Ladies and Gentlemen,
the association “Novi Homines” is implementing a project “Prisoners: Present Discussion and Contribution to the Future European Union”.
We are conducting this survey in order to investigate and compare the indicators of psychological well-being and self-efficacy in groups of current or ex- prisoners who are involved in voluntary work and who are not.
Please answer all questions honestly; your input is very important to the study. The results will be summarised. There are no right or wrong answers. The survey will take from five to ten minutes to complete. If you wish to be informed of the study findings, contact us at .
Thank you in advance.
1 Please enter the information and circle the suitable option:
Gender: / a) Maleb) Female
Age (in years): / ______
Education: / a) elementary
b) middle
c) secondary
d) higher
Are you a believer? / a) No
b) I am not sure
c) Yes
d) Yes, profoundly
Nationality: / ______
City of residence: / ______
Country: / ______
Total time spent imprisoned (in years): / ______
Are you currently in a detention facility? / a) Yes;
b) No (advance to the 2nd question)
Detention facility in which you are currently serving the sentence: / a) Correction house
b) Juvenile correction house
c) Prison
d) High security prison
e) Open colony
f) Detention facility hospital
Nature of crime for which you are serving the sentence (circle all suitable options): / a) Intentional homicide
b) Grievous bodily injury
c) Rape
d) Public order offenses
e) Robbery
f) Theft
g) Extortion
h) Fraud
i) Drugs
j) Other
Sentence remaining to be served (in years): / ______
2 How would you describe your financial situation?
Cannot make ends meet
Money is sufficient for food only
Money is sufficient for all necessities
Income is sufficient; some is left
I always have spare money
3 Have you ever volunteered?
Yes No (advance to the 10th question)
4 For how long have you volunteered?
Up to two weeks
From two to four weeks
From one to six months
From six to twelve months
More than a year
5 How would you describe your volunteering experience?
Continuous periodic activity for the benefit of a person or an organization
Casual activity
One-off assistance
Seeking financing and donations
Other volunteering activity
Where did you volunteer? (circle all suitable options) / a) In a detention facility while serving a sentenceb) While at large
7 Briefly describe which area did you volunteer in, what kind of tasks did you do and what were you responsible for.
8 What motivated you to volunteer?
9 What impact did volunteering have on your personality?
10 Please choose the most suitable option for each statement:
Definitely not / No / I do not know / Yes / Definitely yesLife is valuable to me / / / / /
I have too few close friends / / / / /
There are a lot of people to whom I may speak openly at any time / / / / /
I am satisfied with my income / / / / /
I can take part in public actions according to my interests / / / / /
My family is my pillar / / / / /
My physical health is excellent / / / / /
I enjoy spending time with my relatives / / / / /
I feel fine living in Lithuania / / / / /
I am satisfied with life / / / / /
There are few with whom I could share my concerns / / / / /
I am sick often / / / / /
Compared with others, I deal with stress easily / / / / /
I feel fine being a Lithuanian citizen / / / / /
My financial situation is good / / / / /
I am independent from others / / / / /
I am an organized person / / / / /
I have an optimistic outlook on my future / / / / /
I often feel tired / / / / /
I am constantly tense / / / / /
I often feel a lack of energy / / / / /
I have clear life goals / / / / /
My life goals are clear / / / / /
Communicating with relatives is stressful to me / / / / /
I often feel various body aches / / / / /
I feel spiritually strong / / / / /
My income ensures my security / / / / /
11 Please choose the most suitable option for each statement:
Definitely not / No / I do not know / Yes / Definitely yesIf I put enough effort I can always solve difficult problems / / / / /
If someone objects to me, I can still find a way to get what I want / / / / /
I am certain that I can achieve my goals / / / / /
I am certain that I could deal with unexpected events effectively / / / / /
Thanks to my resourcefulness I can deal with unforeseen situations / / / / /
I can solve most problems if I put enough effort into it / / / / /
I am able to remain calm when faced with difficulties because I trust my abilities / / / / /
Thank you! You may enquire about the generalised findings of the survey at .
“Novi Homines” team
P.S. If you are interested in volunteering or other ways to join us, more information is available at, or by phone at +37060516804.