Minutes of a Meeting of Coldharbour Parish Council held on Thursfay 3rd July, 2014 at 8pm

The Fairford Leys Centre, Hamden Square, Fairford Leys

Present: Cllrs Cole (Chairman), Lambert, P Hughes, C Hughes, Martin, Whittaker, Heberer,

Mr Keith Gray (Clerk to the Council)

1 residentChloe Lambert (Bucks Herald)

  1. Apologies for Absence

To receive and accept apologies for absence notified to the Chairmanor Clerk

RESOLVED: To receive and accept the following apologies for non-attendance:

Cllr Yates (work commitment), Cllr Pattinson (previous engagement),

Cllr Eastwood (family commitment).

  1. Declarations of Interest

To receive any pecuniary or non-pecuniary declarations of interest

To receive written requests for dispensations for disclosable pecuniary interests (if any)

To grant any requests for dispensation as appropriate

  • No declarations made
  1. Minutes of the previous meeting held on 5/6/14

RESOLVED: To accept and sign the minutes of 5/6/14 as a true record.

  1. Clerk’s Report

To receive a report from the Clerk on matters dealt with and taking forward.

  • Cllrs copied into information relating to the final recommendations by the Electoral Boundary Commission which will have an impact on the District and Parish Wards.

RESOLVED: Chairman to suspend Standing Orders (adjourn meeting) to enable questions from the public and any reports from councillors.


  1. Questions from the Public & Councillor Reports/Questions.
  • Resident raised concerns about lack of clear road signs on Horton Close. The District Councillor Paul Hughes will take this matter forward with AVDC and report back to the resident.
  • Questions raised about the parish council website which is still being worked on due to contractual and technical problems. It is up and running with some data transfer still being carried out.
  • Cllr Lambert (BCC) gave the following report:

Hs2 - My own and the County Council petitions were submitted to Parliament and I have received a holding response from HS2 Ltd. 1,925 petitions were submitted against HS2, demonstrating how strongly communities feel about the proposal and how passionate people feel about having their views heard. The Select Committee process has started and the Government opened the debate with a 1hr45 introduction. All the petitions have now been published online, and can be found at: .

A recent Governmental report looking at the status of major infrastructure projects put HS2 in the ‘red-amber’ category. This is defined as ‘successful delivery of the project is in doubt, with major risks or issues apparent in a number of key areas…’ despite apparently being in ‘excellent shape…[with] significant progress since September’. The full report can be found at:

Street Lighting and Road Adoption issues - I am still working through the list of concerns with TfB that were raised regarding street light adoptions in various places in the village. Via the Clerk, I have also been made aware that some roads have also not been adopted. I am meeting the Cabinet Member for Transport shortly to discuss these items.

Emergency Care report - The Buckinghamshire Health and Adult Social Care Select Committee recently completed their inquiry into urgent healthcare (such as A&E, Out of Hours GPs and the Minor Injuries Unit at High Wycombe) provision in the county. Their sixteen page full report can be viewed here: of the conclusions (recommendation 1) was that locally elected representatives such as County Councillors have a role to play in ensuring debates on the provision and location of important local services such as hospitals and A&E departments are well informed.

Coldharbour Childrens Centre - The formal decision to proceed with the transfer of the Coldharbour Childrens Centre which is based out of Bearbrook School with satellite events at the Fairford Leys Centre, to the Bearbrook and Elmhurst school consortium has been agreed. I have a meeting shortly with County Officers to discuss how and when the transfer will take place.

Aylesbury Opportunities Centre for older people has opened - The brand new state of the art Adult day care centre has officially re-opened. The day centre isthe first of fouropening across the countyin the next two years. Located inThame Road South (off of Briskman Way), the day centreoffers support to adults with learning disabilities, dementia, autism and older people. The new centre includes sensory rooms, a hydrotherapy pool, and a courtyard garden and provides individual and group activities including sport, drama, music, crafts, discussion and many other leisure activities.

Strategic Permit Authority - Six months ago, Buckinghamshire County Council became a Permit Scheme Authority for Streetworks on the Strategic Road Network. This is not to manage parking but when street works are required by utilities etc. The scheme is now being reviewed, if you have any feedback that you would like to be passed on, please let me know as I am taking part in that review.

