DRAFT AS AT 10/2/2009
Faculty of Science
Changes to Procedures following Restructuring of Academic Organisation on 1/1/2009
The Faculty of Science has been established by merging the Divisions of ELS and ICS, and the Departments of Statistics, and Brain Behaviour and Evolution.
Under the previous academic structure ICS had a largely centralized approach to handling HR, financial and travel processing. Marketing was an emerging activity but was centered on the former Department of Electronic Engineering. In ELS the staff of the ELS Centre handled the majority of student support, financial and HR process activities. Building maintenance and issuing of keys and access cards were handled differently in the Divisions and IT services staff from the 2 Divisions have now been merged into one group. Laboratories from the former Divisions have now been placed under the new role of Manager, Technical Services.
The budgetary position of the University for 2009 resulted in the Executive group deciding that the faculty’s payroll costs for administrative staffing would have to be contained at 2008 cost levelswith indexation for the Enterprise Agreement’s pay rise due the first payday after 30 June 2009, and that a deficit of $2.2M for 2009 would be allowed. Consequently it was decided by Faculty management that it would be necessary to manage administrative activities by grouping administrative staff from across the Departments and the former Divisional Offices to support ‘clusters’ of departments with a small central group in the Executive Dean’s Office.
The above factors have made it necessary to document the changes to internal processes and the placement of work activities since 1/1/2009 to ensure clarity for the staff who perform the work, and for the academic staff and students who rely on the Professional Staff ( formerly termed General Staff) to carry out administrative support work so they can concentrate on carrying out teaching and research.
This draft will be presented to Departmental/Cluster Team Leader-Executive Officers on 10/2/2009 for discussion and feedback, and then to the Dean’s Advisory Committee on 13/2/2009 for further comment.
Phillip Corben
Faculty General Manager, Science
Faculty Office / Clusters/Depts / Function / ActivityX / HR / Workforce planning - facilitate implementation of targeted recruitment & retention strategies, development of succession plans;coordinate academic promotions; OSP & LSLV plans,staff development plans, academic workload plans, coordinate remuneration reviews;
X / HR / Organisational Development - facilitatePDR, work design reviews, development/implementation of organizational competencies & culture (eg capacity to change, ethics framework); process review & reengineering & implementation;
X / HR / Employee Relations – facilitation of staff grievances, performance management, misconduct matters; interpretation of EA and policies,review of EA;
X / HR / EEO – develop and/or implement strategies/plans
X / HR / HR Policy – facilitate implementation of new/amended policies
X / HR / Development/maintenance of faculty HR resources for cluster admin & staff
X / HR / Recruitment –advertising, selecting, appointing continuing, fixed-term, casual staff; costings; probation
X / HR / Varying appointments - account code changes & associated salary journals, change hours/rosters, extend or end casual appointments); secondments;
X / HR / Inducting staff (continuing/fixed-term/casual)
Faculty Office / Clusters/Depts / Function / ActivityX / HR / Payroll - timesheet processing, answering pay enquiries; processing overtime, higher duties,
X / HR / Leave - checking, approving, managing excess leave balances
X / HR / Resignation/ expiry of fixed term appointment
X / HR / Honorary / Visitors – invitations, appointments, induction, expiry
X / HR / Staff enquiries/requests on HR matters – facilitate staff requests for statement of employment, answer enquiries on processes
X / HR / HR records – maintain HR records in accordance with Faculty /University guidelines;
- The Faculty will run a student services and support centre. All first level student enquiries can come to the centre – in person, by email or by phone. The centre will be open to current and prospective students from 8.30am to 5.00pm from Monday to Friday throughout the year. The counter will be attended during opening hours by rostering Student Support Services staff onto rotating counter shifts.
- The centre will provide backup support to departments (if required, in the event of staff absences particularly in small departments) to assure delivery of services in core student support activities e.g. uploading of exam results.
- Detailed written procedures will be developed for student support service activities in consultation with departments.
- An induction program for new MQ science students is being planned for 2009 to dovetail with the central university induction program. This will address transition to university issues for domestic and international students.
- Support will be available for students at risk academically through the student support officer, Sandie Rudman. Sandie will work with program and unit co-ordinators to identify and offer support to students at risk and will provide advice to HoDs and the A/Dean, L&T in relation to support needs.
