CODA TEXAS State Assembly
Minutes for State Assembly 2010
Attendees: Skip M, New Braunfels;Karen G., Bryan; Bob M, Vice Chair, Tyler; Terri S State Chair, Ft. Worth; Della B. Austin; Brandi D. Ft. Worth-Jr. Delegate; Judi C., Houston; Martha R., Dallas-Sr. Delegate; David L., Houston
Meeting was opened by State Chair Terry Smith
With a moment of silence followed to the reading of the steps, traditions and member introductions
David L. stated that all in attendance donate in kind to the soft drinks in stock for the Assembly attendees.
David L. read a revision of the new by-laws regarding quorum count.
A quorum is a count of at least 5 people, 9 were in attendance.
Secretary Minutes. Della B. motion to accept, 2ndSkip M. Vote unanimous to accept as written.
Brandi D. read Treasurer’s report. Della B. motion to accept, David L. 2nd. Vote unanimous to accept as written.
Spring Retreat: Contract for spring retreat calls for 35 attendees, Della B stated that Camp Lone Star has only charged for number of attendees, no matter what contact states. Spring Retreat CODA Texas: 3/11, 2011 at Camp Lone Star, La Grange, TX
Terri S requested a report on the 2010 State Assembly
David L. reported that there was a count of 25 as of this time: 9:35 AM 10/9/10.
2011 State Assembly, Tyler volunteered. Tyler in preliminary stages planning for 2011 State Assembly.
Dates for State Assembly to be scheduled for late October Early November.
Attendees discussed room rates and looking at 2 years at same hotel.
Texas CoDA Website Report: Viability of website. It was reported to be: 300 to 350 unique visits (total Hits) this was reported to the State Chair by the Webmaster for the CODA website. It was found that there were a large amount of people viewing the website. Further discussion about the counters for the website and how the statistics impacted the CODA website the Houston and Austin CODA.
Proposition to have a liaison for posting info as: Della B. elected unanimously to be the Electronic Communications Liaison, with State Secretary be the back up. Electronics Communications Liaison to send all statewide emails and responsible for having information posted to web.
Discussion on Texas Newsletter: Newsletter sent out 3 times in 2010 another will be sent out via E-Mail. Newsletter: Karen G.asked about another volunteer to do the Texas Newsletter: Christi S., Austin, was mentioned as a volunteer to do this. Karen G. agreed to continue as editor of newsletter
Election of Officers for the Texas State CODA board and Jr. Delegate:
Terri S read by laws regarding the terms of service for officers plus a description of the duties of each officer (i.e.: Secretary, Treasurer etc)
Motion to accept the nominees: Terri S. Vice Chair, Ft. worth, Bob M,Tyler, Chair, Secretary , Marilyn B. Kingwood, Treasurer: Stephanie, Ft. worth, Treasurer. Passed unanimously.
Delegates nominations: Jr. Delegate-List as Follows: Clint Dallas, Robert G, Dallas, Dephny Z, Austin, David Mc-Ft. Worth., Karen G., Bryan. People requested to be at bottom of the list due to their attending Service Conference: Della B, Austin, and David L., Houston.
CODA Texas Jr. Delegate Positions: Robert G Jr. Delegate, Dephny Z -1st alternate, David Mc 2nd alternate, Clint 3rd alternate, Karen G 4th alternate, Della B. 5th alternate, David L. 6thalternate.
Proposed Budget: Discussion on proposed 7th tradition donations $800.00 too low of a proposal,
David L proposed that 1200.00 be approved as the seventh tradition donations taken into account as actual voted
6 yes, 4 No, No abstentions. Motion passed.
Discussion on amount of monies allocated for CODA Service conference unanimous to accept 800 per delegate accepted and approved unanimously. Motion Passed
Website: Discussion on allotted monies for website changed made to annually from monthly as the wording for the website expenses.
Della B. motion to accept proposed budget, David L. 2nd. 6 accepted as amended, 3 opposed 1 abstention.
Location for Spring Board Meeting: Waco Library, Date: April 9th 2011 motioned, discussion tabled
8:30 business meeting if needed, to discuss 5 agenda items.
David L. motion to adjourn, Skip M. 2nd.
Adjourned 12 noon.
October 10, 2010
CODA Business Meeting (continued from 10/9/2010)
Meeting was opened by Terri S. with a moment of silence meeting documents read by meeting attendees.
Quorum Count: 11 members present
Donation suggested: Sending a donation to Lone Star Retreat Center since CODA was not held responsible for the total contracted amount since CODA made a profit from the 2010 retreat of 2010.
Motion: Send 100.00 donation to Camp Lone Star, proposed by Marilyn B. Marylyn b. motion to accept.
9 in favor of, 2 opposed, 1 abstention.
Committee Chairs voting at CSC, Judi C spoke about this new issue being raised in regard to
Discussion on the issue of Committee members being allowed to vote at CSC.
Webmaster for State Of Texas and CODA world to take the wording of: CODA, Inc to change to CODA World. Bob M, Karen G., Stephanie S., Terri S., and possibly Christi S., Austin to be part of the committee for changing websitewebmaster for CODA Texas.
Voting entity issue: That the CODA “big” book be made into a smaller version without the stories, this would keep the larger CODA book in print, keep the larger CODA book in print along with the proposed smaller big book, this could generate more income to CODA.
Della B. Motioned that this be a voting entity issue to take to the Waco board meeting. Judi C. 2nd
10 in favor, 1 abstention.
Della B., motioned that the Texas CODA treasurer pay the registration fees for CSC rather than the delegates paying first then being reimbursed. Terri S. 2nd that motioned be approved. Passed unanimously
Motion to adjourn Meeting adjourned at: 9:50am, 10/10/10
Closed with Serenity Prayer