Apply attribution theory to explain motives and discuss attitude formation and changeSCORE / Description of Understanding / Evidence of Understanding / Options for increasing understanding
4 / I can teach any of the concepts listed below to my classmates. /
- You help a peer move up a level in their understanding of the content
- Summary or discussion with Ms. Brunink about chosen article
3 / I can apply attribution theory to explain motives and discuss attitude formation and change
- A. Describe attribution theory and define dispositional and situational
- B. Define and apply the fundamental attribution error
- C. Understand the difference between self-serving bias and actor-observer bias
- D. Describe the connection between attitude and actions
- E. Differentiate between peripheral route persuasion and central route persuasion
- F. Differentiate between foot-in-the-door phenomenon and door in the face phenomenon.
- G. Describe the power of cognitive dissonance theory
- Complete Schoology reading quiz for Module 74 with a score of above 95% without using notes OR
- Discuss items A-G with a partner without looking at notes (partner checks off evidence for completion to the left)
- Find and read articles in Scientific American Mind pertaining to sensation and perception and apply the terms used in Module 74.
- Help classmates deepen their understanding of the material
2 / I feel confident that I know or can do 4-6 of the items listed above /
- Complete Schoology reading quiz for Module 74 with a score of 75-95%
- Can discuss 3-5 of the items with a partner without looking at notes (partner checks off completion)
g. Watch module 74 flip it video
1 / I can do 1-3 of the items listed above but need assistance for the rest /
- Complete Schoology reading quiz for Module 74 with a score below 75%
- Can discuss 1-2 of the items with a partner without looking at notes (partner checks for completion)
- Module 16 Flashcards
- Re-read Modules & adjust note taking strategies
0 / I am unable to do any of the items listed in this learning goal /
- Score below 50% on schoology reading quiz
- Read Modules
- Incorporate text structures into note taking
- Schedule meeting with Ms. Brunink
Describe the structure and function of different kinds of group behavior and explain how individuals respond to expectations of others
SCORE / Description of Understanding / Evidence of Understanding / Options for increasing understanding
4 / I can teach any of the concepts listed below to my classmates. /
- You help a peer move up a level in their understanding of the content
- Summary or discussion with Ms. Brunink about chosen article
3 / I can describe the structure and function of different kinds of group behavior and explain how individuals respond to expectations of others
- A. Describe the difference between social facilitation and social interference
- B. Define social loafing and identify what causes it
- C. Define deindividuation and the factors that cause it
- D. Define and understand the difference between groupthink and group polarization. Understand the conditions that cause each concept
- E. Discuss the importance of roles in behavior, particularly Zimbardo’s research
- F. Describe Asch’s research on conformity and the conditions that make it more likely.
- G. Understand the difference between normative and informational social influence
- H. Discuss the method, outcome, and applications of Milgram’s work on obedience
- Complete Schoology reading quizzes for Modules 75-76 with a score of above 95% without using notes OR
- Discuss items A-H with a partner without looking at notes (partner checks off evidence for completion to the left)
- Find and read articles in Scientific American Mind pertaining to sensation and perception and apply the terms used in Module 75-76.
- Help classmates deepen their understanding of the material
- Find current events demonstrating each concept
2 / I feel confident that I know or can do 4-6 of the items listed above /
- Complete Schoology reading quizzes for Module 75-76 with a score of 75-95%
- Can discuss 3-5 of the items with a partner without looking at notes (partner checks off completion)
a-b: watch Module 76 flip it video
g: watch Module 75 flip it video
e-f, h: adjust 40 study strategies…i.e., careful reading, notes from others, follow-up research, etc…
g. Watch module 74 flip it video
1 / I can do 1-3 of the items listed above but need assistance for the rest /
- Complete Schoology reading quizzes for Modules 75/76 with a score below 75%
- Can discuss 1-2 of the items with a partner without looking at notes (partner checks for completion)
- Module 75/76 Flashcards
- Re-read Modules & adjust note taking strategies
0 / I am unable to do any of the items listed in this learning goal /
- Score below 50% on schoology reading quiz
- Read Modules
- Incorporate text structures into note taking
- Schedule meeting with Ms. Brunink
Describe processes that contribute to differential treatment of group members and articulate the impact of social and cultural categories (e.g., gender, race, and ethnicity) on self-concept and relations with others.
SCORE / Description of Understanding / Evidence of Understanding / Options for increasing understanding
4 / I can teach any of the concepts listed below to my classmates. /
- You help a peer move up a level in their understanding of the content
- Summary or discussion with Ms. Brunink about chosen article
3 / I can describe processes that contribute to differential treatment of group members and articulate the impact of social and cultural categories on self-concept and relation with others.
- A. Define and apply prejudice, stereotypes, and discrimination
- B. Explain the various causes of prejudice such as automatic, social roots, emotional roots, and cognitive roots.
-define and apply just-world phenomenon
-define and apply scapegoat theory
-define and apply other-race effect and hindsight bias
- C. Define and apply cultural norms and discuss how they affect behavior
- Complete Schoology reading quizzes for Modules 77 with a score of above 95% without using notes OR
- Discuss items A-C with a partner without looking at notes (partner checks off evidence for completion to the left)
- Find and read articles in Scientific American Mind pertaining to sensation and perception and apply the terms used in Module 77.
