PHVP Online Interview Sign-Up


1)You may choose 2 different program areas in which to sign up and interview.

2)You must list both your name and e-mail address in order to sign up for an interview

3)Please *read the program descriptions *very carefully before signing up (separate link)

4)Please make note of your interview time(s) as you will not receive a confirmation

5)Interviews are conducted in groups of 4 students. Once a time slot is full, it will be greyed out and others will not be able to sign up for that time slot.

6)Please sign up for interviews early as we expect interviews to fill quickly.

7)Please only interview for programs if you are able to volunteer EVERY week for a full year. *Volunteer programs will not keep you in their program if you do not volunteer weekly.

8)Please do not sign up for a program indicating “no freshmen” if you are a freshman

9)Do not place your name in a doodle poll if there are no interview slots left. You will not be signed up for an interview and your name will be removed.

10)* You must complete the application, health screening, written references, background check form,availability sheet, and follow all of the instructions on the main website for the items you will need to bring to your interview. * Please do not come to your interview without the required items or you will not be able to interview.

11)* Please plan well and allow enough time to arrive early for your interview.*These are group interviews and students will not be admitted once the interview begins.

12)Do not remove anyone else’s name from the schedule, or you will be prohibited from interviewing.

13)Do not sign up for more than two interviews total.You will be removed from all interview schedules if you do this.

14)* Several programs require 4 hours per week of volunteer time instead of the regular 2 hours per week.

* Please do not interview for these particular programs unless you can commit 4 hours per week, every week.

15)Please call Shaun at 681-5031 if you have any questions or if you need to cancel your interview.

Arts and Health at Duke Hospital

Duke Junior Devils Swimming Volunteers

Children’s Health Center

Cardiac Outpatient Clinics 2F and 2G and Spine Clinic. Other outpatient clinics may interview during these time slots as well. *(No Freshmen)*

Emergency Department *(No Freshmen)*

Duke Eye Center

Heart Center and General Medicine*(NO Freshmen)*

SMART/ Tutoring Volunteers for Lenox Baker Children’s Hospital

Duke Ambassadors/ Patient Concierge Services*(No Freshmen)*

Duke Cancer Patient Education*(No Freshmen)*

Ambulatory Surgery Center

Surgical Waiting Area*(No Freshmen)*

Maternal Angels

International Patient Services*(No Freshmen) *

ICU Waiting Areas *(No Freshmen)*

Pre-Health Volunteer Program List for Interviews

  • New Duke Patient Concierge Program - Duke Ambassadors! (No freshmen)

Volunteers may assist the efforts of the revolutionary new Duke Patient Concierge Program at Duke Hospital by serving as a Duke Ambassador Volunteer.

One of our newest programs is the ground-breaking Duke Hospital Concierge Program. These volunteer opportunities (Duke Ambassador Volunteers) allow our volunteers an unprecedented opportunity to work with our professional Patient Concierge staff and offer the highest level of service to patients and families.

Volunteers may personally guide and direct patients to appointments, provide important information and directions to patients and families, help patients and families locate resources or direct them to the appropriate source if they have a problem or question,, offer a very high level of customer service, and serve as an extension of the professional team. Volunteers serve as a very important point person for patients and families who visit the hospital. It is very much a hands-on, personal service to patients and families, and volunteers serve as a very important extension of the professional Duke Patient Concierge Team. Excellent customer service skills are required.

  • Heart Center, General Medicine (No freshmen)

Heart Center and General Medicine volunteers have an opportunity to help the units directly on inpatient floors. Volunteers interact with and visit patients and families, and assist staff with any needs for the unit. Volunteers serve as an important liaison between patients, clinical staff, and the Volunteer Services office.

  • Ambulatory Surgery Center

The Ambulatory Surgery Center needs outgoing individuals who would facilitate communication among patients, staff and families, and be a liaison between staff and patients in the busy waiting room areas.

  • Surgical Waiting Area and Pediatric Surgical Waiting Area (*No freshmen)

Volunteers who will comfortably and confidently interact with patients/visitors in the Peri-Operative Department of Duke Hospital; providing updated information on their plan of care, directions to various hospital locations, and be an overall comfort and support to our patients/visitors.

