Beulah Park District held its monthly meeting on Tuesday, February 2, 2016 at Beulah City Hall at 5:30 p.m.

Present: Robby Volk, Deb Schlecht, Rick Alexander, James Nelson, Kris Martens, Lucas Duncan, Bob Mohl and Jeannette Kittler.

Absent: Bridgette Martens.

Nelson made a motion to approve the Agenda as presented. Seconded by Alexander. All in favor. Motion carried.

The meeting began with the lottery drawing of the seasonal campers at Beulah Bay. A number of visitors who had applied for seasonal camping were present along with two representatives from the ND Corps of Engineers. Following the completion of the drawing, the visitors left the meeting and started trading sites with those who were present.

A motion was made by Schlecht to approve the minutes to the January, 2016 meeting. Seconded by Martens. All in favor. Motion carried.

A motion was made by Nelson to approve the financial statement. Seconded by Schlecht. All in favor. Motion carried.

Volk provided a report on the Wellness Center checking account that is managed by Brandi Tolosky. The board agreed that the financial information appeared to be in order.

A motion was made by Schlecht to approve the 2015 and 2016 profit and loss statements. Seconded by Martens. All in favor. Motion carried.

A motion was made by Martens to approve the bills. Seconded by Alexander. All in favor. Motion carried.

Staff Report:

Duncan: Duncan provided his written report for the Commissioners. See attached report. Duncan provided information for the possible increase in Legion and Babe Ruth dues beginning this summer.

Kittler: Working on cleaning old documents that is in the locked cage in the women’s locker room. Kittler is also assisting Schlecht with Beulah Bay projects.

Mohl: Mohl provided his written report for the Commissioners. See attached report. There was discussion about putting old picnic tables at Heritage Park this summer. The City of Beulah does maintain this park. Mohl stated that in the shop is a bagger for one of the mowers that is not used and that perhaps we could sell this. This bagger only fits on the Beulah Bay mower. Mohl stated that a Wagner paint sprayer is not in the shop. Volk stated that he will go the shop this week Friday and also look for this item. If this sprayer is not located, he will contact Vern Muscha. Mohl said that Muscha has removed his duck boat from the shop. Muscha’s tractor and shed were moved from the shop area to the top of the hill (Rodeo Grounds) on property that is owned by the City of Beulah.

A motion was made by Schlecht to order a fire cabinet for the shop. Seconded by Alexander. All in favor. Motion carried.

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Martens stated that the City of Beulah will be getting their new skid steer in two weeks, at which time the Park District will purchase the City’s skid steer.

Unfinished Business:

-  Muscha’s personal property has been removed from the Park District property and moved to the top of the hill on the Rodeo Grounds.

-  Martens will discuss under Unfinished Business at the March meeting an air compressor for the shop.

-  Under Unfinished Business in May, the Commissioners will talk about picnic tables for
Heritage Park this summer.

New Business:

-  Alexander talked about shelving with slots for parts at the shop. Mohl said he could make this and Nelson said that he has materials at his home that may work for this project. A label maker will be purchased.

-  Schlecht said that we should start looking for summer help to assist Mohl with park maintenance. These jobs will be advertised in March. Duncan stated that these jobs along with coaches are already advertised with Job Service.

-  Schlecht stated that the Relay for Life event to be held at Riverside Park will be on June 10, 2016.

-  Schlecht stated that three Park Board Commissioners positions are up for election this summer. She suggested that perhaps this should be advertised in the local newspaper.

-  Nelson reported that the boaring of a water line from Eagles Campground to Riverside Park will be split three ways (City of Beulah, Beulah Public School District and Beulah Park District). Nelson was told by the Garrison contractor that this job is first on his list this spring.

-  An e-mail was received from Todd Wolstenholm with his offer to maintain the Softball Complex this year. Due to the fact that Bob Mohl has been hired as the Park Supervisor, the Park Board felt that we would not need Mr. Wolstenholm’s services. See attached e-mail from Wolstenholm.

Wellness Center: Martens was not present and therefore no report was provided.

Beulah Bay:

-  Schlecht stated that she will be attending a water sample class in New Salem on 2/23/16.

-  Schlecht stated that tentative plans are being made for a Kayak party at Beulah Bay this summer.

-  Schlecht received an e-mail from Eric with the Corps of Engineers about the plans for the new shop. The Eric is requesting lots more information. She will contact Tim Kolke with the Corps to see if all the information requested is necessary.

Baseball/Softball Update:

-  Nelson reported that Legion baseball will stay with the same 3 class system. Beulah will be classified as A while Hazen is classified as B.

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-  A motion was made by Nelson to raise the Legion and Babe Ruth dues by $50.00 this summer. Seconded by Martens. Alexander amended this motion to add that following years, the dues will be increased by another $50.00 per league. The dues for this season will be $200.00 for Legion and $150.00 for Babe Ruth. Seconded by Nelson. All in favor. Motion carried.

-  The Park District will not be hiring an Assistant Coach for Legion Baseball this year.


-  Schlecht said that the Sports Show in Minot is in March and will contact Sarah with the Chamber of Commerce to see if they will have a booth and if they need help in manning the booth. The Directors may volunteer to work the event.

-  Schlecht was at the Rec Center when one of the front desk night attendants was not being as efficient as she thought they should be.

There being no further business, Schlecht made a motion to adjourn. Seconded by Alexander. All in favor. Motion carried.

Submitted by:

Jeannette Kittler