NAVTTC registered competencystandard CS code: 021400211, version 1

Title / Kiln firing
Level / 3 / Credits / 23
Purpose / This competency standard is designed to provide basic competencies about the process of firing of the ceramics articles using natural gas fired kilns in accordance to the requirement of the industry.
Classification ISCED / 0214 Handicrafts
Available grade / Competent / Not yet competent
Modification history / N/A
CompetencyUnit / PerformanceCriteria / Knowledge andUnderstanding
H1. Perform loadingand unloading of thekiln / Trainee will be able to:
P1. Store the green waressafely.
P2. Level the kilncars
P3. Distribute uniform load and space ontothe Slabs.
P4. Store the fired products withidentification / Trainee will be able to:
K1.Understand the loadingcapacityof the kilncar/slabs
K2.Assess the moisturecontentsof thewares.
K3.Ensure the lockingof the kilncars
K4.Assess the cleanlinessof the slabsbeforeloading
H2. Fire thekiln / Trainee will be able to:P1.Drawfiringcurve
P2. Adjust air / gas ratio for theburners P3. Adjust the tie rods of kiln asneeded P4. Ignite theburners
P5.Maintaindifferentzonesof thekilnP6.Adjustpushingspeedof thecarsP7.Adjustdampersof thekiln.
P8.Useappropriatesafetechniquewhen pushing and pulling thecars
P9.Operatestandbygenerators / Trainee will be able to:
K1. Explain the firing requirement of the ware (oxidation/ reduction)
K2. Get understanding of required gaspressure
K3. Explain electric voltageaccordingly
K4. Classify the nature of materials to befired.
K5. Assess the color of theflame
K6. Identify the pressure of thekiln
CompetencyUnit / PerformanceCriteria / Knowledge andUnderstanding
H3. Record kilndata / Trainee will be able to: P1. Check air / gasratio
P2. Check kiln pressure, gaspressure
P3. Maintain the logbook
P4. Check temperature of different zones ofthe kiln at specifiedintervals. / Trainee will be able to:
K1. Use measuringinstruments
K2. Log the kiln and productiondata
K3. Assess any abnormal operation / behavior of thekiln
H4. Perform proper Maintainthe kiln / Trainee will be able to:P1.Clean theburners
P2.Lubricate / grease the movingpartsofthe kiln.
P3.Clean the controlpanels
P4.Insulate the hotareas
P6.Clean gas andairfilters
P9.Applycoating to theslabs
P10. Develop preventivemaintenance schedules / Trainee will be able to:
K1.Identifylubricants /greases
K2.Usevacuumcleaningof the electronicparts
K3.Assessmaterials for coatingofslabs /rollers
K6.Identifytheneed for calibrationofthermocouplesK7.Maintain the requiredmaterials formaintenanceK8.Identifytheneed for changing theslabs
CompetencyUnit / PerformanceCriteria / Knowledge andUnderstanding
H5. Identify thetrouble shooting phenomena inkiln / Trainee will be ableto:
P1.Restart the kilnafterpowershutdown
P2.Adjust the air / gasratios
P3.Purge the kilnbeforeeverystartingcycle / Trainee will be ableto:
K1.Understand the kilnalarms
K2. Understand the kiln operating / maintenancemanuals


Industry Standard Setting Body: N/A /  NAVTTC 10.12.2014