Year 2 – Term 2, 2016
It has been a fantastic start to the year! The children have all settled in really well and have already been working very hard. This coming term is very busy and we have lots of fun things planned.
In English we are continuing to learn how to write our own fact files. We will also be looking at a selection of traditional tales from a variety of cultures. We will practise retelling stories ensuring that the key events are in the correct order and then add further detail, including adjectives, connectives and time words, as well as ensuring we have used the correct punctuation. Following this, we will be looking at different poems based on the senses – the children will practise reading and performing different sense poems before writing their own.
We will be continuing with our phonics sets, in which we will also be focusing on different Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar (SPaG) objectives. The children will be sent home with spellings to learn at certain intervals, please could you continue to support your child with these, thank you.
In Maths this term, the children will return to some concepts already studied including place value and addition and subtraction (including the inverse operation).They will also be moving on to look at multiplication and division.
Please help your children to learn their times tables each week.
Our theme for this term will be ‘India’ which will link with our English work on traditional tales from other cultures. This will involve a geographical study of life in an Indian Village called ‘Chembakolli’. The children will compare the lives of Indian people and their culture with our lives in Thrapston. We have some exciting plans for this topic, including an exciting end with an ‘Indian Day’, details to follow soon.
In R.E we have been learning about Judaism and we will be having a visit from Jo Elijah to talk to the children about life in a Jewish family and the Torah.
We will also be getting ready for our very exciting Christmas play. The children will be learning new songs and taking on a variety of different roles. We look forward to sharing this with you soon.
Thank you for your continued support.
The Year 2 team.