Day of Event Tips & Talking Points forSite Coordinators
FAFSA Day 2017-2018
- If providing folders, have a system in place to track the number of information folders distributed (one per student/family).
- Welcome the students and parents when they come in. Direct them to the appropriate locations: presentation, computer lab, and quick question help desk – depending on the services offered at your site.
- Be prepared to point out restrooms, drinking fountains, play areas for younger children and other housekeeping details as needed (turn off cell phones, etc.).
- Publicly thank the school administrators or site host for the use of the facilities. Acknowledge any refreshment sponsors.
- Identify the volunteers by name and point out their FAFSA Dayshirts and nametags. Ask volunteers to fan out among the various tables or stations to be readily accessible to help answer participants’ questions. Remind the audience that the volunteers are assisting them – not completing the FAFSA for them.
- Identify volunteers to assist with special needs – sign language interpreters, for example. Point out those volunteers if available.
- Announce the agenda and expected finish time. Advise those who completed their FAFSAs to go to the computer lab to have it checked. Volunteer experts will be needed there to review the FAFSAs.
- Advise students that the FAFSA on the Web (FOTW) Worksheet for electronic filing is included in their information.
- Offer the presentation (if available) for families who would like an overview of the FAFSA before completing the application.
- When taking questions, always repeat the question before answering it, indicating where on the FAFSA you are referring or where to find the answer.
- Remind participants completing the FAFSA to print the confirmation page. A confirmation page is also sent to the email provided on the FAFSA. Advise participants about the MA deadline of May 1, school deadlines, and admissions deadlines. Inform families of verification and satisfactory academic progress (SAP). Also remind them to apply for housing and to follow FAFSA Day on social media for tips and reminders on “next steps.”
- Have a process in place for participant surveys. Have the link available on computers for families to complete the survey online. If using a paper process, have the process in place to collect surveys as families leave. After the event, designate a volunteer or site coordinator to input information from surveys no later than one week after your event and to notify FAFSA Day chairs when updated
- Thank your site volunteers.
Site Coordinator Event Day Tips - FAFSA Day 2018