ODCA Warriors Athletic Handbook
We are glad that you have expressed interest in the ODCA Athletic Program. This handbook will provide information concerning the exciting interscholastic sports program that we provide.
Student-athletes participate in athletics voluntarily, making the choice of self-discipline and self-denial. We feel it is a valuable experience to discipline one’s mind and body for the purpose of competition and to strive for excellence. Lessons learned through athletics can carry over into every area of life.
Student-athletes and their parents should become acquainted with the specific policies, rules and regulations of this program. Some rules may affect your ability to participate, so please read this handbook carefully and have your parents read it also. You and your parents need to sign and return the last page indicating that you have read and understand these policies.
The Athletic Department at ODCA is excited to have you as a participant in interscholastic athletics. ODCA has produced many super teams, athletes and most importantly, people, through the years. We are happy to have you join our athletic tradition!
Danny O’Brien
Athletic Director
rev. 6/2017
Promoting physical fitness, teamwork, exemplary Christian character and sportsmanship is the mission of the school’s athletic program. The philosophy of the school’s athletic program is to seek Godliness. ODCA desires to teach the student-athlete through the ‘tool’ of sports that living a Godly life is more important than success on the playing field. Each player and coach is expected to display a Godly life in every game, practice, and athletic event, while striving for excellence.
Middle School teams (grades six through eight) play against Christian schools as well as public schools. Competing with public schools gives our athletes an opportunity to show their Godly character to an unsaved world, to bring lost souls to Christ through their testimony, their actions, and their attitudes. (Policy 2.3.2; 5-18-17)
Students in grades six through eight participate in a competitive setting with the overall goal of acquiring skills, building teamwork, and developing strong Christian character. The program also emphasizes coordination, physical fitness, enjoyment, and responsibility. The team practices, on average, for six to eight hours per week. Middle School competitive athletes will, over the course of the season, have ample opportunities to perform in games. Coaches monitor playing time carefully and see to it that, over the course of the season, all athletes have had playing time. Winning is important, but is the secondary goal. Playing at the same competitive level or above that level with other teams is our primary goal. The program, while appropriate for the middle school age, is a transition from the elementary setting to competitive sports. Fifth grade students may be allowed to participate in middle school sports, at the discretion of the Athletic Director, in order to complete a team roster with a recommendation from their classroom teacher. (Policy 2.3.2; 5-18-17)
A student who wishes to participate in athletic competition must submit on a form the signed consent of his or her parent or legal guardian. The consent of the parent or legal guardian of a student who wishes to participate in interscholastic athletics must include an acknowledgment of the physical hazards that may be encountered in the sport. (Policy 2.3.2; 5-18-17)
Good physical condition, freedom from injury, and full recovery from illness are prerequisites to participation in athletic competition and practice for such competition. A student seeking to play on an athletic team must provide a PIAA physical health form to the school affirming that the physician has conducted a medical examination of that student not more than 365 days prior to the first practice session. The report shall include a determination by the physician concerning the student’s ability to participate on an athletic team. The school shall also verify that each student has the appropriate insurance coverage. (Policy 2.3.2; 5-18-17)
The school administration is authorized to collect a non-refundable Athletic Fee per student, per sport. The fee must be paid before the first game of the season in which the student is participating. (Policy 2.3.2; 5-18-17)
Students must be passing in all subjects to be eligible to play inter-scholastic sports.
· If a student is failing any subject on a weekly report (Thursday or Friday), he/she will not be permitted to participate in contests the following week (Sunday through Saturday).
· The student will remain on the academic ineligibility list until he/she is passing in all classes on the weekly report the following calendar week.
· If the student, during the week of ineligibility, establishes a plan (scheduling extra help and make-up sessions, etc.) to work with the teacher of the class he/she is failing, and in the opinion of that teacher, faithfully executes this plan then he/she may be declared eligible on the following week’s report even if the numerical grade does not yet reflect a passing grade.
· During the above-mentioned ineligibility period, the student will be expected to attend all practices (after seeking academic help), and may be present for home competitions, but will not travel on the bus to away competitions.
· The middle school Athletic Director will be responsible for contacting the coaches with the names of student-athletes who are ineligible. Coaches will then notify the student- athlete, and a follow-up confirmation contact will be made to the parents of the student-athlete by the Athletic Director.
· All questions regarding academic eligibility shall be directed to the Athletic Director.
Students must be in attendance at all classes during the school day in order to participate in athletic practices and contests.
There will be four acceptable reasons for not attending classes:
· an appointment with a health professional
· a family emergency
· a planned absence for a personal or educational purpose which has been approved in advance by the Athletic Director
· a field trip or other school related activity
Good standing
· Students in good standing may participate in the extra- and co-curricular activities of their school.
· A student is considered in good standing if he/she is not the subject of any disciplinary action for violation of any policy or school rule and is currently academically eligible based on the school guidelines.
· All participants are expected to come to school ready to learn on all scheduled school days.
· For the purpose of this policy, any student who misses any portion of the school day as an unexcused absence, including a third occurrence of unexcused tardiness in a quarter, may NOT participate in extra-and co- curricular activities.
· In addition, all students (even with excused absences) are required to attend at least three hours of a school day to participate in extra- and co-curricular activities. Any exceptions to this requirement must be pre-approved by a school administrator.
