English 097/8Evaluation Criteria for Writing an Essay Relating Reading to Experience
Writer’s Name______Reader/Listener/s Name______
Peer Evaluation/Reading: You will begin this process of giving helpful reading/feedback on your papers in your group by doing the following: 1. Read each paper out loud. 2. Make some helpful response once the person is finished saying one thing that you liked. 3. Complete the reader questions below. 4. Return this paper and completed responses to the writer—by Wed. next week at the latest. 5. The writer should make revisions from the feedback and their own self-evaluation using the same questions below. FINALDUE on March 1st.
1. Introduction: Does the opening of the essay provide general background information on the topic? If yes, what is the general background? If no, what background information might be relevant?
2. Which Reading(s): Does the essay make clear, at any point, which reading is the main source for concepts, examples, and ideas to compare with your experience? Which reading(s)are used and is the name of the author and title of the reading included?
3. Focus: Does the essay provide a specific focus that reveals a perspective on the relationship between the ideas in the reading and the personal experience. What is that perspective and does it need more clarification?
4. Quotations/Paraphrases: Does the essay provide some paraphrased and directly quoted references to the reading? If no, where could references be added or changed? Do they use MLA in-text citation correctly?
5. Experience Examples: Does the essay provide enough and relevant experience to support or challenge points made about the readings? If no, what kind of experiences would help to clarify a point?
6. Conclusion: Does the conclusion discuss the points or implications of points that are made in the body of the essay? What are the those sub-points or implcations? If they aren’t clear, what might make it clearer at the end?
7. Structure: Is the essay logically structured? What makes it logical and if not, how could it be more logically organized?