Minutes of a meeting of Combe Martin Parish Council held in the Village Hall on
Monday, 14 January, 2013 at 7pm.
Present: / Councillors / Graeme Coombs / Trevor KibbleNigel Brettle / John Lovering
Julia Clark / Helen Mallinder
Wendy Druce / Clare Mountain (for items
158/12 to 161/12 only)
Yvette Gubb / Steve Seldon
Josie Jones (for items
158/12 to 161/12 only) / Jill Sidebottom
In Attendance: / County Cllr Andrea Davis, PCSO Ade Drury, 21 parishioners,
Parish Clerk
The meeting was opened with prayers.
158/12 / Matters arising from the public sessiona Nicky Tossell – thanked councillors for coming out and helping so much during the flooding in Combe Martin on 21 December, 2012. She asked that the problem with the churchyard riverbank eroding be addressed urgently.
b Rose Coombs – asked how many councillors had contacted the Emergency Officer to help? She was advised that six councillors had been out helping with the flooding.
c Karina Kibble – reminded Council that the subject of banning dogs from the Football pitch had been raised by Jackie Ward over a year ago. Cllr Josie Jones was asked why nothing had been done about banning dogs before now.
d Gary Mallinder – Asked Cllr Mountain whether, following her comments, she thought that the ‘senior’ councillors should resign?
Following the earlier questions, Cllr Julia Clark made a statement regarding comments which had been published in the paper recently, in order to clarify facts.
e Ken Mullins – asked if he could have a copy of Cllr Julia Clark’s statement, but this was declined.
f Peter Spencer – reminded the meeting that Council’s website needs to be updated, and was advised that the Working Party had met and was recommending actions to address this. He was also concerned that during the last two years no Annual Report had been produced and that the Quality Council status is in jeopardy. Mr Spencer stated that it was very difficult for the public to hear what was being said.
g Anne Bacon – spoke as Chairman of the School Federation, of which Combe Martin School is now a member, to invite everyone to a Vision meeting at the School on 31 January, 2013 at 6pm. The purpose of the meeting is to explain to the community the changes that are taking place at School, its effects, and to hear from the community how people would like School to go forward. Jo Walkden, former Headteacher has now left, the School is now federated with Woolacombe, and Sandy Brown is the Executive Head.
h Jayne Coombs – stated that a councillor had reported fellow councillors to the Monitoring Officer, alleging that those councillors had replied to an email that she herself had sent out, and which was of an offensive nature, and asked the councillor what she had meant to achieve, especially as the complaint had been rejected by the Ethics Committee? Cllr Clare Mountain replied that she had made the complaint because she herself had been reported and the complaints rejected, and because this had affected her business. She said that she had received advice from the former Monitoring Officer in making the complaint.
159/12 /
Declarations of Interest
CouncillorJill Sidebottom
Graeme Coombs / Subject
Planning application number 54933
Planning application number 55115 / Reason
Adjoining landowner
Friend of applicant
160/12 / Co-option to fill two Parish Council vacancies
Five applications for co-option had been received. Each of the applicants made a short statement about their interest in the vacancies.
Following a secret ballot, Nigel Brettle and Trevor Kibble were co-opted. Both signed their declarations of interest.
161/12 / Resignation of Councillors
Cllrs Josie Jones and Clare Mountain advised the meeting that they were resigning with immediate effect. Cllr Clare Mountain said that they had come onto the Council with good intentions. They thanked everyone for their support and wished the new councillors every success.
162/12 /
County Councillor's report
Bridge over the River Umber at the junction of Church Street and Pound LaneThe Bridge Inspector has been to look at the wall. The crack in the parapet wall is approx 2-3 mm wide and has been there for some time. It is not causing any major problems to the parapet and all stonework is solid. The parapet wall joins into the wall that runs up the side of the property next to the bridge and is in as good a condition as that one.
The only thing that he found that could do with doing is a few open joints at the corner of the abutment / property wall at water level, and a couple of joints on the spandrel. The river bed levels are about the same as on the record card dated 1981, the section under the garden would be the responsibility of the owner.
