10th/11th AugustEnglishShore Species Championship - Chesil

24th-26th AugustEuropean Game Festival – Marina De Albufeira, Portugal.

10th/14th SeptemberEuropean Line Class & Boat Championships

Weymouth, England

12th/13th OctoberEnglishShore Championship – Orford Ness, Suffolk.

22nd/24th NovemberEuropeanShore Championships – Pwllheli, North Wales.

1st/2ndDecemberEnglish Cod Festival – Dover


26th JanuaryEFSA England AGM – Poole

27th JanuaryFlounder Competition – Poole

TBAEuropeanShore Championship

1st MayFriendship Cup – Ostend, Belgium

2nd/3rd MayEFSA Species Championship (Flatfish) – Ostend, Belgium.

JuneEnglish Boat Championship

16th/23rd AugustEuropean Line Class & Boat Championships

Cobh, Ireland

TBAEnglish Cod Festival – Mersey


TBAEFSA European Species Championship – Plymouth, England

3rd/7th AugustEuropean Line Class & Boat Championships - Orkney


It has been a very difficult time for me personally over the past few months due to business commitments so I hope that I haven’t let anyone down during that time. Things are not getting any better either and you will note from the Committee members list, that I have also moved house.

Brian Allum and I attended the SC meeting in April (see separate report) and did found the experience an interesting one and, I must say not a cheap one. Our Section should be grateful that recent meetings have been held in England because the cost to the Section on this occasion, with two representatives attending, was expensive.

I would like to comment on the efforts of Tony Hudson for the European Championships, on behalf of the Section, in doing all the paperwork and dealing with entries and all the rest that goes with it, and would request that we extend a great big thank you to him for his efforts. I assure you, without him we would have had a tough time. I must also thank Andy Selby for his energy and organising. I would like to ask all the Committee and those on the Euro Organising Committee to dig deep and see if there is any other assistance you can offer to Tony and the lads. Please do ask, as they can always say no, but please do ask. Whilst on the Euro’s I can confirm that I (with some helpers) will be overseeing the Gala Dinner and prize giving so that Tony can do what he can behind the scenes.

Neil Bryant


Standing Committee Report of meeting held in Ireland – April 2007

Brian and I attended the S.C.Meeting in Dublin and the following is a resumee of the main points that came out of the meeting.

  1. The yearbook will be dropped and the money will go to the website to upgrade.
  2. The Game Championship venue to be agreed and presented at Weymouth and HQ Secretary will circulate to all delegates when he has information.
  3. The HQ Boat Officer (DS) gave a good report and some points stated were;
  1. Look at format for euro line/boat and maybe make 4 day Boat & 1 day Line Class.
  2. National team event only to have medals and prizes if given by sponsors.
  1. Line class rules to be looked at ref leaders etc instead of IGFA format.
  1. All Euro event drafts to go to David Styles prior to printing.
  1. Look at master sheets for events and check lists for events
  1. The HQ Shore Officer (PL) gave a report and is hoping to work with other sections to improve rules and events. The Shore Championship checklist was looked at and Ireland gave some amendments.
  2. An important item was the consideration of getting an official photographer (DS).

Note also that all boats MUST have an EFSA Burgee at festival cost and left with the boats.

  1. All results for events to be sent on to EFSA HQ Web site for display.
  1. Game fishing rules were discussed and we need to look at these in meeting and go back to Kurt with comments.
  1. EFSA Ireland information for 2008 Euro Boat on the web They have 25 boats and I did mention that it would be a consideration to anchor line class and do both drift and anchor in main boat. The BIG fish option for line should be considered and if they had a worry about losses then to up the line strength accordingly.
  1. The 2009 Euro Boat may be in Orkney with preliminary dates of August 3/7.
  1. The 2008 Species will be in Belgium on 2/3 May and they do have another event on 1st (Friendship Cup) and all can enter. There should be a brochure in September.
  1. The 2009 Euro Species approved for England (Plymouth) Conger and I advised dates for end May/June and we could also hold this with opening Thursday, fish Friday & Saturday and home Sunday. Suggest wreck and reef option.
  1. The Shore Championships 2007 need to see more information and Brian did note this.
  1. Game 2008 to look at various ports in Europe (say Portugal/Spain) and not South Africa. Maybe to also look at going back to Mexico. South Africa was not well supported at the meeting and maybe it is time to move on, there was a long discussion on this.

