Unit Plan



Name: Caitlyn Affleck

Student No: W0086358

Course Examiner: Peter Albion

Course Moderator: Petra Redmond

Due Date: Monday 11th June 2012



Unit Plan

Lesson Plan 1

Lesson Plan 2

Lesson Plan 3

Lesson Plan 4



The following assessment piece illustrates the design of a mini unit plan and sample lesson plan for a primary school grade five Technology Education program. The contemporary Queensland curriculum documents the Essential Learnings combined with additional course resources have provided guidance and support to devise a unit plan that achieves the required curriculum and professional standards.

Part A – Rational

Warwick Central State School is a co-educational school situated in Warwick, Queensland. The school is proud of it history and “provides a high quality inclusive educational curriculum that connects our community to learning and being” (Warwick Central State School, 2009, p. 1).

Within the school community is a long list of committed, experienced staff and just over 300 students. To ensure each individual is provided with the best opportunity to reach his or her potential the school is well equipped with a wide variety of facilities, resources and materials. These include the administration building, refurbished air-conditioned classrooms, music room, library, basket ball court and sports oval.

The school’s curriculum is creatively designed to cover the Essential Learnings developed by the Queensland Studies Authority and the new National Curriculum. The following unit specifically focuses on the Technology Key Learning Area which encourages students to “explore the designed world and recognise that they can be both users and creators ofTechnology” (QSA, 2007, p. 1).

This mini unit is designed for the year 5 class. This class of 20 pupils is comprised of mixed ability students, from a vast variety of backgrounds and cultures. Over the 4 week unit students will partake in one lesson a week dedicated to developing technological understanding, skills and strategies. The students will work in groups of 4 to design and build a bridge. Through this learner centred activity students will develop responsibilities, increased participation, skills and the ability to work effectively within groups towards common goals.

