Contemporary Issues in Physical Education

Reflection on project work

Project Title: Multi-skills Year 1

In your groups, reflect on how well you have met the following criteria so far.

BE HONEST! This exercise is designed to ensure you stay focussed on the project and you get the most out of the process. This should then lead to better marks.


  • strengths (e.g. our project mentor has commented on how professional we look at meetings)
  • areas for improvement (e.g. we have been relying too heavily on the project mentor)
  • tangible actions to improve this in the future (e.g. we will be proactive in leading meetings, through setting and circulating agendas and minutes; We will ensure that we identify some solutions to the problems we face before contacting our project mentor)

1)Appearance and professionalism (punctuality; telephone manner; dealing with club committees; keeping appointments etc.)

Ideally you will have always:

  • been on time
  • been polite
  • responded promptly (within 48 hours) to communication from your project mentor
  • kept in regular contact with your project mentor
  • been organised and attended all meetings
  • been fully professional in your relationship with your project mentor (dress code, communication, manner)

2) Organisation, planning and management (role defined, understood and fulfilled) of responsibility outlined).

Ideally you will have always:

  • kept an up to date (live) record of all the work you are doing
  • kept up to date minutes and action plans from and for meetings
  • led and managed meetings
  • circulated your project file, minutes and action plans regularly to your project mentor
  • been clear on your role(s) within the project
  • managed your individual and group time effectively
  • taken full ownership of the project

3) Speed, intensity and quality of work (set about the tasks quickly and worked efficiently to complete tasks to a high standard).

Ideally you will have always:

  • set and met all deadlines
  • been proactive and independent (from your project mentor) in your work
  • worked efficiently
  • delivered work to the best standard

4) Initiative, creativity and problem solving (developed innovative solutions to problems; worked independently; showed flexibility and adaptability).

Ideally you will have:

  • shown initiative in all tasks
  • applied a creative approach to your project (e.g. novel ideas)
  • developed innovative solutions to problems(e.g. not waiting for project mentor feedback)
  • worked independently
  • been flexible and adaptable to the project brief and the problems you face