Energy/Environmental Committee -2- June 13, 2013
June 13, 2013
The Energy & Environmental Committee met on Thursday, June 13, 2013, in the County Board Room at the Kane County Government Center, Geneva, Illinois.
Present: Chairman Kojzarek, Allan, Davoust, Donahue, Lewis. Absent: Laesch, Barreiro. Also present: Co. Bd. Chairman Lauzen; Environ. Mgmt. staff Kosky, Miller, Recycling Coord. Jarland; Planner Hanlon; Water Resources staff Wollnik; IT staff Strike; Asst. State’s Atty. Erin Gaeke; and members of the press and public.
Chairman Kojzarek called the meeting to order at 9:02 a.m. and lead the committee in the recital of the Pledge of Allegiance.
Minutes of the May 16, 2013 Meeting - were approved on motion by Allan, seconded by Lewis. Motion carried unanimously by voice vote.
Resident Gerald Schroeder discussed the importance of being aware of the environment for future generations and the fact that it was a learning process with a common goal for everyone involved. He shared his concerns about some of the wording in a specific paragraph of the resolution, that the greenhouse percentages mentioned were required, and the fact that the Sierra Club organization, as mentioned, was a radical group,. He stated the resolution’s signature block was in error and all members needed to sign the resolution. Mr. Schroder felt a motion to reconsider the resolution was in order and a balanced approach by the committee should be considered. He also discussed the opportunity to involve the county’s youth in certain ecological activities.
Ms. Sandy Kaptain, from the Sierra Club, responded that the green program is working and has been working and jobs are being created. More recently, she reported that Cook County became a Cool County and the cities of Chicago, Elgin and Aurora were Cool Cities. Ms. Kaptain reminded the committee that the two percent greenhouse gas reduction was a goal and the county would not be penalized if it was not achieved. Also, there was approximately 97% to 98% agreement among scientists to preserve and reserve the world’s resources for future generations.
NEW & UNFINISHED BUSINESS: *(Complete presentations can be viewed on the County’s website.)
- Resolution: Endorsing the Sierra Club Cool Counties Program - was moved to Executive Committee with the revision to remove the fifth (5th) “Whereas” paragraph, on motion by Allan, seconded by Davoust. Chairman Kojzarek clarified that the resolution before the committee could be amended. Adding on to that, Asst. State’s Attorney Gaeke stated the final action to the resolution was taken by the County Board, as a whole, and signed by the County Board Chairman. Dialog was raised that the county was already taking steps toward green initiatives through its Operational Sustainability Plan, its 2040 Plan, and the Kane County Energy Plan, but the Cool Counties resolution was inconsistent in that Paragraph 5 was requiring the county to take “measurable” steps while in Paragraph 7 the wording was stating that the county would make a “voluntary reduction.” Lastly, a concern was raised that there could be a misperception that the committee was endorsing a specific organization; however, Chairman Kojzarek clarified the resolution was in no way endorsing a specific organization in its entirety; it was just endorsing the reduction of carbon. Asst. State’s Atty. Gaeke suggested striking the 5th “Whereas” paragraph, reminding the committee that the spirit of the resolution remained the same and what was being resolved remained the same. Both the originator and seconder of the motion agreed to the suggested amendment. Motion carried unanimously.
DISCUSSION: Electrical Vehicle Charging Station Usage Data (attachment) - Staff Kosky reported that a charging station is now located at the Third Street Court house. She reviewed the costs for the unit, its installation, and its maintenance. Details followed on the monitoring of the units and the data that can be derived from it. One committee member relayed two complaints he received recently by a constituent: county vehicles were using the parking space and the charging station was not working. Kosky said she was following up with these issues.
DISCUSSION: Energy Efficiency Retrofit List, Kane County Facilities (attachment) - Kosky reviewed a PowerPoint on the county’s various energy efficiency projects completed over the past months, reminding the committee on the initial, less-costly steps it takes to reduce energy, but then moving toward the more efficient (but more expensive) steps. A review of the county’s facilities being audited for 2013 followed, along with the savings the county received from its retro-commissioning, and the incentives available to the county by following such steps. Further energy efficiency improvements were reviewed, along with staff’s next steps in this process.
DISCUSSION: Paper Bid (recycling/virgin) – Kosky reviewed a paper bid which reflected the county’s annual purchase of virgin paper at $64,000 versus recycled paper at $70,000. While the county’s Sustainability Plan does not specifically mention the use of recycled paper, Kosky reported there was an action item to develop the green purchasing program. As far as she knew and from the I.T. Department’s own research, there was no State-mandated requirement for counties to purchase recycled paper. Kosky discussed that over the years there has been a reduction in paper consumption at the county level -- citing the paperless agenda packets that this committee piloted. In closing, staff was asked to contact the purchasing department to provide figures of how much paper the county actually purchased over the past years. Kosky would follow up.
Kosky highlighted the following town events coming up and encouraged members to attend them.
· Algonquin’s 11th Annual Conservation Community Day, 6/21/13, 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
· Batavia Green Walk, 6/15/13, 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Mr. Schroeder returned and suggested that the Sierra Club and the Heartland Institute jointly provide a resolution to the committee rather than providing a one-sided view. He responded to Ms. Kaptain’s comments regarding carbon and global warming, but added that the two recent Cool Cities were just a very small part of the population and did not represent the entire population of those cities. It was just an assumption made and should be considered before moving forward. He also added that water vapor was not considered and its effects on greenhouse gases.
In response, Chairman Kojzarek informed the committee that he contacted the Heartland Institute, at the urging of Mr. Schroeder, and they offered no stated opposition. (Lewis leaves meeting.)
Ms. Sandra Kaptain, on behalf of the Sierra Club, thanked the committee for its support and was impressed by the county’s energy efficiencies and efforts on behalf of the environment.
The meeting was adjourned at 10:03 a.m. on motion by Davoust, seconded by Allan. Motion carried unanimously.
Celeste Weilandt
Recording Secretary