LOM 408B/5330 - Business Logistics Systems
Winter 2003
Analysis of Logistics for an Organization
Students in LOM 408B/5330 are required to complete a paper and an oral presentation analyzing the logistics of an organization. The organization you select must be approved by the instructor. Organizations for analysis may be local, regional, national or international firms with significant logistics operations. The paper and presentation should be based on information collected from published data about the organization, and especially, interviews with personnel in the organization. If you can not interview anyone in an organization, then you should select another organization. Report all data sources, including interviews, in a reference section at the end of the paper. The paper should not include material copied from any published sources or web sites, without proper attribution to the authors/sources.
The most important part of the paper is an analysis of several (2-3) key logistics issues facing the organization (section 4 below). You should clearly identify several key logistics issues, and clearly describe courses of action that the organization plans to implement, or might be able to implement, to address the issues. This will be based on your research about the organization, and most importantly, your interviews with personnel in the organization. You must include your own views and recommendations in your analysis of the possible courses of action the organization may undertake.
Important Dates:
March 10, 2003: Turn in the name of the organization selected for your logistics analysis, and
the name and position of the contact(s) you will interview.
April 16, 2003: Turn in your paper and PowerPoint presentation.
April 30, 2003: Oral presentations.
The paper should be 8 to 12 pages long (typed, double-spaced, with 1 inch margins). Papers over 12 pages long (including all materials: the Executive Summary, references, tables, figures, etc.) will be penalized. The paper should be concise and carefully edited. Students will also make on oral presentation to the class using PowerPoint. Grading of the paper and presentation will be based on content, style and correctness. The most important component of the paper and presentation is your own thoughts and views in the analysis of the key logistics issues.
The paper should include the following sections (The most important is section 4.):
1. Executive Summary (maximum 1 page): Brief synopsis of logistics in the organization, the key logistics issues, and potential solutions/outcomes. (This should be a self contained document separate from the remainder of the paper.)
2. Introduction (maximum 1 page): Brief introduction to the organization, its logistics activities, and the key issues.
3. Background (maximum 3 pages):
- Brief description of the primary activities of the organization (products sold, markets served, etc.).
- Brief history of the organization, highlighting key logistics developments (new products or markets, expansions, acquisitions, etc.).
- Brief description of the current logistics network and logistics operations of the organization, including locations of facilities, transportation, inventories, customer service, distribution strategies, quality, role of technology, etc.
- Brief description of logistics management within the organization, including location of logistics expertise and responsibility within the organization.
4. Key Logistics Issues (maximum 6 pages): Select several key logistics issues that face the organization now, or in the near future.
- Identify each issue and the organization's perspective(s) on the issue.
- Discuss possible courses of action (or solutions) to address each issue. This may include some courses of action under consideration by the organization, as well as other ideas you think may have value. Briefly discuss the pros and cons for each course of action. Consider possible changes required (in the logistics system, operations, personnel, etc.) within the organization and throughout the supply chain.
- Make recommendations for how each issue maybe successfully addressed.
5. Conclusion (Maximum 1 page): Provide a very brief summary of the organization, the key issues from Section 4, and your recommended courses of action. Also, provide your thoughts on how successful the organization will be in addressing the issues.
6. References.