A volunteer who will be comfortable with guiding patients/visitors into the pre-op and post-op areas of the department; at all times respecting the staff involved in the patient's care and the confidentiality of other patients in the department.

  • Eye Center

Eye Center volunteers perform rounding in the patient and family waiting areas; serve as liaison to clinical staff to communicate non-medical patient needs; serve patients refreshments from cart; wheel patients in wheelchairs to appointments; and assist patients and families in the waiting areas.

  • Helping Hands Volunteer and 2F/ 2G Clinic Volunteer (No freshmen )

Helping Hands Volunteers rotate through different Duke outpatient clinics and round on patients in the outpatient clinic waiting areas. Volunteers also provide directions and information for patients and families.

  • International Patient Services (No freshmen)

Volunteer in International Patient Services do not serve as interpreters (unless you have passed a national certification exam for medical interpreting), but are exposed to the world of medical interpreting and assist in the office with clerical tasks and occasionally accompany interpreters into the medical setting within Duke Hospital. You will learn about bridging the communication gap between patient and health care provider. Advanced language skills are extremely helpful, but remember you will not be able to serve as an interpreter unless you have passed a national certification exam.

  • Arts and Health

Volunteers have the opportunity to work with Arts and Health and may work in the Touchable Arts Gallery for visually impaired patients, guide visually impaired patients through the Touchable Arts gallery, help assemble art kits and deliver to inpatients, and assist with art and musical needs for patients and families.

  • Emergency Department (no freshmen)
  • The Emergency Department ambassador serves as a patient-family liaison for the Duke University Hospital Emergency Department. The ambassador will join our experienced care team to ensure each patient has a positive experience while receiving care in the department. You will have the opportunity to impact the patient experience by ensuring each patient receives timely information regarding delays and processes while providing comfort to patients and visitors. You will have the opportunity to talk with patients who have received discouraging news and families whose loved one has had a lifesaving intervention.Weekly attendance is required and this program is very selective.
  • The Emergency Department requires an ambassador who can handle the sights, sounds and smells of the department while being professional and ensuring confidentiality for each patient. You should have excellent verbal skills, be self-motivated, confident, and able to work with minimum supervision. You should be able to work in a fast-paced environment with changing scenarios and patient needs. If you have an interest in serving our Emergency Department patients, we invite you to join our team.
  • ICU Waiting Area, Duke Medicine Pavilion (no freshmen)

Volunteers in the busy ICU Waiting AreaVolunteers interact with the families and visitors in the Intensive Care Waiting Rooms. The volunteer act as a liaison between visitors, patients and staff.

The volunteer must have a great capacity for compassionate listening and be comfortable with a diverse patient/visitor population in stressful situations. Volunteers convey non-medical information to families and also assist with any non-medical needs of families in the waiting areas.

  • SMART (Student Mentoring and Academic Reinforcement Tutoring)

Volunteers in this program tutor and play with children in Lenox Baker Children’s Hospital and Valvano Day Hospital. Volunteers may also assist children with crafts, reading, and playing games in the waiting areas.

  • Maternal Angels

Volunteers welcome visitors to the maternity ward and provide compassionate listening to the patients as well as offer free hot tea and snacks through cart services. Volunteers will also assist with a script based follow-up phone call to previously discharged patients.

  • Cancer Patient Education Program - Resource Center (No freshmen)

Volunteers for this program must be able to devote 4 hours every week to assisting patients and families in the Duke Cancer Center Resource Center. Volunteers help locate cancer resource materials, research cancer information online, answer questions in person and over the phone, assemble patient notebooks and other tasks, as assigned. This is a very important role for a volunteer to help patients and families navigate through finding information about cancer. The time commitment is different from other PHVP volunteering assignments, which require 2 hours per week. Hours available Monday - Friday 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.

  • Children’s Health Center/ Child Life

Volunteers will help relieve anxiety that patients and families may feel and provide positive distractions for patients in waiting areas. Activities may include playing games with patients, keeping waiting areas neat, providing directions and assistance to families, and keeping games and art supplies stocked in waiting areas.

  • Duke Pediatric Aquatic Swimming Volunteers- Volunteers assist pediatric patients in the pool and provide a relaxing swimming experience for Duke Hospital patients who are undergoing long-term treatment at Duke Children’s Hospital , as well as the siblings of pediatric patients.