Please note: All Chorus 6 information is updated regularly on Mrs. Lanhams SHMS Staff Web Page!
Stone Hill Middle School
2015-2016 Semester Two
Green Chorus6 Handbook
Welcome to Mrs. Lanham’s Green Chorus 6 Team this semester! Parents, please take time to review this handbook with your child. Once you have reviewed the handbook and calendar together, both parent and studentshould sign the contract, shirt order formand after school activity permission slip found on the last page, and return to Mrs. Lanham so she can order your shirt!
Mrs. Lanham can be most easily contacted via e-mail through the Stone Hill School website: . Check the music web page for class updates and online assignment links, as well links to the “Chorus 6 Notes” which will be e-mailed home every few weeks to keep you posted on class
Sixth grade chorus meets every other day for 45 minutes as a “half” block class. This graded elective class is designed for students who enjoy singing, moving and expressing themselves through music. Lessons will include music theory and vocal production exercises. Performance is an integral part of the course, and students will be expected to perform in two concerts during the school year as part of theclass grade. Through participation in choral events, students will learn the fundamentals of singing as well as experience the dedication and teamwork that is required in a choral ensemble.
By participating in the choral music program at Stone Hill Middle School, your child will gain a long-term appreciation for the value of music and will develop a set of skills that can lead to a lifetime of reward and enjoyment.
Grading Policy
Each student’s quarterly grade will be determined by Summativeassessments, or assessments of learning. These assignments will be in the form of performance-based and written activities that are recorded with the traditional 100% grading scale. Formative assessments reflect daily student progress and are indicated with numbers 1-4 in the gradebook. These are not calculated into a student’s quartely grade point average.
Concert Attendance Policy: Concerts are the culmination of many hours of hard work. They are a vital part of the course objectives and the grading policy. Therefore, attendance at concerts and after school rehearsals is mandatory. Concert and rehearsal dates are announced well in advance with the expectation that medical/dental appointments, soccer practices, piano lessons, etc. will not be a source of schedule conflicts.
Excused absences from an after school rehearsal will be granted only in extreme circumstances (illness, family emergency, religious observance). Students with EXCUSED absences have the option of making up all possible points with an alternate assignment, while students with an UNEXCUSED absence have the option of making up a maximum of 79% of performance points. Students who miss rehearsals (excused or unexcused) may or may not be allowed to perform at the concert and will be considered on a case-by-case basis.
Concert Attire: Appropriate concert attire is required for all performances. If you have any difficulty getting the required concert attire, please let Mrs. Lanham know as soon as possible so as to work out a solution prior to the performance date.
Students in all grade 6 (and grade 7) chorus classes will wear a Green SHMS Chorus Polo Shirt, available for purchase for $20.00 with the attached shirt order form. Students will need to provide their own black dress pants, black socks and black dress shoes for performances. No sandals or sneakers please.
Chorus 6 Schedule 2015-2016
Activity Buses are available on Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays: 4:23 pm
Thursday, December 3, 2015
After-School “Green” Chorus Rehearsal - 3:30 – 4:23 p.m. (Activity Bus available)
Monday, December 6, 2015
After-School “Combined” Chorus Rehearsal - 3:30 – 5:00 p.m.
Wednesday, December 16, 2015
7:00 p.m. WINTER CONCERT (Students report in uniform at 6:30 p.m.)
Monday, May 23, 2016
After-School “Green” Chorus Rehearsal - 3:30 – 4:23 p.m. (Activity Bus available)
Tuesday, May 26, 2016
After-School “Combined” Chorus Rehearsal - 3:30 – 5:00 p.m.
Wednesday, June 1, 2016
7:00 p.m. SPRING CONCERT (Students report in uniform at 6:30 p.m.)
Additional group singing opportunities may include: singing over the school announcements, for local Library events, participating in Stone Hill’s Spring Arts Festival March 30, 2016, for theTalent Show or for International Night… check Stone Hill’s music web page for updates and information as the year progresses
Attached at the end of this document is a permission slip that will apply to all required concerts and rehearsals after school.
Please return shirt order, $20, and signed form as soon as possible.
Class Goals
Each Student is expected to:
- Follow daily classroom procedures.
- Maintain and properly care for the music, folders, instruments and other equipment in the classroom.
- Demonstrate basic competencies of choral singing technique in the areas of tone production, rhythm, diction, interpretation and sight singing.
- Identify and utilize music theory vocabulary and symbols as relates to choral repertoire.
- Listen to and evaluate music and musical performances.
- Describe interrelationships between music, visual art, theater and dance.
- Be prepared to actively participate in daily rehearsals in class and at after-school rehearsals in preparation for performances.
- Meet performance and rehearsal obligations.
- Follow concert performance procedures.
- Dress in proper attire for performances:
- See attached shirt order form.
- Students that come to the concert without the proper clothing and have not made previous arrangements with the director may not be allowed to perform.
Consequences for Inappropriate Behavior
- Individual will be redirected to appropriate activity.
- A verbal warning will be given to the student
- Student will be relocated to a different area of the classroom to improve focus and contact with parents will be made.
- Referral to the Dean will be made at any point assistance is needed to help the student succeed.
NOTE: All Chorus Updated will be posted on the SHMS Music Web page throughout the year…. Simply click on “Mrs. Lanham” or send her an e-mail any time.
Chorus 6 Contract 2015-2016
Please return this page AND shirt order form to Mrs. Lanham next class!!
Green Chorusclass: (please circle) 5A 5B 8A 8B
I have read, understand and agree to adhere to the policies and expectations presented in the 2015-16Choral Handbook for participation in the Stone Hill’s 6thgrade Green chorus.
Student Name (Printed) Parent/Guardian Name (Printed)
Student Signature Parent/Guardian Signature
Preferred Parent Phone # Preferred Parent E-mail(s)
After School Rehearsal Permission Slip
I give permission for my childto stay after school on the dates listed in the 2015-2016 choral handbook for chorus rehearsals with Mrs. Lanham and/or Mrs. Luebke.
(Parent/Guardian Signature) (Parent/Guardian Phone Contact #)
My child may:
_____ride the activity bus
_____will be riding home by car with: _____ me ______possibly another parent
Optional: All-County Intent Form
_____My child is interested in auditioning, is available to participate November 6-7, AND
May attend after-school rehearsals if chosen to participate in All County Chorus.
Parent Help Needed
Please check all that may apply to be included on a contact list:
______I can be available during school hours to assist with special events
______I can help the evening of a performance (gathering students at 6:30 p.m.)
______I have a special performance talent to offer (piano, flute, cello, clarinet etc.)
______I will send in Dixie Cups for the classroom water cooler this year