Place of Birth Chesterfield, Derbyshire.

ADDRESS 12 Rombalds Crescent, Waterside Park, Silsden, KEIGHLEY, West

Yorkshire, BD200LE, UK.

TEL 01535 - 658800 FAX 0871 – 750 – 3791 MOB 0775 – 902 -0438



Foundation Course in Art & Design, ChesterfieldCollege of Art (1970-1971)

B Sc. (Hons) Sociology (University of London: 1972-1975)

Certificate of Qualification in Social Work (CQSW: 1978-1979)

Post Graduate Diploma Applied Social Studies (University of Leeds: 1978-79)

MA Criminology (University of Keele: 1982-1984)

Diploma in Humanistic Psychology (Institute for the Development of Human

Potential / IDHP: 1990-1992)

Psychotherapy Training & Certification in Hakomi Therapy (Hakomi Institute

USA: 1992-1994 & Post Graduate Certification 1994-1997)

  • Certified Hakomi Therapist(July 1997)

BACP Accredited Counsellor & Psychotherapist (January 2002)

UKRC Registered Independent Counsellor (February 2002)

BACP Accredited Supervisor (July 2002)

MBACP Senior Accredited Counsellor (July 2010)

Association for Coaching Accredited Coach(September 2010)

Association for Coaching Accredited Master Coach (February 2014)


Student Counselling Clinical Supervisor: Bradford & Ilkley Community College; Diploma in Counselling & Human Relations / Leeds University; MA Psychotherapy / Leeds Metropolitan University; B.Sc. Therapeutic Counselling Diploma / University of Salford; Diploma in Counselling / Keighley College; Diploma in Counselling / Calderdale College; HND Counselling //

Clinical Supervisor in Private Practice: NHS employed Counsellors, Freelance Counsellors & Psychotherapists; Independent Drugs Project Counsellors; Voluntary Sector Counsellors & Groupworkers.

Network Counsellor: WPF - Counselling in Companies; North Yorkshire Police Welfare Department; AXA-PPP Healthcare.

Voluntary Counsellor: Leeds MIND Community Preventative Mental Health Project & Counsellor Leeds University Student Counselling Service (1988-1993)

Social Work Training Officer Course: National Institute for Social Work (1984); Social Work Supervisor Course Bradford University (‘81); Lancaster University (‘84)

Membership: Hakomi Therapy Association; BACP ; Association for Humanistic Psychology (Britain); AHP USA; previous membership of Independent Practitioner Network (IPN - Full Group Membership); Association for Management Education & Development (AMED); Association for Coaching; Society for Organisational Learning.

Spiritual Director Course: 1999-2000; The Hampole Trust & New Directions

Team, Hepworth, Huddersfield.

Associate Lecturer:1995-2010; The Open University Business School, (Professional Cert. in Management; Managing Voluntary Non Profit Enterprises); University of Bradford Department of Adult & Continuing Education; Nuffield institute, University of Leeds; University of Bradford Management Centre; University of Bradford, School of Nursing; Park Lane College, Leeds.

Registered Consultant: on National Council for Voluntary Organisations (NCVO) National Register; Member of ACT (Arts & Voluntary Sector Consultants Association).

  • Higher Education Educational Mentor:For mature students with disabilities, on degree courses.



“John Holt-Authentic-Self-Purpose” - Counsellor,

Psychotherapist and Clinical Supervisor; Coach and Career Mentor;

Coaching Supervisor; Workshop Leader; Group Facilitator.

“The Phoenix Partnership” - Organisational & Management Consultant and Trainer; Action Learning Facilitator; Executive Coach and Coach Supervisor; Director and Coordinator of The PhoenixPartnership (a ‘creative change management consultancyorganisation’).

“Mandorla-Men’s Work” – Men’s Work Events and Workshop Facilitation as part of the Mandorla Leadership Team.

Sept 2K6-2010:Associate Lecturer:University of Bradford, school of Health; Co-Tutor: Venn Training Associates, ‘Diploma in the Supervision of the Therapeutic Practitioner’

May 2K-June 2K6: Visiting Lecturer:University of Leeds, Institute for Health Services and Public Health Research (‘Nuffield Institute’)

 Oct 1999-June 2K: Associate Lecturer: Park Lane College, Leeds, ‘Diploma in the Supervision of the Therapeutic Practitioner’

Nov 1995-Mch 2K: Associate Lecturer: The Open University Business School, Professional Certificate in Management; Bradford University Department of Adult & Continuing Education, Certificate inPersonal & Professional Development

 Mch 1997-Dec 99: Associate Lecturer: Bradford University Management CentreExecutive Development Programme, Unilever Young Managers Course

Nov 1990-Mch 93: Part Time Development Officer: Central Council for Education & Training in Social Work (CCETSW), Northern Regional Office, Leeds, Post Qualification Advanced Award in Social Work (Probation focus)



Jan 1987-Nov 90: Project Coordinator: Save the Children Fund North East Region,‘Hilltop’ Consultancy & Training Project, Leeds

May 1986-Nov 89: Practice Development & Publications Unit Coordinator:SCF‘Hilltop’ Project, Leeds

May 1986-Dec 86: Deputy Project Coordinator: SCF Hilltop Project, Leeds

Mch 1984-May 86: Training & Development Officer: SCF Hilltop Project, Leeds

Sept 1981-Mch 84: Intermediate Treatment Officer: Bradford Social Services.

