Maths Year 2 Weekly Plan: Autumn Week 1: TS1 Counting and ordering to 100 ~ TS2 Place value

Objectives: Recite numbers to 100 / Count up to 100 objects (e.g. beads on a bead bar) / Count on in tens from single and two-digit numbers and back again / Mark two-digit numbers on a beaded line, then landmarked line (labelled in tens) / Order numbers to 100, compare two numbers, say which is more or less / Say a number between any given neighbouring pairs of multiples of ten (e.g. 40 and 50) / Make a sensible estimate up to 100 (e.g. choosing from 10, 20, 50 or 100). Show two-digit numbers on a bead string and write the corresponding addition (e.g. 26 = 20 + 6) / Partition two-digit numbers into multiples of ten and one / Use place value to add and subtract (e.g. 30 + 4, 53 – 3)
Starters /

Whole class teaching

/ Guided group and independent paired/indiv practice activities / Outcomes

Week 1 Monday

/ Count and read numbers to 100
Use either a 1-100 square or Number grid ITP to support counting to 100 and back again, emphasising the multiples of 5, making sure chn say numbers such as 15 and 50, 19 and 90 clearly. Use Post-itsTM to cover numbers on the 100 square or the mask facility on the ITP. Point to one hidden number Chn write missing number and show on count of 5. / Use the 100 bead bar to support counting to 100 moving beads one at a time as you do so, and emphasising multiples of 5 and 10. Point to 20 then to 30 beads. Think of a number that is between 20 and 30; show me on your bead strings. Is your number closer to 20 or to 30? Rpt, asking for numbers between 30 and 40, 40 and 50, 60 and 70, 90 and 100. Write 35 and 51 on tags. Which of these 2 numbers is bigger? Where do they go on the bead bar? Don’t point, but tell me where to put them! Revise showing chn how to draw tags to label numbers after beads on large beaded line. Show chn a large 0-100 landmarked line (only 10s marked and labelled).

Where does 35 go on this line? Which 2 multiples of 10 does it lie between? And where is it between 30 and 40? Draw tag to label its position. Where does 51 lie on this line? Is it closer to 50 or 60? Try and imagine 10 beads in the space between 50 and 60, and then hanging a tag after the 1st bead. Rpt with other 2-digit numbers. /
Roll 2 dice to make a 2-digit number Where should this go on the beaded line? Encourage chn to describe rather than pointing. Rpt several times, then chn work in pairs to do the same. TD / Medium/Hard
Chn work in pairs to roll two 1-10 dice twice to form two 2-digit numbers, e.g. 26 and 54, mark both on a beaded line (see resources) and write underneath:
54 is more than 26. They then use 2 dice to make a 2-digit number, e.g. 76, mark it on the beaded line (see resources), discuss which 2 multiples of 10 it lies between and fill in: is between and / Chn can:
1. Locate 2-digt numbers on a beaded line.
2. Say which is more.
3. Say a number between neighbouring multiples of ten.
Play ‘Guess my number’ using a large 100 beaded line. Write ‘less than’, ‘more than’ and ‘between’ on the board. Think of a number say 57 and ask chn to ask you questions to which you can only answer ‘yes’ or ‘no’ using the words on the board, e.g. is it more than 50? Is it between 50 and 60? As you respond to their questions, cross out sections of the beaded line e.g. the section from 0 to 50, or all sections bar the section from 50 to 60.

Week 1 Tuesday

/ Counting on and back in 10s
Use the 100 bead bar to support counting on in tens from 0 to 100 and back again. Pass a bean bag round the class as you count on in tens from 0. Shout change and pass it back again, counting back in 10s. Throw the bean bag to a child, saying 30. They say the number that is 10 more and throw it back to you. Rpt with other multiples of ten. Rpt, this time subtracting 10. / Cover the 1st 5 beads with a cloth and show chn the next 5 beads on the 100 bead bar. Slide another 10 along as a group. How many now? Rpt. What do you notice? Keep sliding 10 beads across at a time and asking chn how many beads there are, pointing out how there are always 5 beads at the end. Rpt, this time adding the groups of 10 more quickly, and counting on in 10s together, and then back again. Rpt this time starting with 7 beads. / Easy
As medium, but jumps pre-drawn (see resources) / Medium
Chn choose a number between 0 and 10, mark it on a 100 beaded line (see resources). They then draw jumps of 10, labelling the jump + 10, and labelling where each number lands. Rpt with a different number for each line. TD / Hard
Use beaded and landmarked lines with no jumps pre-drawn (see resources). / Chn can:
1. Count in tens from a single-digit number marking jumps on a beaded line.
Show me 45 on your bead strings. Now show me the number that is 10 more. What number sentence could we write? (45 + 10 = 55) And what if we put the 10 beads back again? (45 – 10 = 35) Rpt adding 10 to other 2-digit numbers, and then subtracting 10 again.
/ Starters /

