Mereworth CP School: Medium Term Thematic Curriculum Plan 15/16

Teaching Team K. Maryon, N. Jones, P. Turnbull / Year Group
Theme Title / Changes to British life in the last 100 years / Weeks in unit
No / Key Learning Objectives linked to NC POS
Key Success criteria / Key Questions & Activities / Resources
Foundation Subjects / History / 1-14 / Know how people’s lives have shaped the nation and how Britain has been influenced by the world.
Know about significant aspects of the history of the wider world
Understand concepts such as change through cause and consequence / make connections and create structured accounts.
Understand how to undertake methods of historical enquiry.
How evidence is used to make historical claims
A study investigating how an aspect in the local area has changed.
A study of the impact of the Second World War or social and technological changes that have taken place since 1930, on the lives of men, women and children from different sections of society. / Evidence around us…what is the significance of (air raid shelter / memorials/ artifacts/ photos)
How did War begin? Britain and the wider world.
What precautions did people in Britain take and how did this affect daily life and the environment.
(Barrage balloons, defences, Home Guard, Masks, shelters, sirens etc)
How was society affected?
Children at War – evacuation / gas masks/ missing parents
Men at War – absence from family
Women at War – changing role in society
Timeline of Main events ( cause and effect… to War events in Europe) including..
Dunkirk - DVD
Invasion across Europe – mapping dates and invasions
Battle of Britain - DVD
D Day – 3D model of beaches (link Geography contours)
Searching for further evidence – use memorials, bomb shelter, artefacts and school grounds. Metal detecting. Researching names on memorials. Interview and archives.
Evidence of airfields. School badge / photos of local places and research into Mereworth Castle as a POW camp.
Visit from James Thirsk (WW2 Enigma codebreaker)
Visit from Maidstone Archives with school log books.
Communication with Newman family in Australia.
Biography of famous person or family member. (possible link - NJ)
Wartime cooking and Dig for Victory (contribute to Senior’s Tea Party) / DVDs of eye witness accounts and recordings of Sirens ,V1 bombs and Chamberlain’s speeches.
Britain since 1930 text books
Local / school memorial
School site and bomb shelter
Photos, pictures, filmclips,
Artefacts (ration books)
Metal detectors
Suitcase / gas mask box, blackouts, shells
Biography notes
Geography / Knowledge of countries worldwide
Use Atlases, globes, maps and digital /computer to locate countries.
Identifying ground features from aerial photos. / What geographical features helped keep Britain safe? Look at distance between us and France, cliffs, Island
What happened on D Day? Where did it all take place? Map the beaches and research each attack. 3D model to show contours of land.
Identify potential at risk areas and safer areas from bombs.
Look at historical photos and aerial photos of Mereworth to see the changes that war brought.
Look at photos of Blitz, compare with today.
Look at pictures of gardens and parks dug up for vegetables / European maps
Aerial photos
Google Earth
Plasticine and card
Copies of news reports and posters showing German advances.
Nicola Jones
(From Kent Syllabus) / 1
6 / To understand how a book can be special
How do you find your way around a bible?
To understand the importance of morals and consequences.
To understand the importance of the sermon on the mount
To investigate the relevance of Christian laws
To be able to interpret a story
To be able to write from a different point of view.
To show an understanding of audience
To show an understanding of morals and their importance.
To understand the importance of Christmas to Christians
To be able to compare . Christmas traditions in France/ England / What makes a book special- children to select a book and describe why itis special to them-key questions on board. Discuss importance of the bible to Christians- ideas on the board/ title page for topic.
To use the internet and bibles to find out key facts including no. of books, pages, languages. Use the facts to produce a quiz in pairs. Using true false/multiple choice etc. Swap with others.
in groups children given a selection of proverbs to interpret. Children choose ½ to explain and give modern examples. Ext. Can they come up with their own proverbs.
To discuss the sermon on the mount why is it important to Christians?
To discuss the ten commandments and discuss their relevance today, present the commandments on stone tablets. Discuss ideas for modern day commandments children produce own version on in word.
Listen to the parable in groups discuss, children list their talents and how they could use them
Listen to the story, discuss in groups. Re write from the point of view of the brother
Listen to the parable and then share the modern version
Children to write a story for the younger children and illustrateShare with year 1 or 2
Choose one of the parables we have studied and design a poster highlighting the moral.
Read the accounts of Christmas how do Christians celebrate today. How do people in France celebrate Christmas/show differences
(SEALS / Sex and Drug Education) / Relationships
Magistrate Court visit
Achievements and getting on with others / Key questions
What is acceptable behaviour?
How are we pressured? What can influence our behaviour?
What are stereotypes? How can we prevent these?
What is discrimination?
What are family values (links with RE)
What is abuse? Where can we go?
Setting challenges – steps to achieve Children to set challenges and steps to reach them.
Personal goals
Aggressive and assertive behaviour. Drama scenarios – How do we respond? / SEAL materials
Nicola Jones / To analyse a piece of music
Charanga unit 1
sing and interpret WW2 songs in preparation for Seniors tea party and class assembly. / Listen to a variety of film music and list instruments, thoughts , feelings. Linked with dance.
‘Living on a prayer’ rhythm, and singing – children to add instruments where appropriate.
To sing and add accompaniment to WW2 songs. Add new lines and perform with percussion. Children to perform in small groups and to extend songs through added verses.
Practise with view to performing a selection of songs for the assembly to include The quartermaster store/ bluebirds/long way to Tipperary / CD
Film music
Lyrics to war songs
Film clips of famous entertainers (Vera Lynn)
Science / 1
6 / Investigating Light
Introduction – assessing knowledge and putting in context
To understand light travels in straight lines. Use evidence to support ideas.
To understand how objects are seen when light is reflected into the eye.
Explain why shadows have the same shape as the object. Use test results to predict and investigate further.
To explain how we see things. Plan a fair test, recognise and control variables.
Use the idea that light travels in straight lines to explain how objects are seen when they reflect light into the eye.
As above. To be able to report as to the degrees of trust in results. / Look at satellite pictures of Earth to see light pollution.
Revision game – mystery equipment. History link to the blackout.
Cartoon prompt. Disproving or proving that light cannot travel round corners.
Making a dark box. Drawing the path of the light explaining how objects are seen.
Problem solving task – where will umbrellas be placed around a pool to give shade?
Using mirrors to reflect light to a target. Label diagrams to explain how they are able to see (eg a post it on their back) Possible making of kaleidescopes.
Problem solving – How can the spy see over the wall. Making a periscope.
Comparative Test – Which window lets in the most amount of light?
Use data loggers. Prompt repeated measurements. Record results. Think about light through different materials and refer back to history link with the blackout. / Mystery box, index cards, post its, plasticine, mirrors, torches, shoeboxes, materials, data loggers, hole punch, spaghetti, pictures of light on Earth from space.
Art /DT / Explore techniques with water colour and pastel.
Use of space and lifting of colour.
Sketching of artifacts / Blitz silhouette pictures (from studies of photos)
Exploring use of different media
(Art connected with Christmas) / Pastels, watercolours, masking tape, rubbers, coloured paper, black paper.
PE / Sport (inc Dance) / 1a - consolidate their existing skills and gain new ones. 1b - perform actions and skills with more consistent control and quality.
2a - plan, use and adapt strategies, tactics and compositional ideas for individual, pair, small-group and small-team activities. 2b - develop and use their knowledge of the principles behind the strategies, tactics and ideas to improve their effectiveness. 2c -apply rules and conventions for different activities.
3a - identify what makes a performance effective. 3b - suggest improvements based on this information.
4a - how exercise affects the body in the short term. 4b - to warm up and prepare appropriately for different activities. 4c - why physical activity is good for their health and well-being. 4d - why wearing appropriate clothing and being hygienic is good for their health and safety. Games activities

