Errata for all printings of Lab Exercises in Oceanography by Pipkin et al
Errata for First Printing
Exercise 1. Bathymetry—the Shape of the Sea Floor
2. b. There are two corrections for this question. First, in Figure 1–6, the “B” and “X” labels for the transects were omitted. Instruct students to add these letters as appropriate. Second, in Figure 1–7, the 0 and 10 fathom lines at the top of the upper graph were omitted. A blank and correct version of Figure 1–7 is attached and should be photocopied for students.
Exercise 2. Marine Charts—or Finding Your Way Around
3. d. Instruct students to use the dot on top of the “i” in the larger font “Ship Island” as the location of the tower for Figure 2–6.
Exercise 12. Waves in Shallow Water and Beach Erosion
6. a. In Figure 12–15, the labels for “Wave crests” as well as the 5-, 10-, 15-, and 20-m isobaths were omitted. Also, the orthogonal labels 1, 2, 3, and 4 were incorrectly positioned, and orthogonal label 5 was omitted. The correct positions for this labels are shown in the revised and completed Figure 12-15 below, and coincide with the horizontal lines. Instruct students to make their orthogonals beginning from these straight lines.
Exercise 13. Hurricanes
2. Due to a drafting error, the eye positions for Hurricane Zeke provided in Table 13–4 are already plotted in Figure 13–4. Also, note that parts b and c of this question are difficult to answer based on their wording and the absence of detail on the map (i.e., city locations). Therefore, we suggest that for these questions, instructors have students estimate when to issue a hurricane watch and hurricane warning for Miami based on the tracking data presented in Table 13–4.
6. a. Note that the blank graph necessary to plot this east-west profile of storm surge was omitted from the text. The complete Figure13–5 is attached and should be photocopied for students.
Exercise 16. Primary and Secondary Productivity
1. d. The “Primary Production” axis in the graph stops at a value of –1, but the net primary production values for 60 and 70 meters are less than –1. Instruct students to simply plot these points at the appropriate position to the left of –1.
Exercise 21. Estuaries
1. In Figure 21–3, the kp data points were omitted and the “kp 16” south of “kp 0” should read “kp -16.” Instruct students to place the data points even with kp labels and in the middle of the waterway in their text figures.
6. In the next to last equation on page 235 (i.e., “volume of contaminant C left after t tidal cycles”), the division sign “/” that directly precedes B should be a multiplication “sign”.
Exercise 22. Littoral Ecosystems and Environmental Impacts
1. The middle photograph is an enlargement of the top portion of the wooden piling in the upper photograph. Note that the lower photograph is misplaced and is referred to in Question 2.
2. The photo of the cluster of mid-tidal organisms referred to in this question is misplaced as the lowermost photograph in Question 1.
Exercise 23. Micropaleontology and Paleoceanography
4. A crucial portion of the text for this question was omitted in the production process. The complete question is presented below, with the omitted text in italics.
“While studying the above exploratory cores, you discover that the sediments deposited during the relative time interval when fossil species b, f, and g co-occur are rich in petroleum. To try to pump additional petroleum from this layer, you have drilled a fourth well to a depth where microfossils a, f, and g co-occur and a fifth well to a depth where d, e, and g co-occur. Using the composite range chart from Question 3, determine if each well is sufficiently deep to “tap” this petroleum, and explain your reasoning.”
7. The range bar for this Acanthodesmid sp. B was omitted in Figure 23–1 and should range from the capital “A” to the “t” below the species name. Instruct students to add this range to their text figure.
Errata for Second Printing
Exercise 21. Estuaries
6. Page 235, replace 2nd division symbol with multiplication symbol in 5th equation, such that: Ct = A(1 - fA)t + (tfx/(1 – fx)) (B(1 – fx)t)
Exercise 23. Micropaleontology and Paleoceanography
4. Page 257, insert “are rich in petroleum. To try to pump additional petroleum from this layer, you have drilled a fourth well to a depth where microfossils α, Φ, and γ co-occur” on second line after “co-occur”
Errata for Third Printing
Exercise 1. Bathymetry-the Shape of the Sea
1. Change last sentence to be: “Contour the soundings using a 20-fathom contour interval to a depth of 40 fathoms, then contour soundings at depths of 50, 100, 200, 500 and 1000 fathoms.”
Exercise 3. Sea-Floor Spreading and Plate Tectonics
1. Name the type(s) of boundary (eg. Convergent, divergent, conservative) between the Pacific and North American plates at each of the following locations:
6. Delete question in its entirety.
Exercise 5. Materials of the Sea Floor
1. (a) Plot the data for percentage calcium carbonate (from Table 5-2) versus depth for cores 1-16 on the graphs below. Use an open circle for Ocean A data and a closed circle for Ocean B data (it is not necessary to connect the dots for each ocean). If there is no CaCO3 value, do not plot.
Exercise 6. Seismic-Reflection Profiling
Replace Questions 1-3 with the following:
1. Figure 6-6 is a duplicate of Figure 6-2. The additional numbers 2 through 14 on the right side of this figure represent the number of one-way travel-times of 6.25 milliseconds (0.00625 seconds) required to travel from the source to the features present at each respective number. In the lines provided to the right of the figure, calculate these one-way travel-time data into meters below the source/receiver using the following relationship and data:
Depth (meters) = Total one-way travel-time X Velocity of sound in medium
Sound velocity in seawater = 1472 meters per second
Sound velocity in sediment = 1830 meters per second
For example, the total depth of water below the source/receiver at Number 5 will equal 46 meters (i.e., 5 one-way travel-times X 0.00625 seconds/one-way travel-time X 1472 meters/second). Note that to calculate the depths for each number greater than 5, you will need to calculate the meters of sediment to that depth, and add this to the total water depth.
2. The depths calculated in Question 1 are depths below the source/receiver, not below the sea surface. Examine the nature of the reflections and multiples in Figure 6-3 and their one-way travel-time positions in Figure 6-6. Using these relationships, calculate the approximate total water depth at number 5. Outline the method you used and show your work.
3. Based on your calculations in Question 2, at approximately what depth was the source/receiver towed?
Exercise 13. Seismic-Reflection Profiling
2. (b) At what date and time would you issue a hurricane watch for the Miami region?
(c) When would you issue a hurricane warning for the Miami region?