Microsoft Certified Trainer Program Guide
April 1, 2012‒March 31, 2013
This Microsoft Certified Trainer(“MCT”) Program Guide (“Guide”) describes the MCT Program. Use this Guide for basic information about the MCT Program, including membership requirements, resources, and enrollment policies and processes.
- Overview of the MCT Program
Microsoft is an innovative company, and frequently releases new software and technologies into the marketplace. Many of Microsoft’s software and technologies are technically complex, and computer professionals and other end users may require training from knowledgeable trainers in aspects of their use. In order to make such training generally available, Microsoft has developed the MCT Program (the “MCT Program”), which grants certification to professional trainers and learning consultants who demonstrate and maintain technical and instructional expertise onMicrosoft technologies and who have complied with all requirements detailed herein and in the MCT Program Agreement.
The requirements for MCT certification reflect the skills necessary to train computer professionals and others on developing, implementing, supporting, and maintaining solutions using Microsoft products and technologies.The MCTcertification allows students, training providers, and organizations to identify skilled professionals who can deliver training on Microsoft technologies and software. Trainers with a MCT certification are a vital resource in today’s information technology (“IT”) and information worker (“IW”) training communities.
Microsoft provides MCTs with a valuable set of resources to help them become some of the best technical instructional professionals in the worldthrough its MCT Program. MCT Program membersreceive a number of MCT Program benefits and special offers. You can find information on the MCT Program benefits at the MCT Benefits web site.
- How to Become anMCTProgram member
2.1.Initial Enrollment.
You must complete the following steps to enroll in the MCT Program:
- Earn and hold an accepted Microsoft Certified Professional (“MCP”) Certification
- Prove your instructional presentation skills
- Review and agree to abide by the terms and conditions in the current MCT Agreement and this Guide
- Complete and submit the application form to become an MCT
- Pay all applicable fees
If you have questions about the MCT Program requirements, please contact your region’s Microsoft Regional Service Center (“RSC”).
Step 1: earn a qualifying MICROSOFTcertification
Before you apply to become an MCT, you must acquire one or more of the applicableMicrosoftCertifications listed onthe Acquire a Valid Microsoft Certification list.
The purpose of this requirement is to verify that youhave a proven technical base of skills and competencies from which to teach. Earning a Microsoft Certification demonstrates proficiency in working with Microsoft software and technologies in thefield or job role(s) associated with theMicrosoft Certification. MCTsmay only teach Microsoft Official Courses (“MOC”), Microsoft Dynamics and IW courseware(collectively “Microsoft Courses”) that map to theMicrosoft Competenciesthey hold (see Section 3, MCT Competencies).
Step 2: prove your instructional presentation skills
To demonstrate that you possess instructional presentation skills, you must provide evidence that you have completed at least one of the following requirements (please indicate on your MCT application which one(s) you have attained):
- Achieved the CompTIA Certified Technical Trainer (CTT+) certification from CompTIA.
- Passed a presentation skills course or train-the-trainer course taught by one of the vendors listed at
- Proof of your instructional skills by providing evidence of:
- your certified instructor credential from any one of these vendorslisted at or
- your employment status with a Microsoft IT Academy member.
Step 3: obtain or identify your metrics that matter (“MTM”) id
Microsoft uses the MTM toolto collect post-training evaluation data and follow-up training data on MCTs. In order to enroll in theMCT Program, you must acquire an MTM account. If you already have an MTM account, you may use your current MTM account ID number. The MCT enrollment tool requires you to enter your MTM account ID number during enrollment. See Section4.5 for additional details on MTM.
Step 4: review and agree to abide by the terms and conditions in the current mctagreement and this guide
step 5: apply and pay the annual mctprogram fee
The MCT enrollment tool is available on the MCP Member Site. You must complete the online MCT application, pay the annual MCT Program fee, and submit all requested documentation to the address specified in the MCT enrollment tool. (Note: application process and timeline may vary by country or region.)
Fees vary depending on your country/region of residence. Please refer to the online MCT Program Feestable for specific information.
Please allow at least two weeks for the processing of your application. You will be notified by email when your application has been approved, and you will also receive an MCT Welcome Kit and be granted access to the MCT member site.
2.2.Annual Re-Enrollment
You must complete the following steps to re-enroll in the MCT Program:
- Complete the MCT Program application form and pay the annual MCT Program fee.
- Be an active MCP and MCT in good standing.
- Meet all customer satisfaction, MTM,and MCT Program requirements.
- Review and abide by the terms and conditions in the current MCT Agreement, thisGuide and the obligations listed on the MCT website.
You will be notified by email when your re-enrollment application has been approved.
