State of Montana
Department of Military Affairs
Centralized Services Division Procurement Office
The procurement forms found at or the forms located at must be used when completing any of the procurement actions identified below.
Only the Department of Military Affairs (DMA) Contracting Officer, Program Delegate or the Adjutant General (TAG) can sign a contract or purchase order with a total value between $5,000 and $100,000. All procurements actions that result in a contract with a total value over $100,000 can only be signed by TAG unless delegated in writing by TAG.
All procurement actions must follow title 18, Chapter 4 of the Montana Code Annotated, title 2, Chapter 5 of the Administrative Rules of Montana, Montana Operations Manual, Chapter 1-0700 and all written Department of Military Affairs policies or procedures established for the purpose of agency procurement.
All requested procurement actions over $25,000 must be submitted a minimum of 90 days (DMA Policy 67010-2011-1) in advance of the requested contract start date. Procurements less than $25,000 may be completed in less than 90 days with the proper supporting information, i.e., 3 documented quotes, purchase requisition, etc. being completed and provided by the program. Deadline for new procurements going to State Procurement Bureau is April 1st for RFP’s and May 1st for IFB’s.
If your procurement action is:
Under $5,000
Ensure your procurement is not covered as a “Controlled” purchase.
1.”Exclusive” Term Contracts
(Full listing found at )
2. Central Stores (EWAY) (18-4-302(3), MCA)
3. Printing (18-7-101, MCA)
4. New Vehicles
Procurement may be handled by the program in a manner that best fits its mission needs.
All Information Technology (IT) procurements must be sent to the Centralized Services Division (CSD) IT Manager by the requesting program prior to purchase.
It is encouraged that you compete procurements as much as possible and use the states vendor list whenever possible.
It is recommended that you maintain your own log book of procurements under $5,000.
It is recommended that you complete a risk assessment if your procurement is for a service contract. Based on such assessment it may be necessary to request certain insurances from the vendor/contractor. If these insurances are required, do not issue a contract or purchase order until you have received and verified proof of the required insurance.
Over $5,000 but less than $25,000
Ensure your procurement is not covered as a “Controlled” purchase.
1.”Exclusive” Term Contracts
(Full listing found at )
2. Central Stores (EWAY) (18-4-302(3), MCA)
3. Printing (18-7-101, MCA)
4. New Vehicles
Only those individuals listed with CSD as having delegation authority can generate or request procurements in this dollar range.
A purchase requisition must be fully completed and signed by the authorized delegated individual within that program. All information must be submitted through the DMA Job Router at .
The program requestor is responsible for submitting and obtaining approval by the CSD IT Manager for ALL IT Procurements. (Mont. Code Ann. § 2-17-512(k) and ARM 2.5.502)
A sole source or sole brand justification must be submitted and approved by the DMA Contracting Officer prior to initiating a limited solicitation process. (If applicable)
Any other pre-approvals must be accomplished prior to starting a limited solicitation process.
When Prior Approval Is Required
1. Printing-related equipment within a 10-mile radius of the capitol area. Approval by the Print and Mail Services required. (Mont. Code Ann. § 2-17-301 and ARM 2.5.502.)
2. Records management equipment or systems. ITSD approval required. (Mont. Code Ann. § 2-6-214 and ARM 2.5.502)
3. Mail equipment within a 10-mile radius of the capitol area. Print and Mail approval required. (Mont. Code Ann. § 2-17-301 and ARM 2.5.202.)
4. Filing systems and microfilm equipment. Approval by Records Management Bureau, Secretary of State's Office, is required. (Mont. Code Ann. § 2-6-203.)
5. Surplus property trade-ins. Approval by the Property and Supply Bureau required (Mont. Code Ann. § 18-4-226, ARM 2.5.701 and 2.5.702.)
A detailed specification or scope of work must be completed by the program. If using “or equal” as part of your specification, requestor will be responsible for completing a thorough analysis on any “or equal” bids received. Using “or equal” is not the preferred procurement technique and shall only be used when no other method will satisfy the programs requirements.
A limited solicitation must be completed by the program either in written form or verbally using the proper current DMA forms.
