U.S. Govt. – Unit 2 Test Review Sheet
Guiding Principles of the U.S. Constitution: Define
- Popular Sovereignty
- Limited Govt.
- Rule of Law
- Separation of Powers
- Checks & Balances
- Judicial review
- Federalism
- What is the make up of the National govt. (3 Branches)?
- What are the major functions of the three branches of the national govt.(What is each branch responsible for)?
- What force drove the framers when creating our system of divided government?
- What is the mechanism built into the Const. to ensure no branch becomes too powerful?
- What checks (limits of power) does the executive branch have over the legislative & Judicial branches? (i.e.- how can the President exert authority over the Congress & the Fed. Courts?)
- What checks does the Legislative Branch have over the Executive & Judicial branches?(i.e.- how can the Congress exert authority over the other two branches?)
- What checks does the Judicial Branch have over the Executive & the Legislative branches?(i.e.- how can Fed. Courts exert authority over the President & Congress?)
- What is the make up (2 parts) of the constitution?
- Identify the goals stated in the Preamble.
- Describe each of the three articles of the Constitution (Ex. Article I = Legislative branch…)
- Which branch of govt. is responsible for interpreting & further defining the meaning of the words in the Constitution?
- What Supreme Court case established the principle of judicial review?
- Identify the rights & liberties guaranteed in the Bill of Rights (Know the first ten Amendments)?
- What are the basic provisions of the “Civil War” Amendments?
- What are changes made to the Constitution called?
- What amendments focus on the voting rights Amendments?
- How many changes have been made to the U.S. Constitution?
- What is the difference between formal & informal changes to the Constitution?
- How does the Amendment process reflect the federal character of our system of govt.?
- Define Federalism?
- What are some advantages & disadvantages of the federal system?
- What are some examples of conflicts that have arisen between the states & the National govt.?
- Who settle disputes in the federalist system?
- What is the “Supremacy clause”?
- Define & differentiate the national govt’s: expressed, implied & inherent powers.
- What powers are held exclusively by the National Govt.
- What powers are reserved to the states?
- What powers are shared or “concurrent”?
- What are full faith & credit, extradition, & privileges & immunities?
- What is extradition?
Please review all Unit II Vocab terms for test