Project title:____Welcome to my World!______
Teacher(s):___Linda Alesi______
School:___Valley Stream #13______
Grade level(s):____6______
Subjects:____Language Arts______

Website with sample project and where the final projects will be posted is at::

The website contains links to other class webpages. educational podcasts, links to the concepts maps, SixTraits writing links, letter to parents, projected timeline and a guest book.

Links to Concept Maps for this project.

Concept map of the Driving Question

Concept map of Project

Buck Institute for Education

Begin with the End in Mind

Summarize the theme for this project. Why do this project?
Students to become better at communicating by presenting about something that is important to them.
Identify the content standard that students will learn in this project (two to three per subject).
New York State Language Arts Learning Standard
Standard 1: Students will read, write, listen, and speak for information and understanding.
Standard 2: Students will read, write, listen, and speak for literary response and expression.
Standard 3: Students will read, write, listen, and speak for critical analysis and evaluation.
Standard 4: Students will read, write, listen, and speak for social interaction.
ISTE Standard for Students
1. / Creativity and Innovation
a. / apply existing knowledge to generate new ideas, products, or processes.
b. / create original works as a means of personal or group expression.
2. / Communication and Collaboration
a. / interact, collaborate, and publish with peers, experts, or others employing a variety of digital environments and media.
b. / communicate information and ideas effectively to multiple audiences using a variety of media and formats.
c. / develop cultural understanding and global awareness by engaging with learners of other cultures.
d. / contribute to project teams to produce original works or solve problems.
5. / Digital Citizenship
a. / advocate and practice safe, legal, and responsible use of information and technology.
b. / exhibit a positive attitude toward using technology that supports collaboration, learning, and productivity.
6. / Technology Operations and Concepts
b. / select and use applications effectively and productively.
Identify key skills students will learn in this project.
List only those skills you plan to assess (two to four per person).
Communicate with other students
Write, edit, revise and post
Create podcasts or artwork
Identify the habits of mind that students will practice in this project (one to two per project).
  • Does the project meet the criteria for standards-focused PBL? Yes

Craft the Driving Question

State the essential question or problem statement for the project. The statement should encompass all project content and outcomes, and provide a central focus for student inquiry.
How is your world empowering for you?
What do you every morning? What do you do at12? What is the weather like outside? What does the world look like? Can you use words to describe yourself that others from your class or around the world would be able to guess where your from andother things aboutyou?
What are you learning in school? What do you do after school? What do you do at nighttime? What books have you read? What music do you like? What's three of your favorite things to do? What do you do on your weekends? What do you do in the summer? How can you choice of words empower you?
It is difficult to get students to write, edit and revise. I wanted the project to be an authentic learning project. I am looking for a motivating driving question. Answers to these essential questions cannot be found. They must becreated. It is my desire to have the students create additional questions for this project.
  • Have you posed an authentic problem or significant question that engages students and requires core subject knowledge to solve or answer?

Plan the Assessment

Step 1: Define the products for the project. What will you assess?
Early in the Project:
Planning using Concept Mapping software.
Using concept mapping software the class will brain storm writing ideas and create an outline with sequencing.
Our district currently has Kidspiration, Inspiration, and Thinking Maps software that is available on our network.
Students will be informed that they will be graded on their participation throughout the process.
The primary purpose of this PBl is to motivate students to write, revise and edit for an audience. Our district has adapted the SixTraits writing process as a guideline for all grade levels.
During the Project:
Collaboration, peer evaluation, writing, revising, and editing and learning how your choice of words empower you to communicate.I will be collecting each version of their stories so we can compare and celebrate their improvement.
End of the Project:
The finished product will be a digital version of their story andPodcast of “How is your World Empowering for you?”