Caitlyn Affleck1W0086358

Mini Unit Plan

School Name: Warwick Central State School / Unit title:Bridge Design / KLA(s): Technology / Class: Grade Five / Duration of Unit: 4 weeks
Identify curriculum
Ways of working / Knowledge and understanding
Students are able to:
• identify and analyse the purpose and context for design ideas
• generate design ideas that match requirements
• communicate the details of their designs using 2D or 3D visual representations
• select resources, techniques and tools to make products
• plan production procedures by identifying and sequencing steps
• make products to match design ideas by manipulating and processing resources
• identify and apply safe practices
• evaluate products and processes to identify strengths, limitations, effectiveness and
• reflect on and identify the impacts of products and processes on people and their communities
• reflect on learning to identify new understandings and future applications. / Technology as a human endeavour
#EL1 • Different ideas for designs and products are developed to meet needs and wants of people, their communities and environments
#EL2 • Aspects of appropriateness influence product design and production decisions
#EL3 • The products and processes of technology can have positive or negative impacts
Information, materials and systems (resources)
#EL4 • Resources have particular characteristics that make them more suitable for a specific purpose and context
#EL5 • Techniques and tools are selected to appropriately manipulate characteristics of resources to meet design ideas
Context for learning / School priorities
The purpose of this unit is for students to:
  • Engage in research through identifying different types of bridges
  • Design a plan
  • Meet needs and wants
  • Create a budget
  • Manipulate materials to build a model bridge
  • Understand and present the design process
  • Work in individual and group situations towards common goals
  • Navigate and interact with internet activities and websites provided.
Students will work individually and in teams to build understanding of important technology concepts whilst also developing valuable social skills. Throughout the unit they are taken on a journey which will help develop their ability to recognise how technology influences and impacts on people, their communities and environments and understand that characteristics of resources are matched with tools and techniques to make products to meet design challenges; important elements in the Year Five Queensland Curriculum.
20 mixed ability students
1 x 70 minute lesson per week/4 wks / The school community places high importance on the following qualities and this unit will assist in further developing these valued characteristics within the students:
 Respect- Show respect for peers, teacher and self by following rules and expectations.
 Responsibility and Leadership - Students have considerable responsibilities and establish ownership of their learning.
 Understanding, Tolerance and Inclusion - Appreciating everyone’s situation and valuing different opinions and beliefs.
 Participation-Each student is actively involved and takes a turn at various responsibilities.
 Enthusiasm and Effort -Each student will be encouraged in a safe supportive environment by their team members to perform at their very best.
 Initiative and Confidence – Taking calculated risks to perform to be best of their ability.
 Cooperation - As a team students must work effectively to ensure the task is completed well.
 Fair Play and Behaviour - Acknowledging appropriate behaviour and appreciating the expectations.
 Safety - Ensuring health and safety are always adhered to by all class members.
Develop assessment / Make judgments
Type of assessment / What will be assessed / When it will be assessed / Purpose of assessment / Assessable elements
Formative / In groups students will be assessed on their ability to draw and create a bridge which meets specified requirements and present a group presentation using powerpoint to the class outlining the development process.
Observe students completing the required tasks. Identify how they are assuming roles and responsibilities, engaging in step-by-step tasks and working cooperatively with others. Examine their use of teamwork, tactics and strategies when designing their bridge. / End of the unit
Continuously / Provide evidence that students:
•Can research and investigate bridge design types and technology processes
•Produce a plan and model bridge that meets requirements
•Can present this plan and model
•Can evaluate their own work and the work of others
•Can reflect on the development process and their learning. / • Knowledge and understanding
• Investigating and designing
• Producing
• Evaluating
• Reflecting
Prior Knowledge and Prerequisite skills / Needs of learners
Student learning aspects / Planned adjustments for needs of learners
Prior Knowledge:
Students have completed technology units in previous years.
Students are familiar with Webquests, have basic computer skills and understand online safety.
Students are confident when working in groups and assigning roles.
The students are expected to engage with all tasks and take responsibility for their learning. / The unit is designed to cater for the learning experiences of diverse range of students:
The unit plan includes a variety of different teaching approaches for consideration of different learning styles.
Constructive feedback is provided to students.
Tasks are scaffolded and implement student’s prior knowledge.
Students in groups work together to support team members. Teams are chosen ahead of time by the teacher to ensure they encompass an even distribution of diverse students.
Adequate wait time when answering questions is provided.
Resources / Health and safety / Curricular considerations
Books, Equipment etc. required / Risk assessment considerations / Cross curricular connections, thinking skills and skills and processes etc.
Classroom Resources
•Computer access
•Internet connection
•Student writing materials - pencils, pens, rulers, glue etc.
•Camera with USB connection
•USB for each group
•Bridge building materials (see resource material list)
•Interactive Whiteboard
•Student activity booklet - This is a booklet where students complete all questions and activities related to the WebQuest.
•Student Rubric - This is included on the Evaluation Page of the WebQuest for student reference.
•Resources - List of materials.
•Bridge Presentation - Microsoft Power Point
•Budget - Microsoft excel
Online Resources Accessed within WebQuest
•Arch, Beam & Suspension Bridge Type
•Truss Bridge Type
•Online Challenge
•Online Testing
*Please access the webquest or reference list for the website addresses. / Health and safety is vital to any unit.
This technology unit is conducted inside a classroomand relies heavily on ICT, creating a bridge and building relationships.
Conduct the unit with a controlled element of risk.
  • Ensure the classroom is free from hazards
  • All students understand the task
  • Students understand online safety
  • Safe manipulation of resources when creating the bridge
Students have prior knowledge of expected behaviour and what is appropriate when interacting with others. They understand and practice the elements of respect and safety issues; however, if students attempt to push these already established boundaries a discussion must be held and the appropriate actions taken.
For additional detailed information please visit:
The Code of School Behaviour:
Better Behaviour Better Learning

HLS-PR-003 First Aid

HLS-PR-005 Health and safety incident recording and notification
CRP-PR-009 – Inclusive Education