- The Centre will offer an assignment collection service. Due to space constraints, in 2009 this service unfortunately cannot be offered to all departments. It is anticipated that it will be offered to all departments by the start of 2010 when it is expected that new accommodation will be available.
- Student Engagement is a critical issue for the University. The Centre will work towards the development of a service charter as a first level measure of quality assurance. The A/D Learning and Teaching will have overarching responsibility for the Centre and will review support services and monitor quality assurance and enhancement of service delivery.
Category / Tasks / Centre / Department / A/Dean, L&TProspective students / General information /
Discipline specific /
Enrolment / Academic Advice
- Generic Advice
- Discipline/program specific
- Submitted and recorded
- Approval
- Entry into AMIS - outcomes published on the web
Class Management /
Enrolment support materials / /
Credit for Previous Study
- Submitted and recorded
- Credit approved
- Returned to student
HSC Equivalences (Maths) /
Appeals against exclusion / / /
Enrolment Review Group (Registrar) /
Program Management / Academic Advice
- Generic Advice
- Discipline/program specific
Withdrawal without penalty / /
Advice of absence / /
Students at risk / Sandie Rudman / /
Category / Tasks / Centre / Department / A/Dean, L&TAssignments / Submission
- 2009 Biology, CBMS, Env&Geog, Chiropractic, EPS, plus Physics (?), BBE and Maths (?)
- 2009 Statistics, Computing, Electronic Engineering
Return of Assignments /
Assignments not able to be returned in class /
Disposal of unclaimed assignments /
Exams / Exam timetable
- Co-ordination and submission
- Updating information
Requests for Special Consideration
- Registered and copies to Departments
Results processing
- Co-ordination and sign-off reports
- Results uploading
Exam meetings – Agenda and minutes / /
Appeals against grades / / /
Exam scripts retention and disposal schedules /
Exam Papers secure copy for records /
Outreach / Pathways/Open Day / /
Publications – handbooks
- Co-ordination and submission
- Updating information
Category / Tasks / Centre / Department / A/Dean, L&TStudent and L&T web and newsletter /
Media Enquiries – To FoS Marketing Group /
Administration / Timetabling /
AMIS account approvals and audits / /
Graduation / /
Prizes and Prize Giving / /
Scholarships / /
Student files -Tracking Register /
Function / Activity / Faculty Office / Clusters / DeptsFinance / New Account request –
Except Research Grant Accounts are to be opened by OFS after acceptance of offer signed / Approve request form according to M.U. Policy and Faculty established account structure and examine the need for new accounts / Prepare request form for Faculty approval
Purchasing / Review process and policy, create common folder templates, / To Process and approve purchases according to level of financial delegation, either by FMIS on line system or direct orders .
Credit Card / Review process and policy, maintain credit card Holders record and approval of card application, card limit changes; distribution of monthly report of outstanding card substantiation to Clusters/Depts. / Direct orders and travel bookings by credit card according to M.U. purchasing and credit card policy, substantiate monthly card statement and approve card statement of Admin Staff and Academic Staff, follow up monthly report of outstanding substantiation with staff.
Assets / Finance Manager is the Nominal Asset Liaison Officer. Liaison with Cluster/Department for Univerisity annual asset auditing. Further review required to streamline different ICS and ELS practices. / Old ICS: recording asset information on-line in FMIS, issuing asset label for easy tracking, record equipment on loan and inform OFS written off equipment, arrange with staff for stocktaking/auditing.
Old ELS: recording by E8A Stores.
Stores and delivery / Further review required to streamline different ICS and ELS practices. / Old ICS, except for Gas or Chemical orders through the stores, all other orders are delivered directly to the Clusters/Departments.
Old ELS department: all delivery through the E8A Stores
Function / Activity / Faculty Office / Clusters / DeptsStationery orders / Team Leaders manage the staff access to account of OfficeMax and approve OfficeMax orders if required.
Old ICS: stationerary/office consumables are ordered by Clusters/Departments
Old ELS: mixed used of OfficeMax and E8A stores for stationery and office/lab consumables
Gas orders / Manage by Keith/Jenny in E8A Store
Chemical orders / Managed by Jenny in E8A Stores
Old ELS: central record with Jenny
Old ICS: chemical records are in the labs.
