Applying for a Council House

We have over 5,000 houses, bungalows and flats to rent throughout the District.

We operate a Choice Based Lettings (CBL) scheme for allocating properties. We also work in partnership with Chesterfield Borough Council, North East Derbyshire District Council, Rykneld Homes and Bassetlaw District Council and properties from each are advertised weekly.

You can visit our CBL website where all available properties are advertised:

What is Choice Based Lettings (CBL)

CBL is a way of allocating properties. Each week we advertise properties and give applicants the opportunity to ‘bid’ for the properties they are interested in. This enables the applicant to be directly involved in the allocation of properties and allow applicants to make choices about areas and type of property. By increasing choice we hope to develop more settled and sustainable communities.

How do I apply for council housing?

To apply for council housing (and to housing associations in the area) you need to fill in a Housing Application form. There are two more detailed guides to assist you with this:

  • ‘Housing Application Guide’ and
  • ‘Choice Based Lettings Information Leaflet’.

These are available from any of our Contact Centres, by telephoning 01246 242424or by visiting our website

It is important that you provide us with accurate information to allow us to accurately register your application. You must also make sure that you tell us of any change in circumstances, and reply to any letters sent to you.

If you are in urgent need of housing, please contact your Housing Needs Officer at your local Contact Centre for advice and assistance about your housing options.

Can I get help in completing the housing application form?

If you have any difficulty in completing the forms, or would like to speak to someone about your application please contact the Housing Needs Officer at your local Contact Centre.

What happens next?

On receipt of your completed application form, you will be provided with confirmation that your application is active and the ‘band’ your application has been placed in. You will also be provided with your unique reference number and ‘pin number’, which you will need when ‘bidding’ for properties.

Your application will be assessed, points awarded and placed into one of four bands depending on your circumstances.

Band A – Urgent need for rehousing

Band B – High need for rehousing

Band C – Some need for rehousing

Band D – Low need for rehousing

How to ‘bid’ for a property

Properties are advertised each week. The bidding time starts on Thursday morning and closes at midnight the following Tuesday. You can express your interest by ‘bidding’ on up to three properties each week. There are several ways to make a ‘bid’:

  • By a dedicated phone line 0845 5052360
  • By text message on 07537 402491
  • On the website:
  • By visiting one of our Contact Centres and completing a biddings card.

How are tenants selected?

All bids that are received before the closing time will considered.

For Band A we will rank the bids by the date that the applicant received priority. This means that the person with the earliest date of application will be offered the property.

For Band B and Band C we will rank the bids by the number of points. This means that the person with the most number of points will be offered the property.

For Band D we will rank the bids by the application date. This means that the person with the earliest application date will be offered the property.

The successful applicant will be contacted shortly after the closing date. We will usually carry out a visit to the home of the applicant to verify the details on the application are correct and to check the condition of the property, the rent account and other terms of the tenancy agreement.

Successful applicants will be offered the property and an appointment will be made to sign the tenancy agreement and other relevant documentation.

Unsuccessful applicants will not be contacted directly. The results will be published on the website and in newsletters.

What if I am already a council tenant and want to move?

If you have a tenancy with us or a Housing Association you can apply for rehousing as detailed above or you may be able to complete a mutual exchange. This is where you ‘swap’ your tenancy with another.

If you are interested in getting more information about undertaking a mutual exchange please contact the Tenancy Management Officer at your local Contact Centre to discuss.

We are in the process of introducing ‘Homeswap Direct’, which will enable tenants to advertise their property to help them undertake a ‘swap’. This will be operational during 2013.

Our standards are

  • To process applications forms within 10 working days of you providing all the information that is required.
  • To give you help and assistance in making your application.

July 2015