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Six Sigma Catapult Report

Due: 5:00 p.m. May 7th Electronic and Hard Copy

The Catapult Report consisting of three parts combines your “Secret Ingredient” work and DOE activities (April 23 to 28), and a reflections section devoted to performance analyses, improvement thinking and takeaways. The percentages shown below indicate weighting importance for grading.

Report Part I: The Secret Ingredient (30%)

1.  Documentation of and supporting rationale for the final SOP that you used in the April 28, in-class “Shoot-off” activities.

Report Part II: DOE and Model Preparations (20%)

Document your DOE preparations for the April 28 class and comment where requested below. These items parallel the preparations assignment activities.

o  List the three experimental factors (variables) you selected and state rationale for your selections

o  List the levels for each of the three experimental variables.

o  Include your excel file of the “Coded Design Matrix” with the distances data set.

o  Include your regression table and comment on significance analyses.

o  Provide your Y = f(X) predictive model and offer any comments to support it.

Report Part III (50%)

Covers “Shoot-off” Performance Analysis, Improvement Thinking and Lessons

  1. State how you determined the factor settings for the April 28 announced target distances.
  1. List the Catapult settings your Group used to launch the ball to the two announced target distances; and show your actual shoot-off distance outcomes and the summed squared differences (actual vs. target) for each target.
  1. State the outcomes of the surprise ending activity, your approach to determing how to meet the objective of the activity and comment on your performance outcome.
  1. Assess your performance of April 28 relative to launching the ball to the two announced targets, addressing

·  five root causes of performance deviations from the announced targets and your Y =f(X) predicted outcomes,

·  five critical things you would do to prepare for another competition with newly announced targets,

·  five key lessons/takeaways from the Catapult exercise.

GBUS 7608: General Management and Operational Effectiveness

Spring 2010