Electrical testing on delivery of electrical equipment / Pending the new ‘OHS’ policy on with new equipment Electrical testing. / Old ICS: all new arrival of electrical appliance will pass the Electrical testing before despatch
IT and accessories orders / Include “requirement of endorsement from Faculty IT support” in the standard ordering procedures / IT equipment orders must be endorsed by Faculty IT for recognised technical support in the Faculty.
Staff/Student Travel
Note: approval and credit card payment by Cluster/Department Heads are still under review in Office of Financial Services / Review process and policy, negotiate and advise OFS improved alternatives of handling travel. / Process and approve staff/student travel according to M.U. and Faculty policy, incluidng airline booking, registration payment, expense claims.
Function / Activity / Faculty Office / Clusters / DeptsReceipt of Revenue
(Invoicing of research account incomes upon University research contract schedule is prepared by OFS, or sometimes is advised by the Researcher on completion of milestones?? Check) / Need to establish a common ground with Faculty Research Manger for checking research incomes/allocations. / Prepare and approve invoice request form for outside sources incomes. Produce monthly report on Outstanding Debtors Report and advise Account Holders. Procedures in Special areas for collection of revenues will be reviewed, e.g. Chiropractic clinic, Numeracy Centre, Field Trip fees collection, astronomy night. Conference organizer should consult Faculty before decision of organizing the conference.
General Journal preparation / High level of allocation and account adjustment / Prepare and approve journal charges for cabcharges, microscopy, internal charges & transfers, adjustments of account as required
Account Management and reports
(Reports available from FMIS new structure or new (MRS) are to be reviewed) / Prepare and customise reports as required by Management or data collection. Advise Cluster /Department how to produce appropriate reports for monitoring irregularies and budget variance or other special issues. / Budget checking for all orders and travels on Operating fund or Research Grants or Faculty HDR fund. Review Monthly report on irregularities and budget variances (or seek advice on reports from the Faculty )
Access to Finance System / Approval of FMIS access form for Admin Staff, Dept Heads and Cluster Heads. / Arrange and approve access of new (MRS) to every Account Holder.
Financial Delegation / Maintain record by Finance Manager and organize approval by the Dean / Advise and complete Financial Delegation form on Acting position and forward to Faculty for approval
Function / Activity / Faculty Office / Clusters / DeptsPreparation and Monitoring of Operating Budget / Jointly co-ordinated by Faculty General Manager and Finance Manager from departmental budget prepared by Department Heads. Finance Manager provides information to assist of budget preparation and distribute regular monthly reports for monitoring / Department Heads to prepare departmental budget. Monthly review and following up of budget variance from report provided.
Faculty HDR Student Funding Budget / Collect data from Faculty HDR for annual Faculty budget preparation / Journal transfer of approved funding for the year
ScienceIT – Activities and Areas of Responsibility
The area responsible for the majority IT support activities within the Faculty is ScienceIT. ScienceIT is the amalgamation of the IT support groups from the Divisions of ELS & ICS and continues to undertake the activities of its predecessors plus some additional activities to support the Departments of BBE and Statistics.
A process of consolidation is underway to merge activities where appropriate.
Function / Activity / NotesIT / Help Desk / Single web Service Desk, plus on going consolidation of tools
Email Services / Parallel systems – complex migrations planned
Unified addressing (@science)
Unified mailing lists
Network Services / Activities largely unchanged
Printing Services / Parallel systems – consolidation underway
File Services / Parallel systems – consolidation underway
Web Services / Parallel systems – consolidation underway
Core Desktop Support / Consolidated approach, still geographically based
User Account Management / ScienceID rollout commenced
Loaner Equipment Management / Unchanged – consolidated booking planned
IT Equipment Disposal / Unchanged – consolidated planned
Lab Services / Unchanged
Advisory / Consultancy / Unchanged
Virtual Learning/Conferencing / Unchanged
Automarking / Unchanged
Reporting/Documentation / ScienceIT Web / Wiki
Server Support / Unchanged
Procurement / Unchanged – under review
Server Hosting / Unchanged
IT security services / Unchanged – consolidation planned
Campus IT Liaison / Unchanged
Teaching Services Support / Unchanged
Teaching aid systems / Unchanged
Calendars / Migrating to public google
Infrastructure Support / Unchanged
Special event IT Support / Unchanged
External Support / Unchanged
HDR ACTIVITIES: Information from working Party report - balance of responsibilities and recommendations
Functions / Current Responsibility / RecommendationsRecruitment/
Selection / - at departmental level;
- personal/professional contact between supervisor and candidate;
- Website; Open Day (minimal);
- Division + Dept coordinator + Administrator / Remain at departmental level; will mainly be taken care of by the DD HDR with Faculty providing admin support.