- MCT Competencies
The MCT Program encompasses the instruction of a wide range of Microsoft software and technologies to a wide range of audiences. To help ensure relevancy to particular audiences, MCTs are assigned to one or more Competencies based on the Microsoft Certification(s) that they hold. “Competencies” identifies the job roles and/or technologies that correspond to a particular Microsoft Certification. All Competencies are found in the Competency Document.
- MCT Program Requirements
The following requirements must be met at all times to maintain your MCT Certification, and to access and use any MCT Program benefit, MCT credential or MCT logo:
- Compliance with the terms and conditions contained in this Guide, the MCT Program Agreement, the MCT Program website, and the MCP Program Agreement.
- Your use of the MCT logo complies with the MCT logo and trademark guidelines.
- Compliance with all MCT Program requirements.
- Each year, deliver one or more trainings using Microsoft Courses to (a) current Microsoft Partner Network (“MPN”) program members in good standing, (b) MPN members that currently hold the Learning Competency status (“Learning Partners”), (c) Microsoft IT Academy Program (“IT Academy”)members, or (d) any other entities preapproved in writing by Microsoft (collectively “Authorized Customer”).
- Participate in any audit that Microsoft and/or its designees may conduct.
- Strictly comply with any end user license agreement and other terms and conditions that are applicable to, accompany, or are included with any Microsoft Course, Virtual Hard Disks, Virtual Machines, and any Microsoft materials provided under or associated with the MCT Program. Use of the Microsoft Courses, Virtual Hard Disks, Virtual Machines and Microsoft materials is subject to theapplicable end user license agreement and allapplicable terms and conditions,as well as the terms of the MCT Agreement.
If you fail to meet these requirements, your MCT Certification might be removed and all rights and benefits granted to you under the MCT Program will be revoked.
4.1.Restrictions on Microsoft Course Delivery
MCTs may only teach the Microsoft Courses associated with their Competencies. A list of Microsoft Courses associated with each Competency is available atMicrosoft courses and Microsoft IW courses. The MCT’s transcript will list the MCT’s Competencies as well as the courses that the MCT is qualified to teach.
4.2.Public TrainingSessions
MCTs may teach instructor-led, open enrollment training classes offered and delivered to the general public (“Public Training Sessions”) using Microsoft Courses only for and at Learning Partners and Microsoft IT Academy members’ facilities. Public Training Sessions may be advertised through marketing materials or the Internet and can include individuals from one to many organizations and/or individuals not affiliated with a particular company or organization.
4.3.Private TrainingSessions
MCTs may use Microsoft Courses toteach a predefined learning objective for individuals employed by or contracted by a particular MPN at the MPN’s facilities, provided the facilities’ hardware meets the hardware requirements listed in the trainer kits for the Microsoft Courses being taught (“Private Training Sessions”). Private Training Sessions are not advertised or promoted to the general public and class attendance is restricted solelytoMPN’s employees and individuals contracted by the MPN.
4.4.Multiple Competencies
MCTs must hold all necessary Microsoft Certifications for each Competency to which they belong. Some Microsoft Courses may require that the MCT hold multiple Competencies in order to conduct training (see Section 4.1., “Restrictions on Microsoft Course Delivery”).
4.5.Customer Satisfaction Scores
Microsoft recognizes and promotes MCTs as professionals who are skilled in Microsoft software, technologies, and learning products. Because MCTs play such an important role in the learning process, it is important that MCTs perform instructionally and technically at the level required to deliver the best possible training to IT professionals and developers. For this reason, the MCT Program requires that each MCT consistently maintain a high level of customer satisfaction and a minimum level of training activity throughout the MCT Program termto remain in the MCT Program.
The 2011 MCT Program term is divided into four quarters:
- Quarter 1: April 1, 2012 through June 30, 2012
- Quarter 2: July 1, 2012 through September 30, 2012
- Quarter 3: October 1, 2012 through December 31, 2012
- Quarter 4: January 1, 2013through March 31, 2013
On a quarterly basis, no more than 10% of your customer satisfaction scores as reported by MTM may be in the dissatisfied (“DSAT”) range (1-4 points on a 9-point scale). Your MCT Certificationmaybe rescinded if your DSAT scores exceed 10% in each of two consecutive quarters.
MTM reporting is provided to Microsoft automatically on an ongoing basis. At various times during the MCT Program term, Microsoft may alsoconduct reviews and audits of your MTM scores to ensure reporting compliance and integrity.
Microsoft will use the customer evaluations received and recorded in MTM to determine if an MCT complies with the customer satisfaction requirements listed above. More information about MTM is available at
4.6.Approved Courseware
The following courseware is approved courseware that may be used for delivering training sessions under the MCT Program:
- Microsoft Courses
- Fifty percent (50%) or more of a Microsoft Course, or three MOC modules (whichever is less), provided that the Microsoft Courses for the customized Training Session are obtained from a Microsoft-authorized MOC distributor. For clarification purposes, Microsoft Coursesin electronic or digital format cannot be used for customized Training Sessions.
