Faculty of Education and International Studies
Department of Early Childhood Education
Join “Window to the world” - October 15-19, 2012
We hereby welcome you to apply for taking part in our week of “Internationalisation at home”!
Your contribution will give our students and staff insight into your special field of work/interest, and provide them with “other” perspectives upon Early ChildhoodEducation (ECE) (0- 6 years), teaching philosophy, views upon the child, teaching methodology from different disciplines-as well as cultural diversity.
Aims for the week
- share and reconsider knowledge, practices and experiences concerning ECE
- engage students and staff in discussions, workshops, theoretical and practical work, etc.
- create an environment at HiOAfocusing on international concerns
- give colleagues from abroad an opportunity to present their favourite theme(s)
- inspire students to study abroad
- strengthen partnerships between universities
Target groups and participantsat Oslo and Akershus University College
Students of Early Childhood Education
Contributions from you:
You are welcome tochoose your own themes, methods and means of communication. Main topics/issues can be theory, practice, experimental learning, innovation, reflection -with a serious or funny approach.....Your workshops, seminars or lecturesshould be held in English.In the programme we will organise allcontributions into thematic categories. The presentations/workshops should last 45 minutes.
What do we offer?
- Constructive meetings between colleagues from different countries
- Participation in an international setting and encounters with our students and staff
- Exchange of experiences and discussions of educational issues among good colleagues and students
- Kindergartenvisits
- Social programme
Outline of the programme
MondayOct 15 / TuesdayOct 16 / WednesdayOct 17 / ThursdayOct 18 / FridayOct 1916.30 Opening session / Workshops all day (9-16) / Before lunch: Kindergarden visits
After lunch: Meeting colleagues from HiOA
15.30: guided tour
Evening: Dinner / Workshops all day (9-16) / No official program, but possible to make arrangement to meet colleagues
Erasmus Teacher Exchange
In order to make this event possible and become a success, we depend on you to apply for teacher/staff exchange grants from your home institution through the Erasmus Teacher Exchange Programme, or for Nordic partners, the Nordplus Programme.
How to apply
Complete the quest back application: this includes an abstract of 100-150 words where you describe what you want to do. The abstract will be important for choosing participants and later as information in the program for students and staff. They use this to choose which workshops they will participate in. Deadline for application is September 9. A detailed programme will be distributed around the end of September.
Contact Address
International coordinator: Anikke Hagen,l +47 22452242
Where to live
There is a nice budget hotel located 400 meters away from our campus, Cochs Hotel, where we have reserved some rooms. When you reserve, please use reference number 070673
Other options are the Rica hotels:
Or the youth hostel: Haraldsheim
Looking forward to seeing you here!
We hope that we all, can make this week a success!