- processing
- Sign off delegation / - applications picked up by HDR administrator → dept coordinator →supervisor → dept coordinator → HDR admin → HDRO;
- HoD (or dept coordinator) / Process the same: applications picked up by Faculty HDR administrator → dept coordinator →supervisor → dept coordinator → Faculty HDR admin → HDRO;
*anticipating about 200 new applications per year
- HoD and AD HDR
- single applications
- competitive
- sign off delegation / - HDRO → HDR administrator → dept coordinator →supervisor → HDR admin → HDRO
- ranked at departmental level by supervisor & DD HDR
HDRO → HDR administrator → DD HDR →supervisor → ranked at departmental meeting, then divisional meeting →HDR admin → HDRO
-HoD / Procedures for the single applications will be the same, however, with the competitive applications, because there will be more and diverse applications to rank, academics and DD HDR will need more time to process.
-HoD and AD HDR
Functions / Current Practice/Responsibility / RecommendationsCommencement
Division/dept / Three tiers of commencement: Central, Division and Department. / Faculty Commencement Program for ‘meet and greet’ and overview of functions common to all FoS HDR candidates e.g. finance, computing, and general OH& S. Further sessions on, for example, fieldwork safety, chemical safety and ordering, and support funds management. to be conducted by departments and/or sub-disciplines/research groups
Space Allocation / Mainly at department level, Exec Officer with consultation of HoD and supervisor. / Faculty Manager to oversee ??, with input from departments. The important thing is to make sure that the HDR students’ space needs are met.
Research Training / Varies: most departments require students to enrol in HDR training units (see HDR 2009 prospectus draft). / FoS HDRC to review in 2009
Probation / Varies: mainly at department level; commencement reports signed off by dept co-ords and DD HDR in ELS / FoS HDRC to review in 2009
Progress Review / Various, some departments have progress review every 6 months, and others have annual panel interviews and seminar presentation plus APR. / FoS HDRC to review in 2009 (It has been suggested by HDRO to split APR either according to department or according to the enrolment anniversary; the latter would mesh well with six monthly progress review).
Completions / No formal mechanism; students are encouraged to publish papers and write chapters as early as possible. / DD HDR, in consultation with supervisors, to review progress of final year candidates every three months against target submission date
Paperwork / Mostly, students → supervisor →HDR Administrator → Dean or DDHDR→ HDRO;
Sometimes students → supervisor →Dean →HDRO / FoS HDR team to formalise admin procedures across whole of Faculty.
Functions / Current Practice/Responsibilities / RecommendationsFunding/
HDR Support
Management / Different models across the current four divisions:
ELS – individual account;
ICS - ‘grant application’ scheme,
STATS – funding from division + supervisor’s grant;
CISAB – funded by department and supervisor’s grant. / To be determined: Gill Ellis to present a proposal at WP meeting on 3 November 2008
Faculty contingency fund???
More strategic use of MQ PGRF
PGRF / Coordinated by HDR administrator. / Continue to be coordinated by Faculty HDR administrators.
Marketing / No allocated admin support
Mainly via depart academic contacts, websites, brochures / Probably will be the responsibility of the Director of Development. It will depend on Faculty budget allocation. A Faculty webmaster is needed to make sure all information on the web is up to date and to have better web presence for HDR recruitment and information.
HDR coursework/PG CertResPrep / HDR administrator takes care of general enquiries and forward to appropriate department; application processing and oversight by a designated academic in ELS / FoS HDRC to review in 2009
Cotutelle Management / Negotiated on individual student and/or researcher basis – no departmental or divisional support / Will need to be both at the individual and University level.
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