Plan the Assessment (2)

Step 2: State the criteria for exemplary performance for each product:
Participate in the concept mapping session and suggest ideas for the writing, and creating an outline sequencing your project
Students will brainstorm together a sample project and work on creating an outline sequencing their project.
Students will create a concept map of their project
Write a script for you podcast about your world using all SixTraits writing process (ideas, organization, voice word choice, sentence fluency and conventions)
  • Students will write about “How is your world empowering for you?”
  • Students will use evaluate each other’s scripts using our SixTraits Writing rubric.
  • The class will gain experience using the rubric with the writing sample posted on the webpage.
  • They will edit and revise their writing.

Product:Formative Assessment
  • Collaborating is a habit of the mind skill that children need to learn.
  • We will have a class assessment of this collaboration rubric:
  • Will divide class into groups and have groups discuss and suggest our class criteria for a collaboration rubric that we will use for this project.

Product:Summative Assessment
  • The Story they created and how it has improved. Assessed by the SixTraits Writing Rubric I created at:
  • The Podcast -I located a rubric created by Ann Bell that I liked a lot at:

  • Do the products and criteria align with the standards and outcomes for the project? Yes, this project is designed to motivate students to write, edit and revise. I believe this project will give them an authentic audience by creating podcasts that will be posted online and possibly have other classes to collaborate with as it evolves. The project also includes collaboration and creativity throughout it.

Criteria: Collaboration Rubric

Name ______

1 / Developing
2 / Accomplished
3 / Exemplary
4 / Score
Research & Gather Information / Does not collect any information that relates to the topic. / Collects very little information--some relates to the topic. / Collects some basic information--most relates to the topic. / Collects a great deal of information--all relates to the topic.
Share Information / Does not relay any information to teammates. / Relays very little information--some relates to the topic. / Relays some basic information--most relates to the topic. / Relays a great deal of information--all relates to the topic.
Be Punctual / Does not hand in any assignments. / Hands in most assignments late. / Hands in most assignments on time. / Hands in all assignments on time.
Take Responsibility
Fulfill Team Role's Duties / Does not perform any duties of assigned team role. / Performs very little duties. / Performs nearly all duties. / Performs all duties of assigned team role.
Share Equally / Always relys on others to do the work. / Rarely does the assigned work--often needs reminding. / Usually does the assigned work--rarely needs reminding. / Always does the assigned work without having to be reminded.
Value Others' Viewpoints
Listen to Other Teammates / Is always talking--never allows anyone else to speak. / Usually doing most of the talking--rarely allows others to speak. / Listens, but sometimes talks too much. / Listens and speaks a fair amount.
Cooperate with Teammates / Usually argues with teammates. / Sometimes argues. / Rarely argues. / Never argues with teammates.
Make Fair Decisions / Usually wants to have things their way. / Often sides with friends instead of considering all views. / Usually considers all views. / Always helps team to reach a fair decision.

I created using Rubistar it can be found here:

