Mixed Chorus
Lafayette Co. C-1 High School
Sarah Cook, Director
Conference Blocks: Gold 1/Blue 2
Important Dates
Monday, December 17High School Winter Band & Choir Concert – 7:00 p.m.
Monday, May 2High School Spring Band & Choir Concert – 7:00 p.m.
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This syllabus is a general outline of the course and is subject to change upon notification of the students in a regular class session.
Course Outline
1. Physical warm-ups and vocalizations
2. Listening and analyzing music
3. Rehearsal of music from different styles and time periods
4. Daily lessons or units on music theory, rhythm, history, composers or other important music topics.
5. Daily sight-singing
Classroom Rules and Procedures
1. Be prepared for class when the bell rings and put everything away before you leave.
2. Raise your hand if you have something to say.
3. Sit or stand in the correct singing position.
4. No food, drink, or gum. Bring a water bottle. If you are caught with gum, you will receive a tardy for that period. If you are caught with gum twice, you will receive a tardy and lose 5 points from your daily grade.
5. Treat others like you want to be treated.
Mrs. Cook will follow the school handbook. Serious infractions will result in a detention or office referral.
** Chewing gum during class will result in a tardy.
Grading and Evaluation
Students will receive points from the following categories to make up their final grade.
Rehearsal Techniques (10 points)
Students will receive up to 10 points per day for rehearsal attendance and skills. Evaluation will be based on effort shown during class, musical preparedness, classroom preparedness, and a positive/working attitude toward the learning environment. Points will be deducted for not being respectful toward the director or other students, not having a pencil, folder, or music, and/or failing to participate in class constructively.
5 points: Participation (contributes to class discussion, sings/plays at the appropriate time)
3 points: Having all materials
1 point: Be ready when rehearsal begins
1 point: Posture
Performances (200 points)
Students will be required to attend all high school choir performances. Students should be on time and dressed appropriately. Points may be deducted for tardiness to concert, poor behavior, or inappropriate dress.
Musical Skills (points determined by assignment)
All of the ensembles will include units of study dealing with the fundamentals of music literacy, music history, and music appreciation. Graded assignments and tests will be given.
Singing tests (10-40 points)
Periodic singing tests will be given based on currently rehearsed music.
Written Tests (points will vary for different units of study)
Periodic written tests will be given at the end of units of study.
Quarter Final Exam
Students will be tested over material studied over the quarter. This test will be worth 5 percent of the final quarter grade.
The percentage scale and equivalent letter grade chart is the same one used district wide.
Performance Attendance
Performances are expected and are a great learning tool. Attendance at these events is MANDATORY. Any excused absence from a performance will require the student to complete a make-up assignment (see below). The make-up assignment will be due one week after the missed performance. In order to receive an excused absence from a performance, Mrs. Cook must be notified prior to the performance (if possible, the expectation will be to notify the director at least a week in advance). Mrs. Cook will determine then if the absence will be excused or not. Students are responsible for arriving at each performance on time and properly prepared. Students are required to be punctual and attend all performances. Points will be deducted for tardiness, inappropriate concert attire, or poor behavior during a concert.
Students may attend other local or regional concerts presented around the area and may earn extra credit by bringing in the program and a short performance review (two paragraphs, 5 sentences each). If a student performs in an area recital or for church, extra credit will be given when a copy of the program or church bulletin is turned in. Please contact Mrs. Cook prior to the concert if you do not have a ride or appropriate clothing.
Concert make-up assignment
Students may make-up concerts points if they have an excused absence from school. They may choose one of the following assignments to make-up the concert points. Assignments must be completed within one week of the performance.
Choice 1
Musical Topic of Student’s Choice Approved by Mrs. Cook
4 pages
Single Spaced
One side of paper only
Reference Page (This page is not included in the 5 page paper)
Please Use at least one book or magazine as a resource. You may not use all internet sources!!!!
Paper needs to use correct grammar, punctuation, and spelling
If plagiarism is involved, the writer receives an automatic score of zero for the entire paper.
Choice 2
Students may schedule a time with Mrs. Cook to perform concert music on their own. Students will be graded using the standard performance rubric used on all singing tests.
Choir Folders, Robes and Music Care
School owned folders, robes and music become the responsibility of the students to whom they are assigned. Any loss or damage to music, robe or a folder will need to be replaced at the student’s expense. Students will be assigned a folder and music, and robe. Do not leave your folder or music unattended and always return it to the proper slot following rehearsal. Never fold, roll, or tear music. Only mark in music with a pencil.
Concert Attire
Mixed Chorus students will be assigned robes before the first concert. Robes will be kept in the choir room and are not to be taken home. Students will be responsible for any lost or damagedrobe.
- Black shoes which may be anywhere from flats to 2” heels (make sure they are comfortable for standing while singing)
- Skirts, dresses, or black slacks under choir robes
- Any jewelry that is worn should be small and tasteful.
- Dress shirt
- Dress pants
- Black or very dark-colored socks (no white socks)
- Black or very dark-colored shoes
Class Supplies
Study materials or a reading book
Healthy Habits
Remember that your body is your instrument. Proper care must be taken if you expect it to perform correctly. Vocal students are expected to use healthy habits. Avoid vocal irritants such as smoke, second hand smoke, and alcohol. Also, drinking too much caffeine can dry out the vocal folds. Drink plenty of water (at least 8 glasses daily)
Remember to use your voice wisely. Yelling, screaming, and excessive talking fatigues the voice. It is important to rest the voice when a sore throat is present. Dress appropriately for weather changes, and get plenty of rest.
Please speak with the Mrs. Cook prior to class is you have any vocal concerns. However, if you are having consistent vocal problems and cannot sing you will need to bring a doctor’s note to Mrs. Cook.
I am looking forward to a wonderful school year with all of my students! Please stop by and see me if you have any questions or concerns. I look forward to a wonderful year of music with you! ~ Mrs. Cook