- Microsoft Official Academic Courses(“MOAC”) for IT Professionals and Developers when delivered at an IT Academy member’s location.
Microsoft may make changes to, or cancel the MCT Program and/or the MCT Program benefits, at any time. Microsoft will notify you of such changes by posting them on the MCT Program website.Microsoft will provide thirty (30) days email or written notice of any substantial changes to the MCT Program or if Microsoft intends to discontinue the MCT Program. These notices will be sent to the email or address provided in your MCT Program application.You are responsible for notifying Microsoft if youraddress changes.
- audits and reviews
Microsoft reserves the right to audit all aspects of yourparticipation in the MCT Program in accordance with the audit provisions in the MCT Agreement.Youare required tosecure all adequate rights required for Microsoft to perform an audit under the MCT Agreement, including rights to share customers/students’personal information with Microsoft.
Microsoft reviews each MCT’s compliance with the requirements listed above on a quarterly basis. Microsoft will use data provided by MTM to determine whether MCTs are compliant with theMCT Program requirements.
Microsoft will conduct audits each year to ensure that MCTs are fulfilling MCT Program requirements. MCTs are required to prepare and keep documentation on fileto provide proof of delivery of Training Sessions using Microsoft Courses. Thisdocumentation should match the information listed in yourrenewal application. If you are contacted regarding an audit, you will be required to provide proof that you fulfilled these requirements.
If an audit determines that you have intentionally falsified your credentials, or you cannot produce evidence of your compliance with the requirements, you will be decertified.Depending on the severity of noncompliance, you may be terminated from the MCT Program and/or permanently prohibited from participating in the MCT Program. This strict application of the requirements is intended to protect the value of the MCT Certification.
6.3.Losing Your MCT Certification
In addition to reasons delineated in the MCT Agreement, MCTs may lose their MCT Certification for any of the following reasons:
- Teaching a Microsoft Course without providing each customer/student with alicensed original copy of the applicable student kit for the Microsoft Course.
- Teaching a Microsoft Course without usingthe applicable Microsoft Course.
- Using, distributing, copying, or reselling Microsoft Courses, Virtual Machines, Virtual Hard Disks, or Microsoft materialsin a manner that is not consistent with (i) the accompanying licenses,(ii) the relevant licenses located on the MCT Download Center, (iii) this Guide,and (vi) theMCT Agreement.
- Distributing Microsoft Coursesfor self-paced training purposes.
- Distributing trainer kits.
- Fraudulent reporting of MTMcustomer/student evaluations.
- ViolatingMicrosoft Certification Exam Policies.
- Using the MCT Logo in a manner that violates the MCT Program logo and trademark guidelines.
- Not representing Microsoft or anAuthorized Customer professionally and ethically.
- Teaching a Microsoft Course in a Competency in which you are not certified.
- Teaching a Microsoft Course that is not in accordance with the MCT Agreement.
- Teaching a Microsoft Course for someone other than an Authorized Customer.
- MCT Certification Status
7.1.Renewing MCT Certification
The MCT Program is an annual program for individuals. Individuals who are not currently MCTs may elect to join at any time during the current MCT Program term. Individuals who are MCTs in good standing may renew their MCT status during the renewal period (March 1, 2011 through April 30, 2011). MCTs that do not renew their MCT status during the renewal period may still elect to re-enroll in the MCT Program, but their transcript will reflect an interruption in their MCT Certification status.
7.2.Involuntary Decertification
MCTs that are terminated from the MCT Program with cause (see Section 6 above) will not be allowed to re-enroll in the MCT Program for a period of one year following their decertification. Where the cause is sufficiently severe, the individual may be permanently prohibited from participating in the MCT Program.
7.3.Reinstating Your MCT Certification
If you do not renew your MCT Certification during the annual renewal period, you will be decertified. This means that you will lose your MCT Program benefits and will no longer be able to provide training using MOC courses. However, you can use the MCT enrollment tool to apply for reinstatement at any time, which you can access from the MCP Member Site. When you are reinstated, you maintain your MCT Certification start date although your transcript will reflect the interruption in your MCT Certification history.
This document is provided “as-is”. Information and views expressed in this document, including URL and other Internet website references, may change without notice. You bear the risk of using it.
This document does not provide you with any legal rights to any intellectual property in any Microsoft product.
© 2011 Microsoft. All rights reserved. Microsoft isa trademark of the Microsoft group of companies. All other trademarks are property of their respective owners.
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