· Students must be present the entire school day on the day of a competition to participate. The exception to this rule a family arranged medical appointment which would allow for the student to attend classes before the scheduled appoint and/ or return to classes before the end of the regular school day.
· Students suspended from school (including in-house and out-of-school suspension) shall not practice, participate, attend, or compete in extra- and co-curricular activities during days of suspension.
· Students are required to abide by all ODCA School Board policies, school rules and any additional rules and/or training guidelines imposed by coaches or advisors. Any additional rules and/or training guidelines must be consistent with ODCA School Board policies and be approved by the Athletic Director.
· A student’s behavioral choices in one area will impact participation in other areas; therefore, the behavioral choices made while in school do have an impact on his/her privilege to participate in athletics
As representatives of Open Door Christian Academy (ODCA), students are expected to exhibit Godly and appropriate behavior at all times. These rules have been adopted by the ODCA School Board in order to support the social, emotional and physical well-being of students and promote healthy, enriching and safe extra- and co-curricular opportunities for all students.
Participation in extra-curricular and co-curricular activities is a privilege. It is expected that students, parents/guardians, and other interested persons are aware of the following rules and regulations.
· Never criticize the abilities of other student athletes. There is to be no defaming of athletes either of ODCA or visiting schools, neither in word or action. Should this occur with a parent/guardian, the Athletic Director or other ODCA official reserves the authority to request he/she to leave the event. Should this occur with a student-athlete, the student-athlete may be suspended from the team with which he/she is participating, and/or serve detention deemed appropriate for the action.
· Defaming of a coach, either ODCA or visiting team, will not be tolerated.
· Defaming of an athletics official (i.e. referee) at any sports event, will not be tolerated.
Athletes are expected to be in attendance and on time at all weekday practices and contests.
· If a student needs individual attention from the coach, he/she should be at practice 15 minutes prior to the scheduled start time.
· If an absence is expected, a note is to be supplied from a parent/guardian to the coach in
advance of the planned absence.
· When a student is involved in other programs outside the school, it will be necessary to adjust the schedule to accommodate the middle school practice and game schedule.
· If a student athlete misses a practice without a valid reason, the student will not be allowed to participate in the next contest. Should this happen a third time, the student will be removed from the roster. Practices held on non-school days/vacations are not mandatory.
· All practice times for all sports end at 5:00 p.m. If there is a game, notice will be given of the return time. Take this into consideration when joining a team. It is unfair to leave a coach waiting with a student long after the pick-up time. If the student-athlete is not picked up within 15 minutes of the designated time, he or she could be suspended from future games. When committing to a team, you are committing to a schedule, and we ask that you keep to the predetermined time frames.
Procedures for contest days:
· The participant must be on time for contest days.
· The student athlete must be in complete uniform or he/she will not participate.
· Being late for warm-ups or arrival times without a valid excuse will result in the athlete not being able to participate for that day.
· Proper attire, and a neat appearance, is required for all contests (home and away). The athlete is representing himself/herself, their school, their community, and their team. See the coach for requirements.
· Attire worn during practices and games will be consistent with the middle school dress policy.
· Profanity or sudden outbursts of negative emotion will not be tolerated in any situation.
· Each student should strive to be polite and courteous to other players, coaches and visitors, and referees.
· Uniforms are to be worn for competitions only. No part of the uniform may be worn at any other time. (i.e.: practices, Phys. Ed. class, other classes, around home, etc.). An exception to this policy is on game days as a form of “team unity and spirit”.
· At no time, practices or game days, are athletes to wear their cleats in the building.
Please observe these guidelines:
· no excessive loud singing or noise-making
· remain seated
· leave the bus clean and litter-free
· no changing of clothes on the bus
· no cleats are to be worn on the bus
Failure to adhere to these rules or to follow directions given by the coach or the bus driver will result in a suspension of travel privileges for the next away contest. Further infractions will result in suspension from such privileges for the remaining away contests. In such situations, it will be necessary for the parent/guardian to personally supply transportation.
We support the initiative that school athletics promote the values of respect, integrity, cooperation, self-discipline, sportsmanship, citizenship and above all Godliness. It is important to learn to control one’s emotions and conduct, not only in victory, but in defeat as well. It is our goal to have ODCA recognized for our sense of fair play, sportsmanship, outstanding effort, and character.
We expect our students and parents to accept the officials’ decisions and conduct themselves in a respectful manner at all times.
· Violent, threatening, negative or abusive language and/or behavior have no place in our school-sponsored activities. Athletes, coaches, students, and parents are expected to demonstrate and promote the positive values and characteristics of good sportsmanship in all aspects of interscholastic athletics.
· Exhibiting inappropriate spectator behavior at school sponsored athletic activities may result in one or more of the following:
o being directed to leave the facility for the remainder of the contest
o being prohibited from attending subsequent games
o being prohibited from attending athletic activities for the remainder of season and/or future seasons
o being suspended from school
“The Team Bench”
· The team bench is an athletic classroom. Athletes on the bench are expected to focus and concentrate on the game, listen to the coach, and support their teammates. The bench area can provide an important and unique opportunity to learn and teach.
· Athletes may be asked to join the game any time. It is their responsibility to know what is going on: offensive game plan and defensive assignments, any adjustments already made, opponents defensive tendencies, key offensive and defensive strategies, techniques and skills the coach is trying to identify and teach.