Neil Bryant


The Summer, such as it is, is now well and truly underway and the last few months have seen some good fish recorded. From the shore the West Wight club in particular have provided Bass of 10lb 15 1/2oz caught by R Bennett, and a superb Undulate Ray of 17lb 10oz caught by Elizabeth Cunningham.

From the boats, Mark Smith has boated an Undulate Ray of 17lb 13oz, Dave Simcock of the British Conger Club has bagged an 88lb Eel, and Dave Lynes has recorded a Brill of 7lb from the Channel Islands. On the Junior front, Janna Richards has weighed in a superb Haddock of 7lb 4oz whilst boat fishing off Penzance but we still await our first Overseas entry for those of you going abroad in the near future.

A reminder that a full list of Fish of the Month winners now appears on the EFSA England Website




Dec 06A Loverage BCC S Conger 39lb 156.00

Jan 07A Loverage BCC S Conger 42lb 168.00

Feb 07M Humphries Portland D Pouting 2lb 12oz 183.33

Mar 07R Bennett W.Wight E Bass 10lb 15oz 116.81

Apr 07E Cunningham W.Wight E Undulate Ray 17lb 10oz 146.88

May 07T Martuindale W.Wight E Spotted Ray3lb 5oz 76.81

Jne 07N Pryor Cornish Fed A Thornback Ray 11lb 120z 146.87


Dec 06F Wellington Portland D Ballan Wrasse 7lb 3oz 143.80

Jan 07R Barron PM D Flounder 2lb 12oz 110.00

Feb 07No Entries

Mar 07M Smith PM E Undulate Ray 17lb 13oz 127.23

Apr 07D Simcock BCC D Conger 88lb 220.00

May 07D Lynes PM S Brill 7lb 140.00

Jne 07M Coles Portland D Conger 52lb 130.00

Ray Ashby



Any proposals for the 2008 AGM must be with the Secretary by 30th September 2007.

Any proposal received shall be included in the agenda under Special Business and the wording of the proposal can be circulated prior to the AGM via the October Newsletter. All members will then be aware of any proposal and will have been able to consider the merit of such and be better informed in formulating their thoughts concerning the motion.


Applicants for both posts listed below would be expected to attend the Committee meetings, currently held approximately every three months in Bournemouth. Also to take an active role within the activities of EFSA England


Principal duties would be to assist Festival Officer during events including setting up prize table, organising raffle and assist with presentation. To hold and administer EFSA England Stock


Duties would include keeping the Angling press informed of forthcoming events and preparing reports after events for publication, or nominating someone if you were not at the event.

If you feel able and willing to consider either of the above, or would just like more information or a chat about joining us please contact the Secretary or Chairman, or any name you like the look of in the inside page of this newsletter.

EFSA Iceland Species Championship

A party of 14 English anglers enjoyed the scenic beauty and fabulous fishing out of the WestmanIslands off the coast of Iceland in May. It was the first time an EFSA Championship had been held in Iceland for over 30 years and it was a success in all departments. From the moment the squad picked up their five Santa Fe 4x4’s to drive from Keflavic to the ferry to take them out to the islands they were impressed with the raw beauty of the place. The return journey along the dusty coast road was another highlight, as was calling in to the famous Blue Lagoon where we witnessed hundreds of people swimming in the azure thermal waters.

The fishing, as anticipated, was terrific, with rods bent over from start to finish. Many quality fish were landed although not all were one of the four required species. There were coalfish to over 20lbs, cod to 30lb and a few small but very welcome halibut among those that didn’t count for points. Of the targeted species the most prolific were the haddock - and what super fish they were. Many anglers had their quota of 25 each day with fish running up to double figures. They hit the baits as soon as they hit bottom and fought hard in depths of between 30 to 60 metres.

There were fewer tusk about but when one was hooked it gave a rugged resistance and were a handful to deal with in the boat. The bonus fish were the catfish and ling as each species were worth 30 points and catching all four species would almost guarantee a boat win.


1st, Scotland ‘A’, Billy Murray, David Proudfoot, Derek Yuille, Donald Morrison and Roy Robertson.

2nd, England ‘B’ team, Kim Bowden, Bryn Roberts, Ashley Currier, Dave Clark and Jim Whippy

3rd, England ‘A’ Paul Hart, Gary Galbraith, Richard Russell, Nigel Hearn and Mike Smith, in third.


In first place was Scotsman Doug McKendrick. The Russians have only recently joined EFSA but had a great result taking the Individual silver and bronze.