7a - play and make up small-sided and modified competitive net, striking/fielding and invasion games. 7b- use skills and tactics and apply basic principles suitable for attacking and defending. 7c- work with others to organise and keep the games going.

/ Traditional P.E. Netball, football skills.
Passing and stopping
Control skills
Attacking space
Defensive positions
Small sided games
To create a sequence in a small group
To evaluate
To perform a dance
To create a sequence using key skills on the floor and on equipment.
To evaluate performance
To work in a small group
To show control and strength / Footballs
Rugby balls
Markers, Bands
gymnastic equipment in hall
film music
Mats/ gymnastic equipment
Rebecca Crease / Term 1 / level 2 unit 1- To hold a basic conversations. / Counting to 20 basic greetings, conversations
Rising Stars Focus; yr 3-6 / We are researchers – introduction
Evaluation / Use search engines to compile relevant information needed for Wartime study.
Copy and paste
Select and rewrite information
Literacy :
·  Key objectives and skills to be covered
·  Genres covered / Biography – research and present a Biography of a (famous person who lived during World War 2 or link with RE)
News Report
Letter / Diary entries from evacuated children.
Writing descriptively – effective use of suspense, short sentences, personification and simile.
spelling age test. statutory words for year 3/4 and year 5/6 , word endings able/ible , prefixes and suffixes, old and new words, spelling rules ie, wh, kennings, synonyms, rhymes, double consonant, word origins
Regular handwriting practice
To understand and use homophones complex sentences
To use prefixes to understand antonyms subordinate and main clauses
To use a range of connectives punctuation
To use arrange of adverbs passive and active
·  Comprehension skills
·  Class texts
·  Group Reading Texts / Historical Story - Goodnight Mr Tom by Michelle Magorian
Comprehension exercises based on book
Summarising – author’s structuring of story
Character studies and use of supporting quotations
Non fiction – History link to War
Biography – structure
Encourage personal reading of stories like - Hitler’s Canary, Silver Sword, When Hitler stole Pink Rabbit, Blitz boys, Machine gunners, Carrie’s war, I am David, Boy in the striped pyjamas,
Speaking and Listening
·  Key Skills to be covered
·  S&L Opportunities
·  Drama
·  Story telling opportunities / Drama linked to events and dilemmas in Goodnight Mr Tom
Re enacting Air Raid procedure
Discussion of issues as they arise (eg Why evacuees ran away)
(Why the role of women changed)
Presentation of Biography information
1 a,b,e
2 a,b, c, e
4 a – d
6 a – c
8 a,b
9 a, b, c
11 a -c
·  Key Objectives to be covered / 1 a –k
Week 1 Revision and 11 plus
Week 2 – Properties of nmber
2 a –j Week 3 - Fractions Decimals %
3 a – k Week 4 Word problems
4 a – e Week 5 Measures
Week 6 Shape and space
Learning Experiences;
·  To launch
·  To Celebrate at end
·  Visits
·  Outdoor Learning
·  Visitors in to school / Evidence around us – question trail
Party for senior citizens including war songs / entertainment / wartime recipes
Church Memorial visit / metal detecting for artefacts / Dig for Victory
Local citizens / Codebreaker visit / Archives visit
Global awareness Week
Magistrate visit
Approximate £ cost to families