J2: Narration (act.#2 p.147), Description (describe the physical attributes of the most important person in your life, through sense details), Comparison/Contrast (act.#5 p.151...both compare AND contrast)

·  J3: Paradox (act. #8 p.159), Refutation (act. #4 p. 149)

·  J4: Definition (read "Black" p.165 and do act. D p. 165), (read "Black" and define the term "white" as you understand it, as it is used today)

·  J5: Example (read "Horror Movies" p. 162 and list King's reasons), (answer: Why are horror movies becoming more graphic?)

DOC. Act. 2 & 3

·  J6: Cause-Effect (read "The Monster" p. 207 and discuss the media's causes AND the student's causes for Columbine, and the effects of the media's causes)

·  J7: Cause-Effect (write an All-You-Know [AYK] journal on your C/E essay topic--before you do any research for it)

·  J8: read "essay Basics" pp.28-36 and apply those concepts to your IOE: evaluate your title, thesis, introduction, conclusion

·  J9: paraphrasing handout/exercise

·  J10: lead-in expressions exercise

·  J11: Brownmiller & analogy

·  J12: 3 analogy statements (choose 1 for your Analogy Essay)

·  J13: (1) “ANALYZE”: Mitch Albom’s “Don’t Shoot”, overgeneralizations (5, act. 2), Dr. Tannen’s essay

·  J14: (2) OUTLINE & SUMMARY: Th. Sewell’s “Mass Hysteria” (55)

·  J15: Online Articles (cookies)

·  J16: Sports & Statistics: (stats)

·  J17: LOGOS: “On Human Survival” (p.16)

·  J18: PATHOS: Joan Beck on Al Gore

·  J19: PATHOS: “His Name Was Eric” (22) & Act. #5 (p.23)

·  J20: ETHOS: “Regionalization” handout

·  J21: ETHOS: Martin Luther King’s “Dream” speech (p.25)



·  J23: respond to a Subtext Presentation

·  J24: Complete Activities 1, 2, 3 (fallacies)

·  J25: Complete Activities 4, 5

·  J26: do act. 7

·  J27: “Tu Quoque” article online

·  J28: do act. 9

·  J29: do act. 11

·  J30: CIE articles (fallacies in)

·  J31: AYK (RDP)

·  J32: analogy paragraph

·  J33: working outline