Dear Parents/Guardians of Seventh-grade students,August 26, 2013

Welcome to the world of seventh grade! We teachers are looking forward to working with your children this year. Our experience shows that seventh graders benefit from a three-way partnership of parents, teachers, and students working together. This letter is part of the structure of that partnership.

In working toward a successful year, we expect our students to be responsible for their behaviors, actions, and belongings. To help them achieve positive results and make positive choices, the seventh grade uses a “Rewards and Consequences” system to encourage improvement and maintenance of proper attitudes, behaviors, and actions. Our discipline policy emphasizes the 4 Cs: cooperation, courtesy, conscientiousness, and consideration.

Positive behavior earns positive rewards. The seventh-grade has several different levels of rewards.

●4 Cs Recognition: Students exhibiting positive behaviors on a consistent basis in all classes will be acknowledged at team meetings.

●Team rewards: Each midterm, the team sponsors reward activities for those who have earned no more than 7 tallies during that midterm period.

Negative behavior earns negative consequences. Students who exhibit negative behaviors will earn tallies. On the back of this paper is a copy of our seventh-grade chart, which lists specific infractions. Students begin each mid-term period with a clean slate of tallies. Tallies accumulate throughout each mid-term period. The tally system works as follows:

Step 1 = A student earns a tally for an infraction. Minor infractions incur minor tallies; major infractions incur major tallies.

Step 2 = An accumulation of 7 minor tallies or 1 major tally results in the following:

●The student will serve one day of team In-Class Isolation (ICI). This means that the student will attend all classes for the day. While in core classes, the student will sit in isolation, away from other students and the temptation to misbehave.

●A team teacher will send a letter home with the student to notify the parent of the ICI and specific behavior infractions.

●The student will have a study session instead of participating in the team reward activity for that midterm period.

Step 3 = An accumulation of 14 minor tallies or 2 major tallies or a combination of 7 minors and 1 major results in the following:

●All the consequences for step 2.

●A team teacher will make a phone or email contact with the parents to discuss the student’s behavior.

●A team teacher will meet with the student to discuss behavior.

Step 4 = An accumulation of 21 minor tallies or 3 major tallies or a combination of minors and majors results in the following:

●All the consequences for step 2.

●The school will request a parent meeting with student and team teachers to develop an individual behavior plan (IBP) for the student’s success. This plan may include after-school detentions.

Step 5 = Administrative involvement for serious or continued offenders/offenses.

Minor Infractions / Major Infractions
Unprepared / Unsafe behavior
Disrupting/talking without permission / Disrespect
Chewing gum, candy, mints, foreign objects / Getting into another's property
Uncooperative/not following directions / Defiance/direct disobedience or
slow obedience
Getting out of seat without permission / Lying
Leaving work area sloppy, littered / Cheating
Passing or writing notes / Using inappropriate language or gestures
Unauthorized locker visit / Defacing student or school property
Unauthorized bathroom visit / Forging parent/guardian signature
Late to class / Defiant repetition of minor infractions
Late/no return of parent-signed papers / Uncooperative for Substitute Teacher
Throwing objects
Out of team area without permission
Filled in tally form incorrectly

It is our intent to use these rewards and consequences to guide students into appropriate behavior for an optimal learning environment for all.

We feel it is a great privilege to work with seventh graders, and we appreciate the opportunity to work with you, their parents, also.

Best wishes for a wonderful year!

The Seventh-grade Teachers


Please sign and have your child return the bottom of this paper to his or her homeroom teacher by Thursday, August 29, 2013.

I have received and read the above "Rewards and Consequences" discipline policy. I agree to have my child abide by the seventh-grade discipline policy.

PHOTO RELEASE: (please check one)

______YES, I DO

______NO, I DO NOT

give my permission to Palmyra Area School District/Seventh Grade Team to use photographs, interview, or videotapes of my child for school district related publications/local media coverage.

Student Name ______

Parent/Guardian Signature: ______Date ______