2:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m.


1.  SCT Bookshelf Discussion with team:

Anyone still having problems signing on to SCT Bookshelf? Resolution: 3 team members have not tried to sign on to Bookshelf yet, 4 team members have gained access to Bookshelf, 1 team member still having problems and 3 team members were absent.

2.  Communication with Richard Quattrocchi. Discussion with team: Richard and I discussed if he wanted everyone on the team to contact him if there was a problem or just one person. He and I thought streamlining it through one person (team leader) would be better so that I would know what the problems were also. Resolution: The team agreed that they would forward me any of their problems and I would e-mail Richard with a carbon copy to them. Richard also assured me his reply would be to both the team member with the problem and the team leader.

3.  Project Tracking Sheet Discussion with team: To please put their name on the project tracking sheet sent to them. Resolution: The team agreed that they would put their name on the tracking sheet.

4.  Establish a consistent day and time for SCT Finance Team meetings. Discussion with team: To pick a mutually convenient day and time for future meetings. Resolution: The team chose every Wednesday from 2:00-3:30.

5.  Chart issue that was raised in Cross Functional Reporting session with Paul Stormo on Friday, 10/15/04. Discussion with team: Discussed the issue that the student model organization element was only 4 characters and Paul suggested we might lose the link to the student module. Resolution: The team thought we should wait to hear from Richard in regards to this issue.

6.  Purging of ADVANTAGE data and data conversion to Banner Discussion: Talked about starting to purge the vendor table in ADVANTAGE. There are 67,000 records currently out there. Resolution: Mary Noble is working on the purge programs in ADVANTAGE and will bring information to the next meeting.

7.  EXCEL training for data conversion purposes Discussion: Talked about the conversion of data from ADVANTAGE into an EXCEL format for loading into Banner. Resolution: We will wait until we know more about what is expected from us and I have already talked to Donna Wainio who said she would help the team use the correct format. I will carry this item over into future agendas until we have total resolution.

8.  Discuss SCT homework regarding structure of our chart of accounts Discussion: When I wrote the agenda for the meeting I thought we would have the e-mail from Richard in regards to what was expected of us. However, his hard drive crashed and he was unable to send Dona and Eileen his trip report. Resolution: Katrena and I are going to start working with the general accounting staff the week of 10/25 to get some movement on the chart of accounts. We will bring our results on the chart to the team each week to discuss any issues that might come up. Patty Seachman would like to be involved in the details of the chart, but the rest of the team felt that bringing the results to the meeting each week would be sufficient. We will see how this works out.

9.  Questions/Concerns