Many thanks to everyone who was able to attend the recent parish meeting on 12thApril in the village hall. Although the numbers were very small there were a lot of questions. Hopefully the answers provided were satisfactory.
What we did learn was that we need to do more to get the importance of the Neighbourhood Plan across to all Breinton’s residents. Advertising on parish notice boards, in the Hereford Times, on the parish council website and even articles in Teamtalk are not enough. So we have decided to experiment with an electronic mail list.
This list will be kept as secure as possible by the parish council, only used for planning news (so you won’t get bothered by lots of unwanted e-mails) and no-one will be able to see anyone else’s contact details. If you would like to be on this list please give your e-mail address to one of the parish councillors listed on the back cover of this magazine or e-mail them to the parish clerk – whose contacts details are also given listed on the back cover. Even better, talk with your neighbours and encourage them to add their e-mail addresses as well.
A very first draft of a Neighbourhood Plan for Breinton has already been written. We expect to be able to explain this at another public meeting in the early summer before the schools break up. More details will be given in the July edition of Teamtalk. However there are already two dates for your diary
On Sunday 8th June the Hereford Community Farm at Warham Court are holding their next open day. All the details of this will be advertised separately but the parish council have been invited to include a display about the Neighbourhood Plan. An offer we are delighted to accept. Slightly later in the summer, there will be another display at the annual fete at Breinton House on July 13th.
Finally for this month; it would be really nice to hear from anyone with time to volunteer to help with the Neighbourhood Plan. It does not necessarily involve lots of time. While there is a long list of things to be done, many can be done at home and do not require anything other than common sense, local knowledge and a love of Breinton. Once finished there will be no further commitment.
So, if you can help, please get in touch with your parish council.
Tony Geeson
On behalf of Breinton Parish Council