England Squad results

9th , Jim Whippy,197.99pts

15th Derrick Hurford, 188.60

19th, Ashley Currier,186.90

22nd, Nigel Hearn, 183.09

24th, Dave Clark,179.51

25th, Richard Russell, 178.32

26th, Gary Galbraith,176.92

32nd, Paul Hart,174.16

38th, Mike Smith,169.57

42nd, Bryn Roberts,164.41

48th, Billy Cann,154.76

51st, Kim Bowden,152.28

68th, David Styles,133.13

Two Man OpenDavid Proudfoot & Derek Yuille

Four Man OpenNigel Hearn, Geir Solland, Alastair Forsyth, Roy Robertson

Biggest fish awards

Ling, 12.54kg WarrenDoyle, Ireland

Tusk, 11.19kg, Carlos Bruzzone, Belgium

Catfish, 5.76kg, Elio Gerbaudio, Belgium

Haddock, 4.40kg, Sergey Prachik, Russia

Cod, 14.78kg, Ross Leading, Wales

Coalfish, 10.28kg, Terry Carolan, Ireland

Halibut, 10.10kg, Sergey Prachik, Russia

Whiting, 1.6kg David Styles, England

Redfish, 1.5kg Richard Russell, England

All the other results and pictures can be found on

Jim Whippy

English Boat Minehead June 2007

This year we had a welcome return to Minehead and were not disappointed with the quality fishing with many Conger, Tope and Smoothounds being caught. The weather was really kind to us allowing us to fish the planned grounds and we were very pleased to welcome seven anglers from the Irish section.

It was very close scoring on most boats, will anglers winning by a point or two and at the presentation, no one was quite sure who had won with two anglers getting the maximum 200%. On count back, the gold pin went to Ireland’s Rob Troy with England’s Ray Barron taking silver and Ireland’s Roy Shipway taking bronze.

Congratulations must be given to the Irish section for having three anglers in the top four with Shay O’Neil taking fourth place.



1st Rob Troy - Gold Pin 200% (149 fish points)

2ndRay Barron – Silver Pin200% (141 fish points)

3rd Roy Shipway – Bronze Pin191.67%

4thShay O’Neil184.42%5th Dave Oliver182.61%

6th Gary Galbraith173.91%7th Martin Bobbett 160.08%

8thBryn Roberts159.24%9th Glen Milligan158.08%

10thBarry Senior156.55%11thKen Smith151.04%

12th Andy Deavin150.98%13th Ash Currier149.24%

14th Neil Bryant146.18%15th Andy Smith143.30%

16th Steve Clements140.89%17th Mike Smith140.26%

18th Colin Searles138.17%19th Mick Clarges136.51%

20th Paul Hart 135.71%21st Ian McLean134.01%

22ndBob King133.53%23rdMarcus Wuest132.74%

24th Richard Russell131.11%25th Kim Bowden129.87%

26th Jim Whippy125.00%27th John Fissel124.25%

28th Ray Evans123.89%29th Perry Dack122.46%

30th David Styles116.37%31st Mike Patten115.43%

32nd Joe Gough111.16%33rd Helen Verral110.14%

34th Neil Cottington 110.14%35th David Lynes109.54%

36th Rolf Marshalek97.03%37th Matt Osbourne95.08%

38th Billy Cann82.10%39th Brian Moss75.55%

40th Andy Selby41.67%

Life Members

1st Rob Troy200% (149)

2nd Ray Barron200% (141)

3rd Roy Shipway191.67%

2 Man Open

1st Ray Barron & Neil Bryant 346.18%

2nd Mick Clarges & Rob Troy336.51%

3rd Ash Currier & Gary Galbraith323.15%

4 Man Open

1st Roy Shipway, Mick Clarges, Joe Gough, Rob Troy639.33%

2nd Bryn Roberts, Ash Currier, Gary Galbraith, Mike Smith622.65%

3rd Bob King, Perry Dack, Neil Bryant, Ray Barron602.16%

4 Man Executive – Drawn

1st Roy Shipway, Richard Russell, Dave Oliver, Gary Galbraith679.30%

2nd Steve Clements, Perry Dack, Rob Troy, Neil Cottington573.48%

3rd Martin Bobbett, John Fissell, Mike Smith, Kim Bowden 554.46%

Top Overseas Angler (Non EFSA England)

1stRob Troy (Ireland)200%

2nd Roy Shipway (Ireland)191.67%

3rd Shay O’Neil (Ireland)184.42%

4th Barry Senior (Wales)156.55%

5th Mick Clarges (Ireland)136.51%

6th Marcus Wuest (Germany)132.74%

7th Joe Gough (Ireland )111.16%



Lupus Summer Cod Festival HelsingborgSweden July 2007

The English Section of EFSA was well represented in this year’s competition with 10 anglers competing from 130 anglers and we also had three partners keeping us company.