HLS-PR-012: Curriculum Activity Risk Management

HLS-PR-016: Workplace health and safety consultative framework

SMS-PR-021 - Safe, supportive and disciplined school environment
/ Cross Curricular Connections
This unit will integrate areas of English and Math as students work towards creating their bridge design.
Skills and Processes
- Group Work
- Taking Turns
- Listening to others
- Following Directions
- Investigating
- Creating
- Participating
Multiple Intelligences
Language (linguistic)
Body movement (kinaesthetic)
Self (intrapersonal)
Social (interpersonal)
Habits of Mind
 Persisting
 Listening with Empathy and Understanding
 Striving for Accuracy and Precision
 Questioning and Problem Posing
 Thinking and Communicating with Clarity and Precision
 Responding with Wonderment and Awe
 Gather Data through all Senses
 Applying Past Knowledge to New Situations
 Creating, Imagining and Innovating
 Finding Humour
 Taking Responsible Risks
 Remaining Open to Continuous Learning
 Thinking Flexibly
 Thinking Interdependently
Thinking skills encourage Higher Order Thinking and align with Blooms Taxonomy:
Remember-Define, State, Quote, Identify
Understand- Interpret, Describe, Summarise, Discuss
Apply- Illustrate, Implement, Demonstrate, Compile
Analyse- Compare, Deconstruct, Debate, Categorise, Critique
Evaluate- Assess, Decide, Justify, Experiment, Testing, Checking
Design- Plan, Produce, Devise, Create, Synthesise, Propose
Skills and processes that are being undertaken include:
Participation in group work
and independent reflection.
Lifelong learning
The unit requires students to engage with a bridge building process and provides opportunities for students to gain valuable qualities such as sharing responsibilities, effective teamwork and communication.
Each lesson in the unit purposely reflects on the previous lesson to reinforce prior knowledge and enhance students learning.
Sequence learning
Week / Knowledge and Understanding / Learning experiences and teaching strategies / Classroom management / Resources, Assessment, Notes
1 / #EL4
Core Content
Methods of gathering knowledge, ideas and data:
– researching
Production procedures
– developed (cooperatively)
– informed by practical experience
– described, negotiated, refined
– specify standards specified
– identified, sequenced, followed
– managed / Direct Instruction-
  • Introduction of Technology Unit and description of how it will be implemented via a Webquest. (Students understand from the start what is expected and what they are responsible for).
  • Complete a KWL describing what they already know about bridges and what they want to know. Add to this what they have learnt each week.
  • Teams of 4 are announced/names chosen.
  • Team building activity
Collaborative Learning –
  • Students log into webquest – read task and criteria sheet
  • Students assign roles and understand the responsibilities of each role
-Team Leader CEO
-Resource Collector
• plan production procedures by identifying and sequencing steps
Inquiry Approach -
Students investigate the four different types of bridges via a jigsaw activity.
Students apply this knowledge by identifying different types of famous bridges and why they are used in particular situations.
Reflect on learning through creating a powerpoint.
• reflect on learning to identify new understandings and future applications. / Link to students prior knowledge
Teacher previously arranged teams
Build relationships
“What roles will be necessary for our bridge building to run successfully?”
“What are the responsibilities of this role?”
All students get a copy of the student booklet / Positive attitude
Scaffold students learning through prompting
Resources – whiteboard/markers, Computers, Webquest, Internet, printer, student activity book, lead and coloured pencils, USBs, powerpoint, camera.
Observe students participation, leadership and research skills.
2 / #EL1 #EL2
#EL4 #EL5
Core Content
Methods of gathering knowledge, ideas and data:
– researching
– experimenting, testing
Analysis of design challenges
– identifying design requirements (userrequirements, safety requirements)
– identifying design constraints
Methods of organising and analysing of knowledge, ideas and data:
– recording
– selecting, sorting and comparing
– identifying alternatives
– validating choices
– challenging ideas
– verifying accuracy
Generation of ideas to meet design challenges
– generating new ideas
– modifying and refining designs
– selecting and justifying design options
– identifying materials, information and systems to
meet design requirements
– identifying equipment and techniques
Communication of ideas that meet design challenges
– pictures, sketches, annotated drawings
– drawings of different views
– scale drawings
– technical terms
– design proposals and specifications
– detailed plans / Direct Instruction
  • Describe the aim. Design a bridge which meets the needs and wants of the town people.
Co-operative learning
  • On computers - Online Game
  • Identify needs and wants
Inquiry based
  • Choose a bridge design.
identify and analyse the purpose and context for design ideas
  • Watch video.
  • Online Game.
  • Test different paper strengths.
evaluate products and processes to identify strengths, limitations, effectiveness and Improvements
  • Draw and label design.
generate design ideas that match requirements
  • Look at the resources available. Make list.
select resources, techniques and tools to make products
  • Design Budget
Co-operative learning
  • Reflect on learning – continue with powerpoint
reflect on learning to identify new understandings and future applications. / Students are engaged with their webquest. They work in groups on computers and at desks manipulating materials.