Application to the Airport fund for the Parade Project
The committee met just before christmas and asked questions about this project, the answers have been supplied and the next meeting is on
23 January, 2013.
Pot holes
Recent weather has resulted in numerous potholes appearing.All the roads in Cllr Davis’ area were inspected on Friday 28 and Saturday 29 December 2012 and all potholes logged for repair. More seem to be appearing. Villagers are asked to report any potholes they see.
Up to 21 December 2012, £4.2m has been spent on storms and emergencies, this figure does not include the cost of any major reinstatement works, for example the Grand Western Canal. This figure will increase dramatically once there is a clearer view of the works required after the events just before christmas.
Road Closure- Early Warning
The B3230 at Plaistow Mills will be closed in approximately two weeks time for six weeks due to road edge collapse. This work is absolutely imperative and needs to be done as soon as possible owing to slips caused by the exceptionally wet weather recently.
National Landscape
Cuts to monies received by County and District Councils was quoted by central government at around 2%, however analysis by local authorities has revealed that it is around 3.7%, which will have a significant impact on services we receive locally. For example, central government have stated that the funding for the pre school education for 2 year olds in certain areas is fully funded, what has happened is that Devon's Early Intervention Grant which funds children centres has been 'top sliced' and has resulted in a net loss of funding for children's centres.
District Councils are very concerned about the new responsibility they have been given for business rates appeals, this could prove very costly for District Council's.
Public Health Grant/Transition
The Public Health team will become part of DCC on 1 April 2013, as part of the Health and Social care reforms. The Public Health grant will equate to £27 per person in Devon. There are some strange anomalies around the country. Places like Dagenham have received more (£66) but Westminster has received £132 and Kensington and Chelsea £115. Cllr Davis is asking Devon MP's to take up this issue along with the poor funding for Devon school children (sixth from bottom in the funding table nationally) as this is unfair to Devon residents.
162/12 /
District Councillors’ reports
Until recently Combe Martin has benefited from having a road-sweeper to keep the streets clean for 27 hours per week. As part of the recent cuts, our road-sweeper has been transferred to Barnstaple, and other staff are now carrying out cleaning tasks for only 3 hours per week.North Devon Council has decided to share an officer in charge of waste and recycling with Torridge, and a complaint has been made to this officer about the inadequacy of the new provision of cleaning service.
Following the recent flooding, NDC acted promptly to clear mess from the roads. Drains will need to be cleared of grit and debris from the flooding and Cllr Davis was asked if DCC would give this Council notice of when the jetter is to visit the village, so that there is an opportunity to request drivers not to park on top of key drains so that they may be cleared.
163/12 /
Police and vandalism reports
a PolicePCSO Drury and PC Beck had sent their apologies. The Clerk apologised, as they had sent a police report which was not to hand. The report would be included in the Shammickite report of this meeting and is recorded below for information.
For the period 10/12/11 – 11/01/12 there were 10 crimes reported compared with 12 crimes in the same period 2012-13.
These were:
2 criminal damage to vehicle
1 criminal damage to property
1 common assault
1 assault occasioning ABH
1 owner/person in charge of a dog allowing it to cause injury in
1 cause fear or provocation of violence
1 theft
1 theft by shoplifting
1 criminal damage to building non dwelling
1 harassment without fear of violence
1 wound or cause GBH
b Vandalism
Cars continue to drive up onto the bank between Cobblers Park and Marine Drive car park, causing safety risks both to themselves and anyone nearby, and damaging the grass bank on a nightly basis.
164/12 /
Minutes of the last meeting
Minutes of the meeting held on 10 December, 2012, were signed as a true and accurate record, subject to:a Min 153/12a - adding that Cllr Jill Sidebottom was at the meeting.
b Min 145/12c – Matters arising from the November meeting
Min 145/12’s heading should read ‘Min 137/12b Combe Martin Museum update re TIC’ and not ‘Min 137/d – Combe Martin Museum – road closure’.