Whole class teaching

/ Guided group and independent paired/indiv practice activities / Outcomes

Week 1 Wednesday

/ Recite numbers to 100
Chn sit in a circle. Pass a teddy round as you count from 1 to 100. When a child says ‘ten’, give that child the ‘10’ card, and ask them to stand out front. Give the child who says 20 a 20 card, and so on like this until you reach 100. The circle will get smaller and smaller! Count along the multiples of ten. / Show chn a small pile of supermarket vouchers (about 20), spread them out and ask chn to quickly guess how many they might be. About 10? About 20, 50 or 100? Discuss how if we guess a number like 57, it is very unlikely to be right, but our estimate might be right if we guess something like ‘about 50’. Count them together. Rpt with a pile of about 100 vouchers. Discuss how it is difficult to keep track of such a large number, and suggest that you put them in piles of 10 vouchers, and then count in 10s to help. Rpt with about 50 vouchers. / Easy/Medium/Hard
Give 2 cups of different pasta shapes (e.g. twirls and twists) to each group and a bowl/paper plate to each pair onto which they can count them. Chn guess which mug contains more pasta shapes, estimate whether they contain close to 20, 50, or 100 shapes and then count them, grouping them into 10s to make the counting easier. Chn record both their estimate and count.
Easy: Use smaller cups.
Hard: Estimate whether they contain close to 20, 50, 75 or 100.
TD with Easy group and as required / Chn can:
1. Make a sensible estimate up to 100 (e.g. choosing from 10, 20, 50 or 100).
Show chn a series of pictures of 76, 19, 52, 98 spots (see resources). Show each for a short amount of time. Chn guess whether there are about 20, 50, 100 or between 50 and 100 spots on each. Count them together to check. Where there are a large number of spots, suggest drawing loops round groups of 10 and then count in 10s to help.

Week 1 Thursday

/ Recite no.s to 100
Chn sit in a circle. Pass a teddy round as you count from 1 to 100. Occasionally shout change, chn pass the teddy back, now counting backwards. Give lots of practice counting back through multiples of 10. / Show me 45 on your bead string. How can you do this quickly? Do you need to count on in ones? How many groups of ten? And ones? Record 45 = 40 + 5. 45 equals 40 add 5. We can split 45 into 40 and 5. Show me 52. What number sentence can we write? What tens and ones can we split 52 into? Show me 88. Look how much bigger the 80 is than the 8! Rpt with other 2-digit numbers. Show me a number between 60 and 70. How many tens are you all showing? Write a number sentence to go with your bead string on your w/bs. Rpt. / Easy
As med/hard, but also help to make some of the numbers using place value cards in preparation for the Friday’s activity. TD / Medium/Hard
Chn work in pairs to take two 0-9 cards to make a 2-digit number. They create this number using bead strings & record the place value sentence, e.g. 68 = 60 + 8. / Chn can:
1. Show two-digit numbers on a bead string and write the place value addition (e.g. 26 = 20 + 6).
Write 33p on the board. If we had only 10p and 1p coins. How could we pay 33p using as few coins as possible? How many 10p coins? Count on in 10s to check as you count on large 10p coins, 10, 20, 30 pence. And how many pennies? 3, 30 and 3 makes 33 pence. What number sentence can we write? Rpt with other 2-digit amounts of money.

Week 1 Friday

/ Place value
Give 10p coins to 10 chn and 1p coins to the rest. Child with 10p and 3 chn with pennies stand up. How much do they have? Choose 4 chn with 10ps. Count in 10s to find out how much they have. Then 2 chn with 1ps stand up as well. How much do they have? Chn get in groups of 4 (at least 1 child with 10p) and find the total. / Show me 40 on your bead strings. Now show me 45. What did you do? What sentence can we write? 40 + 5 = 45. Rpt with other 2-digit nos. Show me 52. Now take away the last two. How many left? What sentence could we write? 52 – 2 = 50 Give place value cards to each child. Find 40. Find 6. What is 40 add 6? Record 40 + 6 = 46. Take away 6. What is left? What did you do? Record 46 – 6 = 40. Now pick up the 6 card again to make 46. This time take away 40. What do you have left? What sentence could we write? Rpt using place value cards to add and subtract 10s and 1s. / Easy/Medium
Chn work in pairs to answer place value additions and subtractions (see resources). Remind them that they don’t need to count on/back in ones to solve these!
Easy: Chn choose to use bead strings or place value cards to help them. / Hard
Ask chn to close eyes whilst you pick up a ‘slidy box’ card (see below) and hide the 2nd number What number is hiding? How do you know? Rpt hiding diff number on diff cards, quickly progressing to hiding the 1st number TD / Chn can:
1. Partition two-digit numbers into multiples of ten and one.
2. Use place value to add and subtract (e.g. 30 + 4, 53 – 3).
Use the slidy box cards, hide the operation. Chn write + or -, and discuss how they know.


·  100 square or ITP Number grid set with start number 1, columns 10 with multiples 5 highlighted (see resources)

·  100 bead bar, cloth and tags

·  100 bead strings

·  A large landmarked line (0-100, with only tens marked and labelled)

·  Activity sheet of 100 beaded line (see resources) copy onto A3

·  Activity sheet of 100 beaded lines plus writing frame (see resources)

·  Teddy

·  Activity sheets for jumping in tens (see resources)

·  About 170 supermarket vouchers of the sort schools save to buy computer or sports resources

·  Cups of different pasta shapes (e.g. twirls and twists) and a bowl/paper plates (depending on size of pastas shapes and cup size, a cup will contain around 10 pieces)

·  Pictures of 76, 19, 52, 98 spots

·  10, 20, 30… cards

·  0-9 dice

·  10s and 1s place value cards

·  Large or IWB 10p and 1p coins

·  Activity sheet with place value additions and subtractions

·  ‘Slidy box’ cards: strips of card with number sentences such as 40 + 2 = 42, 54 – 4 = 50, and a piece of card wrapped round to form a sliding box to cover any number or operation

© Original plan copyright Hamilton Trust, who give permission for it to be adapted as wished by individual users. MATHS Y2 Week 1 TS1 & 2 Autumn