Once again, we were very well looked after by Eric, Penny and co, and it’s such a nice comp with a great hotel which is walking distance from the boats.

We are already planning the winter Cod Trip and anyone interested should see Gary Galbraith who will do a slide show at the Dover Cod Festival showing top cod rigs and handy hints.

The weather was not that kind to us (as in previous years) but we did miss the torrential rain that seemed to be all around us. Fishing was patchy with many undersize fish being caught. We had various successes with anglers doing really well one day, and struggling another. In the end top Englishman was Irishman Chris Pucher who came in 10th place.

Another record for the English section was for Paul Hart who managed to eat 5.7kg of Swedish Hot Dogs in one afternoon – well done Paul.

Lucky old Bryn Roberts followed up last years win in the raffle of a ¼ Ton of Laminate flooring with this year winning a fantastic rig wallet pack full of rigs – his own.

Bryn now has the feeling the Raffle could be rigged !!!!!!!!!!!!!

Results from our group were;

10th Chris Pucher130.32

11th Paul Hart 127.25

32nd Mike Smith 93.90

54th Andy Smith80.97

62nd Bryn Roberts 67.96

65th Gary Galbraith 65.22

71st Andy Selby 59.64

80th Ash Currier 50.24

89th Charlotte Selby 44.17

113th Neil Cottington 10.43

Andy Selby


This year’s Cod Festival is returning to Dover and we will be introducing for the first time at a Festival a bait supplied event.

Those of you that fished the European Species Cod event in 2005 will remember that plenty of fish were caught on bait and by pirking. The bait for this event will be similar amounts to what was supplied then. In this event, anglers will be allowed to use a Pennell Rig, Pirk with a Flyer or two single hooks.

Places will be limited as we are expecting many members from overseas to fish the event so get your entries in quickly so not to be disappointed. We have negotiated an excellent package with the Grand Birstin Hotel in Folkestone which will be our HQ hotel.

On the Sunday night we will have an early presentation dinner for all anglers and guests. This will be an ideal weekend to bring your partners as there is so much to do. The hotel has excellent facilities including a Gym, Sauna and swimming pool it also has daily coach trips to France to stock up on your wine, cheese and there is an excellent Sunday market adjacent to the hotel.

Andy Selby

Shore Results and News

The Shore Championships of the British Isles – Co Clare - April 2007

The England Section had four anglers attending this event which was very patchy. However, though we only had four anglers, the results were exceptional.



2nd Dave Lovelock Silver pin

3rdBrian Flack Bronze Pin

Two man Open

Ist Dave Lovelock & P Grimes

Four man Open

2nd Brian Flack,Dave Lovelock, I. Knight, T. Lustig

International Team

Bronze medal Brian Flack ,Dave Lovelock, Paull Curtice, Reg Clough

EnglishShore Species Festival 10th/11th August 2007 at FerryBridge, ChesilBeach

The HQ will be the Weymouth Angling Club with the booking in on Thursday evening at 8 pm. A small finger buffet will be available and full dress uniform is required.

Specimen weights will be worked out in percentages calculated from the chart provided with match cards.

Bait restrictions:- No white rag or maddies. All other baits can be used .

Bait supplies:- Peeler crab , king rag , lug etc. can be ordered from Weymouth Angling Centre.

Please ring Andy Selby if you wish to order but you must give at least a week’s notice.

Presentation will be 8 – 9 pm. Saturday evening.

English Shore Championship 12th & 13th October 2007.

To be held at Orford Ness, Suffolk

I have spoken to Peter Merring the Ferry master to confirm our booking and

he suggests that the only Bait required will be lug and squid.

Anyone requiring further information, please E-mail or telephone me on the numbers given at the front of this Newsletter.

EuropeanShore Championship 21st to 25th November 2007

To be held at Pwllheli North Wales .

HQ will be the Celtic Royal Hotel, Caernarfon, Gwynedd 01286 674477

More information can be found on the EFSA WALES web site but the entry form provided by EFSA England must be used.

Brian Allum


To:EFSA England Hon. Fish Recorder.

Please register the following specimen fish which was caught in accordance

with the rules of the European Federation of Sea Anglers.


NAME; ...... NAME; ......