Our program offers a broad-based curriculum in international relations and international political, economic and social development. Majoring in International Studies will qualify you to follow a number of career paths, including business and government work in a variety of areas. Policy analysis, economic development, foreign service, international affairs, international development, foreign trade and finance are all possibilities. The knowledge you will gain about societal and cultural trends will also give you the background you need for opportunities in teaching and work with a variety of private public service organizations. Additionally, an undergraduate degree in International Studies provides an excellent background for the study of law and advanced graduate study in a number of social science disciplines, business, and journalism.
- Analyzes situations from multiple sides
- Communicates diplomatically
- Understands that all people and ideas have value and interconnectedness
- Sees the world from the perspective of other individuals and other cultures
- Possesses an understanding of and sensitivity to a community’s needs
- Relates to others from varying backgrounds
- Speaks, reads, and writes proficiently
Some IDEAS related to International Studies:
Congressional Aide
Customs Officer
Foreign Affairs Analyst
Foreign Affairs Specialist
Foreign Service Officer
Immigration Specialist
Intelligence Specialist
International Banker
International Business Specialist
International Trade Specialist
Labor Relations Specialist
Language Specialist
Legal Assistant
Legislative Aide
Market Research Analyst
Peace Corps/VISTA Worker
Political Scientist
Public Relation Specialist
Sales Representative
Securities Broker
Shipping Broker
Travel Agent
University Administrator
Types of Employers
Private and Non-profit Organizations
Advertising Agencies / Financial Institutions / Manufacturing Firms / Pharmaceutical FirmsAirlines / Hospitality Industry / Marketing Firms / Publishing Companies
Conference Planning / Import/Export / Museums / Relief Agencies
Consulting Firms / International Companies / Newspapers / Restaurants (International)
Educational Institutions / Investment Firms / Oil Companies / Travel Industry
Government Agencies
Agency for International Development / Association of Southeast Asian Nations / U.S. International Trade CommissionEuropean Community / Inter-American Development Bank / World Trade Organization
International Chamber of Commerce / International Monetary Fund
Organization of American States / United Nations
U.S. Department of Commerce
World Bank
How to obtain a job overseas, or provide actual international job listings, or internship listings.
ORGANIZATIONS / WEBSITEAction Without Borders /
American Foreign Policy Council
Fall, and Spring unpaid internships available. /
American Foreign Service Association /
American Foreign Service Association
Several internships available; paid and unpaid. /
American Foreign Service Association /
American ForeignService Association
Several internships available; paid and unpaid. /
BASIC Internship Program in Washington, D.C.
Rolling applications, monthly stipend Internship Program in London /
Business Executives for National Security (BENS) Internship
Fall applications due July 30; Spring applications due November 30; summer applications due April 30. /
Carnegie Endowment for International Peace /
Center for World Indigenous Studies /
CIIA Youth International Internship Program
Must live in southwestern Ontario, be between the ages of 18 and 30. Six month compensated internship. /
Court Interpreters /
Frank Wolf Congressional Internship
Deadline in March /
Henry L. Stimson Center Internship
Summer Internship Deadline is April 25. /
Human Rights Watch /
International Fund for Agricultural Development
Requires minimum of 20 hours per week during the academic year, and a full-time commitment for the summer. /
Israel Policy Forum /
National Democratic Institute for International Affairs /
Network in Solidarity with the People of Guatemala /
One Small Planet (Abroad opportunities) /
International Studies Association (ISA) /
Oxfam America – Volunteer and internships /
Polish American Congress-WashingtonDC
Unpaid Internship: contact Dr.Barbara B. Andersen, Internship Program Coordinator, at , or at (202) 296 6955. /
Riley Guide International
Employment Links to International job banks. /
Woodrow Wilson National Fellowships Foundation /
School of World Studies Internships /
Semester in Washington: Global Humanitarian Action /
Teaching Abroad
Links to teaching opportunities abroad / University of Michigan
Military Bases
The Alliance for Conflict Transformation
Careers in International Peace and Conflict Resolution
The Arms Control Association Internship Program
Fall applications due Friday of first week of August;
Winter applications due Friday of second week in December; Summer applications due first Friday in May. /
The Atlantic Council of the United States,
John A. Baker internship program
Fall term applications due June 30
Spring term applications due November 15
Summer term applications due March 1 /
The CarterCenter
Offers unique and diverse opportunities for undergraduate juniors and seniors, recent graduates (within two years of graduation), and graduate/professional students who are interested in contemporary international and domestic issues. /
The Center for Global Development (CGD) /
The Office of the General Counsel Volunteer
Legal Internships Unpaid, year-round internships. /
The Peace Corps. /
U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development
Unpaid spring, summer, and fall internships. /
U.S. State Department Career Opportunities /
UN Internship /
United Nations Children's Fund /
United Nations Internships and Careers /
Applying for Federal Jobs. PA: Bookhaven Press, 1995.
A guide to writing federal applications and resumes. Advice on finding a job from entry level to senior executive.
Careers in International Affairs.WashingtonD.C.: GeorgetownUniversity Press, 1997.
A detailed breakdown of the fields available in International Affairs, including government, banking, consulting, non-profit and more. Lists organizations and contact information for each section.
Making It Abroad. NY: John Wiley and Sons, 1988.
A guide to finding international employment, and succeeding overseas. Don't be fooled by the date, there is still plenty of good, general information in this book.
DeGalan, Julie, & Lambert, Stephen, (2001),
Great Jobs forForeign Language Majors, NTC Publishing Group.
Eberts, Marjorie, & Brothers, Linda, & Gisler, Ann, (1997),
Careers in Travel, Tourism, and Hospitality, VGM CareerHorizons: Chicago, IL.
Guide to Careers in World Affairs, (1993), Editors of the ForeignPolicy Association.
Krannich, Ronald L. & Caryl Rae Ph. Ds, (1996), Jobs forPeople Who Love to Travel, Impact Publishing: Manassas Park,PA.
Occupational Outlook Handbook, (2002-03), US Department ofLabor.
Rubin, Karen, (2001), Inside Secrets to Finding a Career inTravel, JIST Works: Indianapolis, IN.
General Resources
National Library of International Affairs Resources:
General International Relations Resources:
Explore Government Documents:
International Relations Resources Online:
Job Bank/Resource Identification Websites:
International Relations Careers:
International Relations Job Search:
BU Job Search Listing:
Job Search Resources:
International Affairs Jobs:
DC Internships:
Related Government Agencies
Government Agency Organizations
Council on Foreign Relations:
Defense & International Relations Agencies Organization Listing:
United Nations:
US Agency for International Development: