This Rhodes University CHECKLIST is kept up to date at

H&S Rep submit report to Line Manager to check & sign, keep on file for at least 3 years, & send a copy to

by no later than 20 March (Term 1), 20 June (Term 2), 20 August (Term 3), 20 November (Term 4).

Building Name: / Report for Term (1 / 2 / 3 / 4):
Name Surname of H&S rep: / Name Surname of Manager/Supervisor: / Date:
SIGNED by H&S rep: / COUNTERSIGNED by Manager/Supervisor: / Date:
Name Surname of SHE (Safety, Health & Environmental) Officer: / Copy sent to SHE Officer (Yes/No): / Date Sent:
1. BUILDING STRUCTURE & FACILITIES / Concern + action taken (note details + corrective actions, e.g. repair, requisition no., staff training, etc)↓ / Staff Responsible (for actions)↓
1.1 / BUILDING: Any visible safety hazards/risks?
Ref: (for repairs)
1.2 / FACILITIES & HYGIENE: a. Ventilation & Lighting sufficient? b. All areas (including staff facilities e.g. toilets) clean, hygienic?
1.3 / WASTE MANAGEMENT: Indoor bins link to 2-bag system (blue = disposable & clear = recycling)? Ref:
1.4 / WASTE STORAGE: Do staff know where to take waste bags for collection?
2.  EQUIPMENT & SAFETY INFO: Concern + action ↓ Person who is Responsible
2.1 / MACHINERY & PORTABLE ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT (e.g. vacuum cleaner, floor polisher, kettle): All in safe working order, no visible damage, plugs & cords ok?
2.2 / SAFE WORKING PROCEDURES: Do staff receive safety training? Printed safe working procedures visible to all users of equipment and chemicals?
2.3 / LADDERS: If applicable, a. How many ladders in use? b. Maintained and in safe working order? c. Records kept of all ladder safety inspections? Ref:
2.4 / PPE: a. Personal Protective Equipment (safety shoes, hearing/hand/eye protection, etc) provided where required? b. Do staff use PPE as required?
2.5 / CHEMICAL USE: Do staff get info on safety of all products, & training on safe storage and use?
2.6 / SAFETY TALK: Safety, health and environmental concerns discussed in regular staff meetings?
2.7 / REPORTING PROCEDURES: a. Do staff know how to report any unsafe/unhealthy conditions or accidents? b. Any incidents reported this term, and if so, were concerns attended to? Ref:
3. FIRST AID: Concern + action ↓ Person who is Responsible
3.1 / FIRST AID BOX: a. Present? b. Staff told where it is? c. Contents up to date? Ref:
3.2 / FIRST AIDERS: Are contact details of Health Care Centre + closest RU First Aiders present & visible? Ref:
4. FIRE SAFETY: Concern + action ↓ Person who is Responsible
4.1 / FIRE DRILLS: Have Housekeeping staff been involved in a fire drill this year? If so, please give details of recent fire drill - include: i. date & time; ii. evacuation time; iii. numbers (e.g. present /total); iv. comments; v. corrective action. Ref:
4.2 / EMERGENCY EVACUATION PLAN: Do staff know the emergency evacuation plan? Includes: i. Emergency Coordinator (senior staff who takes charge if there is an emergency); ii. Fire Marshals for each area/floor; iii. Who will help people with disabilities; iv. Where to meet (Assembly Point); v. List of staff (to check they are safe). Ref:
4.3 / FIRE SAFETY GUIDELINES & TALKS: a. Fire safety info on display? b. Date of recent fire safety DVD/ talk to all staff? Ref:
4.4 / FIRE FIGHTING EQUIPMENT: Do staff know how to use fire-hoses/hand extinguishers? Ref:
4.5 / EMERGENCY EXITS: a. Clearly marked (signage)? b. Kept clear of obstructions at all times? c. Emergency key in break glass box (if applicable)?
4.6 / EXIT ROUTES: a. Do staff know all exit routes? b. Are these clearly marked and kept clear at all times? c. Emergency lights present and in working order?
4.7 / FIRE ALARM: a. Do staff know how to warn others/activate fire alarm if required? b. Type of alarm (manual/break glass or automatic)?
4.8 / POTENTIAL FIRE HAZARDS: a. Flammable materials/ cleaning fluids marked, stored correctly & safely? b. No flammable waste left lying around?
5. SOCIAL AND ECOLOGICAL JUSTICE: Concern + action ↓ Person who is Responsible ↓
5.1 / HEALTH & WELLNESS: a. Are staff made aware of links between wellness issues and likelihood of accidents, and of services offered by Counselling Centre? Ref:
b. Are staff made aware of rights of non-smokers, and smoking rules enforced? Ref:
5.2 / HAZARDOUS MATTER: a. Are staff made aware that bleach, pesticides, used batteries, etc, are hazards? b. Are these collected separately and safely disposed? Ref:
5.3 / ENVIRONMENTAL SUSTAINABILITY POLICY: a. Are staff made aware of policy? b. Do staff support efforts to save water and energy, and reduce waste? c. Water restrictions implemented when called for? Ref:
6. ANY OTHER CONCERNS: Concern + action ↓ Person who is Responsible ↓

Health & safety inspections are a legal requirement – OHS Act. [Last update nk/2017-10-05]

More info: RU Safety Health & Environmental (SHE) Officer: 046 603 7205, or visit


Housekeeping Quarterly Health & Safety Inspection Report