Precalculus Origami Project
The purpose of this project is to visualize and calculate right triangle and oblique triangle trigonometric values.
You are going to fold a paper crane. We will be folding one in class so that you can ask questions. You can use the animated website to help fold the crane. You are going to unfold the crane, flatten out the paper, and draw in each crease. Using the size of the side of your square, angle bisectors, right triangle and oblique triangle trigonometry, you are going to find the measure of each segment and each angle. Yes, all of them. Please label these on the unfolded crane. You will also turn in a folded creature of your choice.
q When you are finished, you will turn in your best folded crane. Put your name on the underside on a wing.
q You will turn in a piece of white paper with an unfolded crane attached. On this piece of paper you will do all calculations to find all angle and segment lengths. Attach extra sheets of paper if necessary. You will color, letter, or number code the unfolded crane measurements with the respective calculations.
q You will also turn in a folded item of your choice. Put your name on the underside of the creature.
q You will write a short paper discussing the mathematics of paper folding. You will find a specific math-paper-folding topic, research it thoroughly and discuss it in detail. Aim for 500-800 words. Include full bibliographical information (author, title, place of publication, publisher, date of publication, page numbers, URLs, creation or modification dates on Web pages, and your date of access) Remember that a paper without bibliographical information is useless since you cannot cite its source. You will use “turn it in .com”.
q Make sure that your name is on everything. You will turn in all four previously listed items. I would suggest paper clipping them together or putting all items in a folder or sheet protector.
Crane Project
___folded crane 10 points
___unfolded crane attached to calculations sheet 10 points
___angles labeled 10 points
___angle calculations 10 points
___sides labeled 10 points
___side calculations 10 points
___second creature – creativity and difficulty level 10 points
___presentation (This is where points will be added based on neatness, legibility, etc. )10 points
___paper discussing a specific math paper-folding topic. 20 points
This is a test grade. For A day, it is due on or before Thursday, February 14th. For B day, it is due on or before Friday, February 15th.
Keep in mind the average project is a “C”, an exceptional project is an “A”