If anything other than cost will be used to determine award, that criteria must be included in your written limited solicitation. This cannot be done in a verbal manner. Written criteria can only be used to determine “responsiveness” or “responsibility” as defined by Administrative Rules of Montana 2.5.201, Definitions, it cannot be scored.
The results of a limited solicitation must be documented using either actual quotes from vendors for a written limited solicitation or the phone summary form for verbal limited solicitations.
The results of the limited solicitation with all supporting documentation must be kept by the program (minimum required documents are; (1) a fully executed and signed purchase requisition, (2) completed limited solicitation form written/verbal, (3) three bids/quotes, and (4) a bid tab must be sent to the DMA Contracting Officer for review and approval prior to any commitment being made by the program.
Contracts being awarded using federal funds will require a debarment check through the System for Award Management (SAM) located at: DMA Contracting Officer will conduct the debar check once the above information is provided for review. A contract cannot be awarded to any of these state suspended vendors:
Business Name / Address / Expiration DateNational Data Systems, Inc. / 1077 Aaron Ave.
Bainbridge Island, WA 98110 / Indefinite
All Seasons Maintenance, Inc. / 201 E. Lyndale
Helena MT 59601 / Indefinite
Tim Kapphan / 915 Park Ave.
Helena MT 59601 / Indefinite
Bob Bratt
Yellowstone Center for the Arts, Inc. / 3611 North River Road
Ashton ID 83420 / Indefinite
Intermountain Coach Leasing, Inc. / 3204 E. Platte Ave
Colorado Springs, CO / September 20, 2014
This list shall be verified at the following address:
Upon approval from the DMA Contracting Officer the program shall generate a draft purchase order or standard contract using the appropriate template as found on the DMA CSD website . DMA Contracting Officer can assist if requested on drafting a PO or standard contract. DO NOT ISSUE THE PURCHASE ORDER OR CONTRACT. DMA CONTRACTING OFFICER MUST APPROVE AND SIGN AS TO FORM.
The draft purchase order or standard contract shall be forwarded to the DMA Contracting Officer for final review and approval.
The DMA Contracting Officer will communicate any issues regarding the draft purchase order or standard contract back to the program prior to finalization.
Concurrently with the review and approval process of the purchase order or standard contract, the program shall request the selected vendor/contractor to submit proof of insurances or any other documents that were requested to be provided during the limited solicitation process using a request for documents letter. NO purchase order or contract shall be issued prior to receipt and acceptance of such documentation.
Upon concurrence with both the program and DMA Contracting Officer the purchase order or standard contract can be issued by the DMA Contracting Officer. If a contract, the signature process will be started. At a minimum the required signatures will be DMA Contracting Officer (to form), DMA/DOA legal (legal content), Contractor and the last signature must be the DMA program contact authorized by CSD delegation of authority to sign a DMA contract for their program.
After purchase order or contract is fully executed a copy will be sent to the contractor and the program for their records.
Any changes to the contract must be processed as a contract amendment through CSD and approved by the DMA Contracting Officer.
Over $25,000
Ensure your procurement is not covered as a “Controlled” purchase.
1.”Exclusive” Term Contracts
2. Central Stores (EWAY) (18-4-302(3), MCA)
3. Printing (18-7-101, MCA)
4. New Vehicles
Only those individuals listed with CSD as having delegation authority can generate or request procurements in this dollar range.
All IT procurements must be sent to CSD IT Manager by the requestor prior to sending to DMA Contracting Officer. Approval from CSD IT Manager must be submitted with purchase requisition.
A purchase requisition must be completed and signed by the authorized delegated individual with that program. If the total contract value will exceed $100,000 the requisition must be signed by the Adjutant General prior to sending to CSD for processing (see next paragraph before seeking TAG signature). All information must be submitted through the DMA Job Router at
If the total estimated value will exceed $200,000 the request must be approved by the Governor’s Office of Budget and Program Planning (OBPP). You must submit your purchase requisition to CSD and CSD will seek the approval from OBPP.
A sole source or sole brand justification must be submitted and approved by the DMA Contracting Officer prior to initiating any solicitation process. (If applicable)
Any other pre-approvals must be accomplished prior to starting a limited solicitation process.