Remind students to look closely at the criteria sheet.
Ask questions to different groups to prompt ideas. Encourage students to evaluate their work.
Does your design meet the criteria? / Walk around provide feedback.
Resources –Webquest, Computers, Internet, printer, student activity book, lead and coloured pencils, individual student technology folders, login details, camera, paper, card paper, weights, bridge design materials
Examine communication between teams.
Ensure students are on task.
Week / Knowledge and Understanding / Learning experiences and teaching strategies / Classroom management / Resources, Assessment, Notes
3 / #EL1 #EL2
#EL3 #EL4
Core Content
Generation of ideas to meet design challenges
– generating new ideas
– modifying and refining designs
– selecting and justifying design options
– identifying materials, information and systems to
meet design requirements
– identifying equipment and techniques
Communication of ideas that meet design challenges
– models
– technical terms
– detailed plans
Production procedures
– developed (cooperatively)
– informed by practical experience
– described, negotiated, refined
– specify standards specified
– identified, sequenced, followed
– managed
• products (artefacts, processes, systems, services and environments)
– meet human needs or wants
– capitalise on opportunities
– extend human capabilities
– make models and prototypes
– produced to meet standards (predetermined
Impacts and consequences
• historical, current and future developments
• impacts and consequences related to aesthetic, cultural, economic, environmental,
ethical, functional and social appropriateness
• effects of management decisions
Suitability of materials for specific purposes
Manipulation and processing
• techniques for manipulating materials (cutting, shaping, joining, combining, bending)
• the use of tools and equipment
• workplace health and safety issues — risk assessment
• storage and maintenance of materials, tools and equipment / Direct Instruction
  • Describe the aim. Today you will build your bridge.
Co-operative learning
  • On computers – complete activities.
Inquiry approach
  • Build and test bridge
make products to match design ideas by manipulating and processing resources
evaluate products and processes to identify strengths, limitations, effectiveness andimprovements
  • Identify impacts
reflect on and identify the impacts of products and processes on people and their communities
Co-operative learning
  • Reflect on learning – continue with powerpoint
reflect on learning to identify new understandings and future applications. / Students are engaged with their webquest. They work in groups on computers and at desks manipulating materials and building their bridge.
Remind students to look closely at the criteria sheet.
Prompt students to continually evaluate their design. What is working, why, what could be improved? / Positive attitude
Resources - Computers, Internet, printer, student activity book, lead and coloured pencils, webquest, bridge design materials
Provide feedback
Monitor how the students communicate with team members. Observe how they manipulate materials.
4 / #EL1 #EL2
Communication of ideas that meet design challenges
– oral, written and multimedia presentations
Evaluation of design ideas, processes and products
– expressing thoughts and opinions
– gaining feedback from others (clients, specific
– testing and judging effectiveness in real-life or
lifelike contexts
– comparing initial design ideas and final products
– applying standards (predetermined criteria)
– evaluating management decisions
• workplace health and safety issues — risk assessment / Direct Instruction
  • Describe aim. You will present your bridge at the town meeting.
Co-operative Learning
  • Students complete powerpoint.
plan production procedures by identifying and sequencing steps
  • Discuss safety issues when testing the bridge.
identify and apply safe practices
  • Present the design process and model bridge using powerpoint.
communicate the details of their designs using 2D or 3D visual representations
  • Test the bridge.
  • Discuss how close predictions were and how successful the bridge was.Repeat with all teams. Evaluate other teams.
evaluate products and processes to identify strengths, limitations, effectiveness andimprovements
  • Return to Webquest and vote.
  • Reflect on unit looking at the KWL
reflect on learning to identify new understandings and future applications. / Set the class up as a town meeting where students can present their powerpoint.
Ahead of time create a safe testing area, e.g. books (land) raised to the correct height, with the appropriate distance between (water) set up where all students can see.
Encourage students to comment on othersgroups.
Hold a group discussion after each presentation.
Record the testing data in the activity booklet.
An extension activity could require students to graph the testing data. / Students are very capable. Never underestimate them. Set high expectations.
Resources–Webquest, Criteria sheet for marking, Computers, Internet, printer, student activity book, Powerpoint, lead and coloured pencils, Interactive whiteboard, PowerPoint Presentations on USBs, weights, testing area, KWL Chart.
Provide constructive feedback
Use feedback
Ways to monitor learning and assessment – student unit review
Strategies that will be used to provide unit feedback to students include both formal and informal:
  • annotated work,one–on-one conferencing,peer evaluation and self reflection.

Unit Review / Teacher Critical Reflection
Keep / Change / Try / Self-assessment of teaching performance

Caitlyn Affleck1W0086358