Hideki Kambara
Birthday: 1945.1.2
1967 graduated from University of Tokyo, Pure and Applied Science
1972 PhD University of Tokyo, faculty of Science, Chemistry department
1972-1980 Researcher in Central Research Laboratory, Hitachi Ltd.
(1977-1978 Visiting Researcher in UC Berkeley)
1981-1988 Senior Researcher in CRL, Hitachi Ltd.
1989-1994 Chief Researcher in CRL, Hitachi Ltd.
1994-1999 Senior Chief Researcher in CRL, Hitachi Ltd.
1999- present Senior Chief Scientist, Corporate Technology in CRL, Hitachi Ltd.
Guest professor of Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology (since 1999), Lecturer of Soka University (since 1999), Lecturer of University of Tokyo.
[Research Interest]
1. Atmospheric pressure ionization mass spectrometry:Mass spectrometry using an ionization at high pressure, which can produce molecular ions very efficiently.
He has the patent of the method.
2. Field desorption ionization and collision induced decomposition mass spectrometer for biological molecules.
3. molecular Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry: molecular ion production and mass spectrometry by ion bombardment ionization for non-volatile biocompounds.(IR100; 1983)
4. Development of a combined system of liquid chromatograph and mass
spectrometer. (RD 100, 1994)
5. Development of fluorescent DNA sequencer
6. Development of capillary array DNA sequencer. He has a lot of patents as to DNA detection system.
7. DNA expression profile analysis.
8. Development of genetic testing system using fluorescence detection as well as bioluminometric detection
1) Award of Japan Mass Spectrometry Society (1982):New ionization technology
2) IR100(1983) development of molecular SIMS
3) RD100(1994) development of LC/MS system
4) Remarkable invention(1989): Side entry laser irradiation method for DNA sequencer
5) Education and Science minister award (2001)

6) 48th Okochi memorial Award (2002)

7) “Star of Asia” by Business Week (2002)

8) National Medal of Honor with Purple Ribbon (2003)

9) Asahi Award (2004)
[patents and papers]
He has more than 100 patents in Japan and USA.
He has published more than 80 papers as to Mass spectrometry and DNA analysis
Present address:
Hitachi, Ltd., Central Research Laboratory
1-280, Higashi-koigakubo Kokubunji-shi,
Tokyo 185-8601, Japan