Give Thanks 1 Chronicles 16:7-13
1st Thanksgiving in Amerrcrdd by Edward Winslow in 1622, 3d fst w IndiansDc13,1621
1789 George Washington suggested 1stThurNove as a ‘Thanksgiving to God’
1863 Abraham Lincoln made it a federal holiday with these words…
Congress fixed the date in 1941 as 4thThur in November
What was the first thanksgiving? 1st recorded thanksgiving was w King David ~990BC
Begin w a little background about the ark of the covenant
- The Ark of the Covenant
- The Ark
- Plans given to Moses on Sinai Ex 25:1, 10-15
- The mercy seat and Cherubim on top of the ark Ex 25:21
- Purpose of the ark – meeting with God, hold the testament Ex25:22;Lv16:2,30
- Contents of the ark – ten commandments Ex25:16; manna & Aaron rod Hb9:4 by time of Solomon the commandments only thing left 1Kn8:9
- Location of the ark – in the holy place of the Tabernacle
- Transport of the ark – by the poles through the rings on the ark
- Names of the ark – ark of: the testimony; the covenant of the Lord; the Lord
- The history of the ark
- Led Isrl in wilderness Nb10:335. Settles in Shiloh [40m N Jer 1Sm3:3
- Carried by Levites Dt10:86. Taken by Philistines @ Ebenezer 1S4:11
- Led Israel into Canaan Jos3:67. Rtrnd [7mo]by Phil 2Beth Shemsh 1S6:12
- Led conquest Jericho Jos6:48. Moved to KirjathJearim >40yrs
- The First Thanksgiving
- First attempt to bring the ark into Jerusalem
- D wants the ark in Jerusalem 1Ch1333. Uzza killed 1Ch13:9
- Ark put on oxcart carry 10 mi4. Ark left w Obed Edom 13:14
- Bringing the ark into Jerusalem
- Preparations for the ark 1Ch15:1-15
- Ark brought to Jeru 1Ch15:25—16:2
- Thanksgiving meal: loaf of bread, piece of meat, cake of raisins 1Ch 163
- Ministers before the ark, D appointed 1Ch15:16-24; 16:4-6, 37-42
- Purpose – to give thanks 1Ch16:4,7
- David’s psalm of thanksgiving
- Compiled from Ps1051-15 [168-22]; Ps96:1b-13a [1623-33] Ps1061b, 47-48 [1634-36]
- Emphasis on giving thanks to God – 1Ch16: 4,7,8,34,35
- Give thanks for
His deeds v8His salvation 23
His wondrous works v9His coming to judge the earth 33
Meeting Him 10,11He is good 34
Judgments fm mouth 12His mercy endures forever 34
His covenant to Abraham 15
- Christian Giving Thanks
- We Give thanks for the same things, with more information of the new covenant
- New Testament giving thanks to God
- Grace given to you and others 1Co1:4 Ph 1:3
- What you eat Ro 14:6
- Whatever U do in Christ Co3:17
- Everything E 5:18
- For generosity of others 2Co9:11
- When you pray Ph 4:6,7
- Receive Christ and taught Co 2:6,7