Lab Supplies Management_TB 02-06_V1.0.doc
5.1 Ordering stock......
5.1.1. Local orders
5.1.2. International orders
5.2 Receiving of orders......
5.3 Internal stock management......
This SOP describes the laboratory supplies management system operating at the ______TB Laboratory.The purpose of a logistics (or supply chain) management procedure is to ensure onsite availability of an adequate supply of all consumables and reagents necessary to maintain continuity of projects. It is essential that the laboratory does not run out of consumables and reagents, nor introduce expired consumables and reagents that would compromise the quality of laboratory test results.
The vital function of a logistics management system is to record the details of ordering, receipt of consumables and, recording of batch/lot numbers and expiry dates, and. It is essential to be able to track the status of consumables and reagents from ordering to usage or disposition.Laboratories are encouraged to develop their own SOPs that take into account laboratory fiscal policy, supplier agreements and local or national regulations regards the import of consumables, reagents, chemicals and other supplies.
The SOP covers procedures for specifications, ordering, receipt and stock management of reagents, chemicals, consumables and other supplies used in the ______TB Laboratory.
The Head of the TB Laboratory is responsible for implementation of this procedure. The Head of the TB Laboratory may delegate responsibility for supervision of the procedure to a suitably qualified member of the laboratory staff. All staff members working in the ______TB Laboratory are responsible for carrying out the activities as described herein.All users of this procedure who do not understand it or are unable to carry it out as described are responsible for seeking advice from their supervisor.
See: / Document Matrix_TB 01-01_1.0.docLocation:
Refer to SOPs listed under 07-01 (General Procedures)
5.1 Ordering stock
5.1.1. Local orders
The Procurement Officer or the person delegated to manage logistics in the laboratory is to identify the need of a particular product when the stock go below the minimum acceptable level.
Order of less than ______
- If the amount of money required for the purchases is less than ______, no written quotation is required.
Order of greater than ______
- If the amount of money required to purchase the supplies is more than______, a written quotation from at least 2 supplies is required.
- A request for quotation is sent to prospective suppliers who will present a proforma invoice for attention of the Procurement Officer or person delegated to manage logistics in the laboratory.
- Once quotations have been received, they are to be scrutinized for the particulars of the products and price by the Procurement Officer or person delegated to manage logistics in the laboratory.
- The Procurement Officer or person delegated to manage logistics in the laboratory is to receive approval from the Head of the TB Laboratory before proceeding with the purchase.
5.1.2.International orders
The Procurement Officer or person delegated to manage logistics in the laboratory, in conjunction with the Head of the TB Laboratory should develop a policy for placing international orders.
5.2 Receiving of orders
- For orders below ______, stock will be received either at the Procurement Offices Store or the TBLaboratory Store (with or without a delivery note), but the supply must have a receipt.
- Receipts are to be given to Procurement Officer or person delegated to manage logistics in the laboratoryas soon as possible for filing.
- For local orders above ______or International orders, stock is to be delivered to the Procurement Offices Store except for items that require special storage conditions.
- The delivery must be checked against the delivery note before signing for the stock.
- The delivery note is then filed in the delivery note file located at the Procurement Offices Store.
- Stock received is then entered into the respective stock card.
Use: / Stock card_form.doc
- All stocks received are to be inspected to ascertain that they have been transported under recommended conditions and are in good order.
- The Procurement Officer or person delegated to manage logistics in the laboratoryis to be notified of any goods requiring replacement or repair, who will then coordinate with the supplier and/or shipper for follow up action.
5.3 Internal stock management
Storage locations
- Stock will be stored in two stores, the Procurement Office Stores and the TB Laboratory Store.
- The office storage is to act as the main storage and a stock receipt point for almost all stock (excluding small purchases made locally which may be taken directly to FIND Laboratory)
- The laboratory storage comprises all storage space in both the molecular laboratory and the processing room is to act as a final destination for stock.
Stock cards
- A stock card is to be allocated for each item and must be duly filled in during each stock check and when ever stock is added or removed.
- It is to have the information about each product the manufactures/supplier name, expiry date, Lot/batch number for each new item entered and ate of receipt of stock.
Use: / Stock card_form.doc
- Both the Procurement Office storage and the laboratory storage are to have separate stock cards for each item to record stock at that location.
- Stock cards are to be filled in the stock in and stock out section whenever stock is moved in and out of the respective storage areas.
- Stock levels in the laboratory are to be calculated based on average monthly usage, estimated future use (depending on studies being undertaken) and lead time for procurement (depending on local or international supply)
- Stock is to be used on a first in first out basis except for cases were new stock is to expire before the old stock
Stock checks
- Stock checks are to be performed both at the Procurement Office Store and the storage at the TB Laboratory.
- A stock check is to be performed 6 times annually, on the 1st week of every other month.
- Each item/stock is to be recorded on a separate stock card.
- Smaller stock checks may be performed more often for items that are more rapidly consumed through routine laboratory activities.
Expired stock
- Any stock that has passed its expiry date is to be taken out of use immediately and disposed of in accordance to the MSDS.
- The removed expired stock must be entered into the stock card as an adjustment.
- Disposal of expired non biohazard dry stock is done by placing them in a rubbish bin for burning according to NTRL procedures.
Material Data Safety Sheets (MSDS)
A printed copy of the MSDS for each item must be kept in the TB Laboratory Office in an easily retrievable manner.MSDS are provided automatically by some suppliers. In some cases they are available on supplier websites or may be specifically requested.It is the responsibility of the designated laboratory personnel to ensure that MSDS for all supplies are available in the laboratory.
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