Devolution of services to Parishes - The County Council held a meeting for Parish Councils to discuss devolution of their non-statutory services like grass cutting. There is a genuine desire to listen to the parishes and to work with parishes to make the proposals work. As your County Councillor I will be delighted to help and support the community and Parish Council in developing any bid for services or contracts as you decide.

Foster care - Bucks County Council have over 500 children in care and are promoting information. If you think you could help a child at a time when they need support and guidance. To find out more go to:

  • Cllr Martin raised a concern about the working of the Vehicle Activated Sign. The Clerk highlighted the importance of raising matters that involve maintenance issues as soon as possible and not waiting for a monthly meeting. Early contact with the council office / maintenance team means the matter can often be resolved the same day.
  • Cllr P Hughes highlighted the need for the removal of dead trees on the riverine area. AVDC are currently carrying out an audit on tree management prior to adoption.

RESOLVED: Chairman to reconvene meeting under Standing Orders


  1. HS2 & Petition

To receive any reports as necessary. No reports.

  1. Decisions by the Resources & PersonnelCommittee and Leisure Committee Meetings

Council is asked to receive and approve the minutes & decisions of the above Standing Committees. Minutes of the committees have been copied to all councillors.

  • No recent meetings have taken place.
  1. Bucks County Council Devolved Services to Parish Councils

Council to consider the proposal to “cluster” with Aylesbury Town Council (ATC) under the devolvedservices scheme. To agree the continuation of maintenance work by CPC staff with necessary finance transfer from BCC/ATC under the scheme.

RESOLVED: That CPC should “cluster” with Aylesbury Town Council under the above, proposed, scheme. The Clerk to have full delegated authority to make all the necessary arrangements and an decisions that may need making and report to the parish council as necessary.

  1. Fair in the Square

To receive an update from Cllr Heberer on the arrangements for this event and agree any support required from councillors either prior to, during, or after the event.

Cllr Heberer gave a full update on the arrangements for the fair and it was also RESOLVED: That £135 should be made available for the printing of posters relating to the butterfly awareness and parish scheme to be implemented during the fair and the following months. The Clerk to make the necessary reimbursements and payments according to procedure.

  1. Finances and Orders for Payment

RESOLVED: Agreed to pay the following orders and retrospective orders forpayment presented by the Clerk:

  • PlantscapeContainers£1,001.52
  • HMRCEmployer £2,567.87
  • Cllr A ColeAllowance£450.00
  • Cllr A WhittakerAllowance£240.00
  • Cllr C HoustonAllowance£240.00
  • Cllr L YatesAllowance£240.00
  • Cllr P MartinAllowance£240.00
  • Cllr P HughesAllowance£240.00
  • Cllr S JarvisAllowance£240.00
  • Cllr S LambertAllowance£240.00
  • Cllr S PattinsonAllowance£300.00
  • George BrownsMaintenance£7.61






  • Keith GrayAdminExp£90.00
  • StaplesAdmin£100.15
  • SpaldingsMaintenance£152.86
  • Vale TyresMaintenance£216.00
  • Thomas TuckerSalary£1,142.89
  • Fresh DesignCN Print£1,835.15
  • Haddenham GCMaintenance£48.00
  • Jones & CocksMaintenance£91.64
  • J TurnerExpenses£284.50
  • J HebererReimburse£14.95
  1. Local Government Pension Scheme (LGPS)

Council to confirm that they are in agreement that CPC joins the LGPS (Bucks County Council) in order to provide pension arrangements for its staff.

RESOLVED: That the Clerk makes all necessary arrangements with Bucks County Council to join the Local Government Pension Scheme for any member of staff that wishes to join.

RESOLVED: This is a decision that is to start as soon as possible for all members of staff wishing to partake in this scheme.

  1. Planning Applications

To receive, comment and to either object, support or oppose the following planning

applications: To consider late applications presented by the Clerk.

  • 14/01630/APP4 Trebah Square, FL

Two storey rear extension

RESOLVED: No Objection

  • 14/01882/APP102 Great Meadow Way

Single Storey Orangery to side

RESOLVED: No Objection

There being no further business of the Council, the Chairman closed the meeting at 7.40pm

Signed: ______Date: ______