UNIT _____Money______GRADE LEVEL _____3______
Learning Goals:Students will learn how to write questions and research their answers about making money
Students will learn the importance of money and its value
Students will learn how to talk and work with money
Connections to prior knowledge
Math money, selling the candy bars and chocolate bunnies for the soccer field, pennies for patients
Design of concept board (background, realia, photos with captions, concept-related books, current events pertaining to the concept, etc.)
Background is pictures of money glued. Realia is money from other countries (where can I get that?) …what else? Related books: money saving for kids, How much is a million, the go around dollar, Alexander who used to be rich, current events red paperclip trading story. What else?
Book Titles that relate to the concept:
See above, go to library
Key concept vocabulary:
Barter/trade, business, debt, expenses, income, allowance, saving, advertisements, budget
Materials/activities for kinesthetic learners (experiential activities, role playing, walking tours, etc.)
Play the game of Life or Monopoly
Act out what if scenarios (you found $5. on the ground…what do you do? Etc.)
Walk to Washington Mutual on Sherman Way
Materials/activities for auditory learners (music, chants, table talks, pair/share, read alouds, Etc.)
Learning about money video from united streaming
Materials/activities for visual learners (pictures, video clips, collages, etc.)
Cut out, draw, computer pictures of how we could make money
www.kidsmoney.org http://www.frbsf.org/education/fedville/ www.usmint.gov/kids www.moneyfactory.gov www.kidsbank.org www.ustreas.gov/kids www.kids.gov/k_money.htm
Art Activity
Each student makes their own bill on a word card and we use that for the border of our concept question board.
Preteaching (what will your ELD 1/2 or struggling students need to know in order to have a foundation to understand this concept?
The concept of exchanging…money or trades
Different kinds of money
Sample lesson plan:
1. Introduce learning goals. Post them in the middle of the concept board.
2. connect unit to prior units/learning
3. show any visuals (video clips, photos, discuss how they relate to concept). Begin a chart of concepts and a chart of questions. Make sure to write the student’s name by theirs because they will be copying it and putting it on the board during IWT
4. Read aloud (ask: how does this relate to our concept? Add to charts)
5. students complete inquiry journal (teacher may have to model on the overhead) what do they know about the concept and want to know
6. review key concept vocabulary. Make sure to have visuals or realia for ELL. Post next to the concept board
7. Look at the unit opener picture in the anthology. Have students talk about it in small groups or pairs. Discuss any new concepts/questions to add. Allow students to browse selections
8. Add realia to concept board. Make sure to include captions explaining the connection
9. Kinesthetic activity
10. auditory activity
11. book walk of supplemental library
12. art activity