June 2005doc.: IEEE 802.11-05/571r1doc.: IEEE 802.11-05/0xxxr0

IEEE P802.11
Wireless LANs

TGT Teleconference Minutes for June2, 2005
Date: 2005-06-02
Name / Company / Address / Phone / email
Tom Alexander / VeriWave, Inc / 9600 SW Oak St.
Suite 380
Portland, OR97223 / +1 503 473 8358 /


This document contains the meeting minutes from the TGT Task Group Teleconference on June2, 2005.

Minutespage 1Tom Alexander, VeriWave

June 2005doc.: IEEE 802.11-05/571r1doc.: IEEE 802.11-05/0xxxr0

Recorded attendees (more may have attended – please send updates to TG Chair):

Wright, Charles

Kobayashi, Mark

Pirzada, Fahd

Wiley, Stan

Foegelle, Michael

Goel, Sachin

Emmelmann, Marc

Iversen, Per

Alexander, Tom


The teleconference started at 9.05 AM. Tom Alexander was appointed secretary for the call.

The agenda was discussed and approved without dissent. The minutes from the May 12 teleconference were also approved without dissent.

Charles then went over the proceedings at the Cairns meeting, and noted that he had uploaded a meeting report as document 11-05/412r2. There was a presentation (a reprise of one given at the Berlin meeting) on BSS transition time, and Dalton Victor presented on open-air testing methodology. The open-air testing methodology proposed text (11-05/450r0) was voted into the draft and Tom is presently working it into the document. There was an all-day meeting on Tuesday, with a lot of discussion between presentations; on Thursday there was some 802.11n proceedings which cut short the TGT meeting by universal consent so that the members could attend the 802.11n group.

An action item list from the previous meeting was then reviewed. Charles felt that the document structure and the definitions and terminology had had enough discussion for the moment and there was no need to re-hash it (at a later time it will be surely appropriate to take these items up again). Guidelines for TGT formal proposals had been generally agreed upon. This left the list of metrics.

Charles noted that a previous presentation slide already had a list of metrics (not a complete list) that could be used for discussion. All of the metrics on the slide had been discussed in the past. The idea was then brought up that we should assign people ("stuckees") to the individual metrics groups to bring in presentations. For topics that had not yet been presented in the TG, people whose expertise matched the subject area were selected as stuckees. Charles then asked if the stuckees had any comments, especially the ones who weren't present at the Cairns meeting.

Charles reviewed the list of areas and stuckees. He added Marc Hemmelman's name to the BSS transition time area, and added his document (11-05/233r2) to the source presentation list. Stan Wiley volunteered to collaborate on the over-the-air performance area, and Per Iversen also volunteered to participate on the over-the-air performance contributions. Charles also noted that he'd welcome any additions to the list, as this was a first list of metrics. Tom volunteered to assist people to get things into the proper format if they needed help. Charles asked if there were any additional comments, there were none.

Charles turned the floor over to Tom for a discussion on the latest revision of the draft (D0.2). Tom asked Mark Kobayashi if he'd received the preliminary draft with his contribution included, and whether he'd had a chance to review it. Mark said that he had received the draft, but as his co-contributors were out of town, he would like to have until next Tuesday or Wednesday to review the draft. Charles asked if we could discuss the updated (and posted) draft at the next teleconference. Mark said that he'd try to have it reviewed by then. Charles then briefly reviewed the IEEE and WG rules regarding publishing drafts.

After this, Charles discussed the recent debate on the 802.11 main reflector on TG "internal letter ballots". He noted that TGr had sparked this debate as they were in the stage where they had an internal draft ready and were wondering whether to send it directly to the WG or to hold internal ballots. Charles said that Harry Worstell (802.11 vice chair) had made the important point that we should not confuse letter ballots, which are formal WG processes, and internal TG ballots, which are completely informal. Charles also said that TGk was the first one to do this internal review process, and (TGk chair) Richard Paine's view was that the first TGk internal review was very useful but the second one was pretty useless. The comment resolution process was also reviewed.

Mark asked for a document describing the general process of commenting and revising the draft. Tom volunteered to send Charles some IEEE-SA documents which outlined how the sponsor ballot process ran, which in turn was generally followed by TGs and WGs. Charles said that he could put together a procedural document based on WG process to show how this went. The process would be referred to as TG internal review.

Charles then discussed when we should start the internal review process. Tom said that we could start this right now, except that receiving 500 comments on definitions would be quite non-constructive. Charles pulled up the official 802.11 WG timeline for 802.11.2 (TGT), which showed our initial WG letter ballot as listed for Jan 06 2006. Charles proposed starting the internal reviews in November. Tom felt that it was too late, and suggested starting after the July meeting. There was some discussion on this topic. Charles finally proposed starting the reviews after the July meeting as a stretch goal. It was generally accepted.

Charles noted that we would have a teleconference next week (June 9) unless there was no subject to discuss. He then thanked everybody for attending, and closed the teleconference.

Teleconference ended at 9.55 AM PST.

Action Items:

Charles to create and circulate a procedural document showing how the TG internal review works.

Next Conference Call:

June 9, 2005.

Minutespage 1Tom Alexander, VeriWave