165/12 /
Update on the Parade
Simon Dovell reported that he had met the Conservation Officer on site, and she was insisting that some of the arches be left to show the history of the structure. He had therefore put in the planning application as Council had agreed, but had requested PWH to send out an additional tender to retain part of the Alcoves. Should the planning authority insist that parts of the structure be retained, Council would already have the costings to help it decide how to proceed.RESOLVED to amend the date of the Extra-Ordinary meeting to Wednesday, 30 January, 2013 at 6.45pm, and to then hold a site meeting at the Parade on Friday, 1 February, 2013 to clarify details.
166/12 /
Planning applications
District Councillors Julia Clark and Yvette Gubb drew the meeting’s attention to the fact that any observations or decisions which they made regarding planning applications at this meeting were based upon the information available at the time. Such observations and decisions might well change in the light of any information which might comebefore district councillors when sitting upon North Devon District Council’s planning committee.
Cllr Jill Sidebottom declared an interest in the following item and left the room.
Applicant – Mr Nick Jenkins
As the amendments were to confirm that the landowner of the
access road to the development area had been notified of the
proposal, and clarification of this on block and site plans,
RESOLVED to advise the planning authority that this Council
did not wish to alter its earlier recommendation, ie that the
application be APPROVED, subject to the use of SUDS in view
of the historic water drainage problems in Chapel Lane.
Newberry Parade, Combe Martin.
Applicant: Combe Martin Parish Council
Newberry Parade, Combe Martin
Applicant: Combe Martin Parish Council
RESOLVED to advise the planning authority that, as this
Council is the applicant for the two above applications, it is an
interested party and has no objections to the proposals.
Cllr Graeme Coombs declared a prejudicial interest in the following item and left the room. It was AGREED that Cllr Julia Clark chair the meeting for this item.
RAISED DECKING - Coombe Rise, Rectory Lane
Applicant - Simon Dovell
RESOLVED to advise the planning authority that this Council
has no objections to the proposal, as the decking is at the rear
of the building and there does not appear to be any issues of
167/12 / Proposed changes to Committee structure
As the proposer had resigned, and there was no seconder to the proposal 'That Council changes Standing Orders to disband various committees within the Parish Council and change to just 2 committees, Planning and Finance and General Purposes’ the proposal was LOST.
168/12 / Appointment of members to Committees and Working Parties
Cllrs Kibble and Brettle become members of the Highways Property
and Planning Committee,
Cllr Kibble become a member of the Audit Committee,
Cllrs Julia Clark and Helen Mallinder become members of the Quality
Council Working Party.
Other vacancies were left on the table until the vacant places have been filled.
169/12 / Committee chairmanships
RESOLVED that Cllr Coombs would remain Chairman of the HPP
Committee until May, 2013, and Cllr Kibble become Chairman of the Audit Committee.
170/12 /
Matters arising from the last meeting
a Min 149/12a – HPP (Seacott)It was noted that the Tourism Association had replied, confirming that it would vacate the building by 31 March, 2013. RESOLVED that the HPP Committee be given Power to Act to refurbish the building within the budgeted amounts, so that it may produce an income as soon as possible.
b Min 149/12c – Standing Order Working Party – revisions to Standing
RESOLVED to adopt the proposed amendments to Standing Orders, subject to:
i 36.3 - deleting 36.3.2 and 36.3.4 to reflect the closure of the Tourist Information Centre and changing the heading from TIC to Tourism.
ii reviewing Standing Orders again when the latest revisions recommended by NALC have been received.
c Min 153/12c - Quality Coast Award
It was noted that the Museum and Bathing Water Group had both replied, confirming that they strongly supported an application for the Award, but were not in a financial position to contribute. The Tourism Association also supported the application, and the TA offered to contribute £100 to the cost.
RESOLVED to apply for a Quality Coast Award for 2013. All councillors voted in favour of the proposal, with the exception of Cllr Seldon, who abstained.
171/12 /
Working Party reports