Westminster Advice Forum
Commitment and Booking Form
Local advice providers in Westminster are setting up a strategic Advice Forum in Westminster. Westminster Advice Forum aims to have broad membership and involvement, inclusive of community based and BMER advice organisations.
Is this relevant to my organisation?
The advice forum will be focused on the needs of organisations that give advice or information, for example on welfare benefits, housing or immigration issues; even if this is only part of what your organisation does.
The forum aims to bring together advice and information providers in Westminster in order to strengthen the voice of the sector locally and totake the opportunity to:
- network and
- exchange views on the need for frontline advice provision
- develop the local advice sector
- develop joint action on social policy issues and
- plan how we can work together for sustainable advice servicesin Westminster.
Please complete the form overleaf to register your interest and return it to:
Commitment to the forum:(please tick as appropriate)
My organisation would like to confirm its commitment to the forum. We would like to receive information about meetings and will attend on a regular basis.
Your Name/Name of main forum contact:………………………………………………………
Your Organisation:……………………………………………………………………………………..
Tel. no. and email address ……………………………………………………………………………
What is your job title? ……………………………………………………………………………….
What is your role is within your organisation? ………………………………………………..
What would you like to gain from the advice forum?
Client group/s served
Which clients does your organisation serve in particular?e.g. young people, older people, women, generalist, refugees or a particular ethnic community
Is there a geographical limit?
e.g. must live or work in the borough?
What is the age profile?
You may have a particular age limit (eg young people aged 16-24)
Data protection
Under the Data Protection Act we must get your consent to pass personal details we hold on our database
onto another agency. If you do not give consent, your name and personal contact numbers/email will be removed from the database and only your organisation details will be passed on.
Are you happy for your contact details to be held on a forum database or to be passed to the CVS and other Westminster Advice Forum members on the forum database?
Yes I consent to my details being held on a database
No I do not consent to my details being held on a database