6+1 Trait Writing Model Rubric:
Student Name: ______
CATEGORY / 4 / 3 / 2 / 1
Introduction (Organization) / The introduction is inviting, states the main topic and previews the structure of the paper. / The introduction clearly states the main topic and previews the structure of the paper, but is not particularly inviting to the reader. / The introduction states the main topic, but does not adequately preview the structure of the paper nor is it particularly inviting to the reader. / There is no clear introduction of the main topic or structure of the paper.
Focus on Topic (Content) / There is one clear, well-focused topic. Main idea stands out and is supported by detailed information. / Main idea is clear but the supporting information is general. / Main idea is somewhat clear but there is a need for more supporting information. / The main idea is not clear. There is a seemingly random collection of information.
Word Choice / Writer uses vivid words and phrases that linger or draw pictures in the reader's mind, and the choice and placement of the words seems accurate, natural and not forced. / Writer uses vivid words and phrases that linger or draw pictures in the reader's mind, but occasionally the words are used inaccurately or seem overdone. / Writer uses words that communicate clearly, but the writing lacks variety, punch or flair. / Writer uses a limited vocabulary that does not communicate strongly or capture the reader's interest. Jargon or cliches may be present and detract from the meaning.
Sentence Structure (Sentence Fluency) / All sentences are well-constructed with varied structure. / Most sentences are well-constructed with varied structure. / Most sentences are well-constructed but have a similar structure. / Sentences lack structure and appear incomplete or rambling.
Sequencing (Organization) / Details are placed in a logical order and the way they are presented effectively keeps the interest of the reader. / Details are placed in a logical order, but the way in which they are presented/introduced sometimes makes the writing less interesting. / Some details are not in a logical or expected order, and this distracts the reader. / Many details are not in a logical or expected order. There is little sense that the writing is organized.
Grammar & Spelling (Conventions) / Writer makes no errors in grammar or spelling that distract the reader from the content. / Writer makes 1-2 errors in grammar or spelling that distract the reader from the content. / Writer makes 3-4 errors in grammar or spelling that distract the reader from the content. / Writer makes more than 4 errors in grammar or spelling that distract the reader from the content.
Capitalization & Punctuation (Conventions) / Writer makes no errors in capitalization or punctuation, so the paper is exceptionally easy to read. / Writer makes 1 or 2 errors in capitalization or punctuation, but the paper is still easy to read. / Writer makes a few errors in capitalization and/or punctuation that catch the reader's attention and interrupt the flow. / Writer makes several errors in capitalization and/or punctuation that catch the reader's attention and greatly interrupt the flow.
Adding Personality (Voice) / The writer seems to be writing from knowledge or experience. The author has taken the ideas and made them "his own." / The writer seems to be drawing on knowledge or experience, but there is some lack of ownership of the topic. / The writer relates some of his own knowledge or experience, but it adds nothing to the discussion of the topic. / The writer has not tried to transform the information in a personal way. The ideas and the way they are expressed seem to belong to someone else.
Conclusion (Organization) / The conclusion is strong and leaves the reader with a feeling that they understand what the writer is "getting at." / The conclusion is recognizable and ties up almost all the loose ends. / The conclusion is recognizable, but does not tie up several loose ends. / There is no clear conclusion, the paper just ends.
Date Created: July 06, 2009