When Prior Approval Is Required
1. Printing-related equipment within a 10-mile radius of the capitol area. Approval by the Print and Mail Services required. (Mont. Code Ann. § 2-17-301 and ARM 2.5.502.)
2. Information Technology resources. Approval from ITSD required. DMA personnel must send all IT request to Andy Quist at CSD. (Mont. Code Ann. § 2-17-512(k) and ARM 2.5.502)
3. Records management equipment or systems. ITSD approval required. (Mont. Code Ann. § 2-6-214 and ARM 2.5.502)
4. Mail equipment within a 10-mile radius of the capitol area. Print and Mail approval required. (Mont. Code Ann. § 2-17-301 and ARM 2.5.202.)
5. Filing systems and microfilm equipment. Approval by Records Management Bureau, Secretary of State's Office, is required. (Mont. Code Ann. § 2-6-203.)
6. Surplus property trade-ins. Approval by the Property and Supply Bureau required (Mont. Code Ann. § 18-4-226, ARM 2.5.701 and 2.5.702.)
A detailed specification or scope of work must be completed by the program requestor and submitted along with their purchase requisition and/or draft RFP a minimum of 90 days for IFB and 120 days for RFP prior to a needed contract start date. If using “or equal” as part of your specification, requestor will be responsible for completing a thorough analysis on any “or equal” bids received. Using “or equal” is not the preferred procurement technique and will only be used when no other method will satisfy the programs requirements.
For an RFP, evaluation criteria along with relevant values must be developed by the program requestor with DMA Contracting Officer support as requested. Examples are provide in the RFP template and on the GSD website
Program requestor shall start on a draft RFP or IFB and draft contract using the templates found on the DMA CSD website DMA Contracting Officer upon request will insert the program provided scope of work /specification and any other provided information into the authorized solicitation template.
Draft RFP/IFB will be reviewed by program requestor and DMA Contracting Officer for inclusion of proper technical requirements and state procurement legal requirements. DMA Contracting Officer may offer recommendations and/or suggestions on improvements to the draft RFP/IFB to ensure clarity and elimination of as much ambiguity as possible. This process may take a number of iterations until all stake holders are satisfied.
Upon program approval RFP/IFB will be posted to the state’s (General Services Division) bids and proposal website for a recommended no less than 30 calendar days.
Program requestor must be available to address and respond to all technical questions received from potential offerors after RFP/IFB is posted based on schedule of events table. DMA Contracting Officer will forward all questions received from offerors to program point of contact up to the closing date for such questions. DMA Contract Officer will provide a consolidated Q&A addendum form to the program so that their answers can be provided on that form. All exceptions to the state’s terms and conditions must be approved by Department of Administration prior to DMA acceptance of such request.
DMA Contracting Officer will post all addenda related to RFP/IFB issued.
Program requestor will be responsible for forming an evaluation committee to review, score and recommend award for RFP’s issued by DMA or State Procurement Bureau (SPB). This committee should consist of individuals with technical knowledge of the scope or specifications of the RFP, including if possible the future contract liaison.
DMA Contracting Officer will ensure public notifications are posted as required by law (72 hours prior to all meetings).
Program evaluation committee will be responsible for using scoring matrices published within the RFP and for taking meeting minutes for all evaluation meetings related to an RFP.
Program will submit results of the evaluation meeting to the DMA Contracting Officer for review and concurrence of committee selection decision. At a minimum this will include a scoring matrix for each offer evaluated along with meeting minutes that include recommendation for award. Evaluation committee cannot deem a proposal as non-responsive. Only the DMA Contracting Officer can officially deem a proposal as non-responsive. This will be in large part based on the evaluation committee’s recommendations.
DMA Contracting Officer will communicate any areas of concerns from the information received from the evaluation committee.
Upon concurrence with selection decision, DMA Contracting Officer will prepare the draft contract and submit this to the program for inclusion of a finalized scope of work or any other details from the successful proposal. Program will be required to identify if not already done so a “Contract Liaison” for inclusion into the draft contract. Contract Liaison must have completed the required training and acknowledgment found on DMA website prior to being named as Contract Liaison on a DMA contract.