Programme Open Call 2018
Deadline: Friday 17th November 2018
Barnaby Festival calls for submissions for live events at Barnaby 2018.
Performers, visual artists, theatre artists, musicians, poets, writers, dancers, inventors, big thinkers, creatives, arts, heritage and cultural organisations, food makers, film makers, new technology experimenters, digital artists, circus or street artists and more are invited to submit proposals.
The Festival theme for 2018 is ‘Roots/Routes’ and in addition to proposals which tackle the theme head on, we are looking for projects that are creatively ambitious and explore the theme more broadly. The guide below maybe useful and is not exhaustive:
• Family and Genealogy
• Sense of Place/Where we come from
• Ethnicity and Migration
• Walks and Directions
• Nature
• Hunts and Discoveries
• Identity
•Adventures and Secret places to discover
•Trips and Trails
•Where we come from
The Festival makes the ‘town its playground’ and we encourage you to join in the challenge.
•Is there a location in Macclesfield that you have always wanted to create work for or play in?
•Is there a space that you could introduce to the public so they see Macclesfield with fresh eyes?
•Could you create an activity that brings the community together to animate, tidy, feast celebrate or reclaim a space?
•Would you like to conduct a walking tour exploring interesting secret spaces in Macc?
•Could you create an outdoor event or use the town as the stage with adventures throughout its streets?
•Would you like make a pop up pocket garden?
There will be some funding available for a limited number of live events at the discretion of the Festival.
Submissions will be selected with preference given to those who best fulfil the criteria outlined below.
The selection will be made by the Festival Director, music curator and members of the Live Events Programming team.
•Projects that best demonstrate the festival theme of ‘Roots/Routes'
•Projects that are of excellent quality and are deliverable
•Projects that demonstratively take creative risks and push boundaries
•Projects that can animate and bring life to Macclesfield in creative and inspirational ways
•Projects that increase access and participation with a commitment to engage audiences.
•Projects that give access to those not normally engaged with the arts
•Please note that we encourage applications for new ideas and initiatives. If you wish to submit an event or body of work that is ongoing and/or normally runs outside of the festival or has been featured in the festival before, it is unlikely to be considered.
•Applications will not be considered without a completed Submission Form - please see below
•Projects must be able to run at some point within the festival period, Friday 15th June to Saturday 23rd June.
•The organiser's decision is final and no correspondence will be entered into
•All projects must have a nominated producer who will be responsible for all matters relating to the development of the proposed project, its administration and be the key contact for the festival
•Applications will only be considered by email
•To apply, complete the Submission Form below and send midnight,Friday 17th November 2018
•Please provide examples of previous work via electronic links (for VA only 3 examples of your work (low resolution JPG, <1 MB per file and an artist CV)
We aim to complete the selection process and reply to all submitters by late September 2017
Barnaby Programme Open Call 2018 Submission Form
Project TitleType of Project:
Eg Theatre, Music, Dance, Cabaret, Film, Spoken Word, Walking Tour etc. If VA ((painting, sculpture, open studio installation, film, sound,photography)
Venue suggestion:
Where do you think your project might best take place and have you discussed this with the venue owner?
Project idea: What you are proposing in no more than 300 words
Associated event
(workshops, talks, demonstrations , etc.) If applicable
Project organiser: (Name)
Organiser's email:
Organiser's phone contact/s
Proposed date/s and time/s: when, number of times event takes place (per day or during festival) etc
Cost: outline financial information
(In this section we need to know if you are asking the festival for support or if this project is self financing)
Ticket income: If ticketed, proposed ticket price
Duration of event: eg 1 hour
Age range suitable for: eg 7-11 years, all ages
Set up time required:
Restrictions at proposed venue/location or nature of project (eg age range, access, capacity etc)
Please provide examples of previous work or web links to projects you have been involved with before
(please provide weblinks (for VA only 3 examples of your work (low resolution JPG, <1 MB per file and an artist CV)
Macclesfield Barnaby Festival
Reg.Charity 1151155, Reg.Company 08005512,
Waters Green House, Sunderland Street, Macclesfield, Cheshire SK11 6LF
Supported by Arts Council England, Cheshire East andMacclesfield Town Councils
Patrons: Jane Munro BEM, Claire Hayward, Stephen Morris