Rubric for Podcasts

CATEGORY / Exemplary / Proficient / Partially Proficient / Incomplete / POINTS
Introduction / 9 points / 6 points / 3 points / 0 points
Catchy and clever
introduction. Provides relevant information and establishes a clear purpose engaging the listener immediately. / Describes the topic and engages the audience as the introduction proceeds. / Somewhat engaging (covers well-known topic), and provides a vague purpose. / Irrelevant or inappropriate topic that minimally engages listener. Does not include an introduction or the purpose is vague and unclear.
Tells who is speaking, date the podcast was produced, and where the speaker is located. / Tells most of the following: who is speaking, date of the podcast, and location of speaker. / Alludes to who is speaking, date of the podcast, and location of speaker. / Speaker is not identified. No production date or location of the speaker is provided.
Content / 9 points / 6 points / 3 points / 0 points
Creativity and original content enhance the purpose of the podcast in an innovative way. Accurate information and succinct concepts are presented. / Accurate information is provided succinctly. / Some information is inaccurate or long-winded. / Information is inaccurate.
Vocabulary enhances content. / Vocabulary is appropriate. / Vocabulary is adequate. / Vocabulary is inappropriate for the audience.
Includes a wide variety of appropriate, well-researched and informative sources and has well-edited quotes from “expert” sources.
Quotes and sources of information are credited appropriately. / Includes appropriate and informative quotes from “expert” sources.
Source quotes are credited appropriately. / Includes some variety of informative quotes from some “expert” sources, and one or more source quotes need some editing..
One or more source quotes are not credited. / Includes no source quotes or includes source quotes with multiple citation errors..
Keeps focus on the topic. / Stays on the topic. / Occasionally strays from the topic. / Does not stay on topic.
Conclusion clearly summarizes key information. / Conclusion summarizes information. / Conclusion vaguely summarizes key information / No conclusion is provided.
Delivery / 3 points / 2 points / 1 point / 0 points
Well rehearsed, smooth delivery in a conversational style. / Rehearsed, smooth delivery. / Appears unrehearsed with uneven delivery. / Delivery is hesitant, and choppy and sounds like the presenter is reading.
Highly effective enunciation and presenter's speech is clear and intelligible, not distant and muddled. Expression, and rhythm keep the audience listening. / Enunciation, expression, pacing are effective throughout the podcast. / Enunciation, expression, rhythm are sometimes distracting during the podcast. / Enunciation of spoken word is distant and muddled and not clear. Expression and rhythm are distracting throughout the podcast.
Correct grammar is used throughout the podcast. / Correct grammar is used during the podcast. / Occasionally incorrect grammar is used during the podcast. / Poor grammar is used throughout the podcast.
Interview / 6 points / 4 points / 2 points / 0 points
Open ended questions and follow-up are used that draw interesting and relevant information from the interviewee. / Open ended questions
and follow-up questions are used appropriately. / Open ended questions
and follow-up questions are occasionally irrelevant to the topic. / Only yes-or-no questions are used. No follow-up questions are asked.
Graphic and Music Enhancements / 6 points / 4 points / 2 points / 0 points
The graphics/artwork used create a unique and effective presentation and enhance what is being said in the podcast and follow the rules for quality graphic design. / The graphics/artwork relate to the audio and reinforce content and demonstrate functionality. / The graphics/artwork sometimes enhance the quality and understanding of the presentation. / The graphics are unrelated to the podcast. Artwork is inappropriate to podcast.
Music enhances the mood, quality, and understanding of the presentation. / Music provides supportive background to the podcast. / Music provides somewhat distracting background to the podcast. / Music is distracting to presentation.
All graphic and music enhancements are owned by the creator of the podcast or copyright cleared with appropriate documentation. / Graphic and music enhancements are owned by the creator of the podcast or copyright cleared. / Use of copyrighted works is questionable. / Copyright infringement is obvious.
Technical Production / 6 points / 4 points / 2 points / 0 points
Presentation is recorded in a quiet environment without background noise and distractions. / Presentation is recorded in a quiet environment with minimal background noise and distractions. / Presentation is recorded in a semi-quiet environment with some background noise and distractions. / Presentation is recorded in a noisy environment with constant background noise and distractions.
Transitions are smooth and spaced correctly without noisy, dead space. / Transitions are smooth with a minimal amount of ambient noise. / Transitions are uneven with inconsistent spacing; ambient noise is present. / Transitions are abrupt and background noise needs to be filtered.
Volume of voice, music, and effects enhance the presentation. / Volume is acceptable. / Volume is occasionally inconsistent. / Volume changes are highly distracting.
Podcast length keeps the audience interested and engaged. / Podcast length keeps audience listening. / Podcast length is somewhat long or somewhat short to keep audience engaged. / Podcast is either too long or too short to keep the audience engaged.
Podcast linked from a site that included descriptive subject tags. / Podcast contained subject tags. / Podcast contains limited subject tags. / Podcast has no subject tags and difficult to locate online.
Work / 6 points / 4 points / 2 points / 0 points
All team members contributed equally to the finished product and assist in editing process by offering critique and sharing in skill development. / Assisted group/partner in the editing process. / Finished individual task but did not assist group/partner during the editing process. / Contributed little to the group effort during the editing process.
Performed all duties of assigned team role and contributed knowledge, opinions, and skills to share with the team. Always did the assigned work. / Performed nearly all duties of assigned team role and contributed knowledge, opinions, and skills to share with the team. Completed most of the assigned work. / Performed a few duties of assigned team role and contributed a small amount of knowledge, opinions, and skills to share with the team. Completed some of the assigned work. / Did not perform any duties of assigned team role and did not contribute knowledge, opinions or skills to share with the team. Relied on others to do the work.

© COPYRIGHT 2007 Ann Bell
Instructor, Learning Applications for the iPod® and Handheld Computers