- Help classmates deepen their understanding of the material
- Find current events demonstrating each concept
2 / I feel confident that I know or can do 2 of the items listed above /
- Complete Schoology reading quizzes for Module 77 with a score of 75-95%
- Can discuss 2 of the items with a partner without looking at notes (partner checks off completion)
- Create a Venn diagram comparing and contrasting all three terms
- Venn diagrams, current event examples, text structures, Flip-it Video Module 77.
- Describe who would be if you lived in another culture and how you would react with others.
1 / I can do 1 of the items listed above but need assistance for the rest /
- Complete Schoology reading quizzes for Modules 77 with a score below 75%
- Can discuss 1 of the items with a partner without looking at notes (partner checks for completion)
- Module 77 Flashcards
- Re-read Modules & adjust note taking strategies
0 / I am unable to do any of the items listed in this learning goal /
- Score below 50% on Schoology reading quiz
- Read Modules
- Incorporate text structures into note taking
- Schedule meeting with me
Describe the variables that contribute to attraction and aggression.
SCORE / Description of Understanding / Evidence of Understanding / Options for increasing understanding
4 / I can teach any of the concepts listed below to my classmates. /
- You help a peer move up a level in their understanding of the content
- Summary or discussion with Ms. Brunink about chosen article
3 / I can describe the variables that contribute to attraction and aggression.
- A. Define aggression and identify genetic, neural, and biochemical influences
- B. Apply psychological and social-cultural factors in aggression: frustration-aggression principle, learning theory, and social scripts, and the influence of the media
- C. Explain the factors that lead to attraction: proximity (mere-exposure effect,) physical attractiveness, and similarity.
- D. Explain the psychological process of falling in love: passionate love, companionate love, equity, and self-disclosure.
- Complete Schoology reading quizzes for Modules 78-79 with a score of above 95% without using notes OR
- Discuss items A-C with a partner without looking at notes (partner checks off evidence for completion to the left)
- Find and read articles in Scientific American Mind pertaining to sensation and perception and apply the terms used in Module 78-79.
- Help classmates deepen their understanding of the material
- Find current events demonstrating each concept
2 / I feel confident that I know or can do 2 of the items listed above /
- Complete Schoology reading quizzes for Module 78-79 with a score of 75-95%
- Can discuss 2 of the items with a partner without looking at notes (partner checks off completion)
- Create a text structure
- Outline an argument regarding the influence of media on aggression using psychological concepts as your main points.
- Use the concepts above to explain why you are attracted to someone
- Predict how you will have a successful relationship using these terms
1 / I can do 1 of the items listed above but need assistance for the rest /
- Complete Schoology reading quizzes for Modules 78-79 with a score below 75%
- Can discuss 1 of the items with a partner without looking at notes (partner checks for completion)
- Module 78-79Flashcards
- Re-read Modules & adjust note taking strategies
0 / I am unable to do any of the items listed in this learning goal /
- Score below 50% on Schoology reading quiz
- Read Modules
- Incorporate text structures into note taking
- Schedule meeting with me
Predict the presence of others on individual behavior and identify the variables contributing to and prohibiting altruism, conflict, and peacemaking.
SCORE / Description of Understanding / Evidence of Understanding / Options for increasing understanding
4 / I can teach any of the concepts listed below to my classmates. /
- You help a peer move up a level in their understanding of the content
- Summary or discussion with Ms. Brunink about chosen article
3 / I can describe the variables that contribute to altruism and aggression.
- A. Define altruism and identify the circumstances when people are most and least likely to help
- Bystander effect
- Darley & Latane’s Research
- B. Identify how social norms impact altruism
- Social exchange theory
- Reciprocity norm
- Social-responsibility norm
- C. Identify social situations that contribute to conflict
- Social trap
- Mirror-image perception
- Self-fulfilling prophecy
- D. Identify peace-making strategies: contact, cooperation, communication, and conciliation
- Complete Schoology reading quizzes for Modules 80 with a score of above 95% without using notes OR
- Discuss items A-D with a partner without looking at notes (partner checks off evidence for completion to the left)
- Find and read articles in Scientific American Mind pertaining to sensation and perception and apply the terms used in Module 80.
- Help classmates deepen their understanding of the material
- Find current events demonstrating each concept
2 / I feel confident that I know or can do 2-3 of the items listed above /
- Complete Schoology reading quizzes for Module 80 with a score of 75-95%
- Can discuss 2-3of the items with a partner without looking at notes (partner checks off completion)
- Re-read/summarize 40 Study
- Identify a time you have and have not helped someone applying and explain why
- Find evidence of each of the terms listed in the news/foreign affairs
- Choose an international conflict and recommend a solution using each of the methods listed
1 / I can do 1 of the items listed above but need assistance for the rest /
- Complete Schoology reading quizzes for Modules 80 with a score below 75%
- Can discuss 1 of the items with a partner without looking at notes (partner checks for completion)
- Module 80 Flashcards
- Re-read Modules & adjust note taking strategies
0 / I am unable to do any of the items listed in this learning goal /
- Score below 50% on Schoology reading quiz
- Read Modules
- Incorporate text structures into note taking
- Schedule meeting with me