Sept 1979-Sept 81: Social Worker (Intermediate Treatment): Wakefield SocialServices

Sept 1978-Aug 79: Social Work Training: CQSW & Postgraduate Diploma in AppliedSocial Studies at Leeds University

Apr 1978-Sept 78: Intermediate Treatment Unit Group Worker: Bradford SocialServices

Jan 1977-Apr 78: Intermediate Treatment Worker: Birmingham SocialServices

Nov 1975-Jan 77: Nursing Assistant: Adolescent Psychiatric Unit, Scalebor ParkHospital’, Bradford Area Health Authority


‘No Holiday Camps’ [1985] : Association for Juvenile Justice (practitioner handbook on juvenile justice)

‘Juvenile justice and the art of radical complacency’ [1986] : Save the Children (discussion paper on contemporary thinking in juvenile justice)

‘Worth the Risk’ [1987] : Save the Children & West Yorkshire Probation Service (practice handbook on creative group work with young offenders)

‘Moving Centre Stage’ [1989] : Save the Children & West Yorkshire Probation Service (practice handbook on community based management of the adult criminal justice system)

‘Helping Young People Solve Problems' [1989 / Editor] : Save the Children (practice handbook on work with young people)

‘Street Corner Solutions’ [1989 / Editor] : Save the Children & Calderdale SocialServices (exploring crime prevention initiatives in detached youth work)

‘Picking up the Pieces’ [1989 / Co-editor] : Save the Children & Yorkshire and Humberside Intermediate Treatment Association (practice handbook on management ofchild sexual abuse in the juvenile justice system)

‘Just Us! : Young People in Action with Young People’ [1994] : British Red CrossYouth (training & self help manual on ‘peer education’ for young people)

‘Children in Need Teams: service delivery & organisational climate’ (with John Lawler) [2005]: Social Work & Social Science Review.

‘Fields of Freedom: Breaking through fears in personal and professional life’: Due for publication in 2014.

‘Constant Equilibrium’: Currently in production. Due for publication in 2015.


I have a professional background in social work, specialising for ten years in the Youth Social Work field. I have worked since 1984 as a Management Consultant & Trainer (both employed & self employed) largely in the Voluntary & Non Profit sector and in recent years also in the Commercial sector. I am the Co-ordinator of ‘The PhoenixPartnership’, a ‘creative change management consultancy organisation’ which works within the social economy, the arts & commercial sectors. I manage and supervise a Team of Registered Phoenix Associates.

I have worked as a Counsellor, Psychotherapist, Clinical Supervisor, Management Coach, Coaching Supervisor, Action Learning Facilitator & Career Mentor in various public, voluntary sector and commercial settings since 1988 - my supervisory, coaching & mentoring experience includes: a large number of managers and practitioners in voluntary & non profit sector agencies and the performing arts; counselling course students; counsellors in primary care; psychotherapists & counsellors in private practice.I have been an Action Learning Facilitator since 2002, through my work for LeedsUniversity, the NACVS Action Learning for Managers Scheme and through The Phoenix Partnership. My Psychotherapy, Counselling & Supervision Practice, “John Holt-Authentic-Self-Purpose”is based at: Skipton Counselling & Psychotherapy Services, 14-16 Swadford Street, SKIPTON, North Yorkshire, BD23 1RD.

Since 1995, alongside my ‘practitioner’ work, I have worked in higher education as an Associate Lecturer / Visiting Lecturer at various Universities & Colleges, teaching courses within the range of my specialisms (management skills & management development; humanistic psychology; action learning, counselling supervision, coaching).


I have received regular Counselling Supervision from a BACP Accredited Counsellor & Freelance Supervisor since 1992; I was a ‘Full Group’ Member of the Independent Practitioner Network (IPN) from 1998 to 2003; I now receive Psychotherapy & Counselling Supervision through both my peer group, the ‘Bradford Humanistic Practitioners Group’ and also a peer practitioners group focused on counselling and spirituality. I receive regular Supervision for my Consultancy Work and for Business Development with Steve Page, ex-Manager of Student Services, University of York.


I have professional liability insurance through both the BACP Scheme for my Clinical Work and also through the AMED Scheme for my Organisational & Consultancy Work.



John has over 30 years experience as an organisational development consultant, coach, coach supervisor, mentor, action learning facilitator, visiting lecturer, psychotherapist and clinical supervisor. He has a particular interest in applying ‘authentic process leadership’ approaches to enable highly effective business practice and service delivery.
Professional Expertise
As a creative change management consultant, John works with a wide variety of individuals and organisations across public, non-profit and commercial sectors. He offers opportunities for individuals, teams and organisations to explore authentic, generative and mindful ways of working and developing leadership skills.
Selected clients
Durham Social Care and Health
Foundation Housing
International Aids Alliance Caribbean Team
Manchester Business Consortium
Open University Business School
University of Bradford Management Centre
West Midlands Public Health Leadership Programme
Hull Teaching Primary Care PCT Trust
University of Bradford School of Health
  • Action learning
  • Authentic leadership and personal change
  • Change management
  • Coaching for Individuals and Groups
  • Coaching supervision
  • Management development
  • Management team reviews
  • Organisational development
  • Strategic process management
  • Team development
The above work has been delivered to Individuals, Teams and Organisations in the Third Sector, Public Sector, Education and Business / Commercial Sectors. /
Previous Experience
John has worked as an individual and organisational consultant, trainer, coach and supervisor since 1984, having moved from a public sector background. He has been Director of a creative change management consultancy organisation since 1995, and continues to work in clinical practice as an accredited psychotherapist and clinical supervisor. John is an AC Accredited Coach and a Senior Practitioner Accredited by BACP. John has also worked for a number of years as an Associate Lecturer at the University of Bradford School of Health.
Qualifications/Professional Affiliations
  • B.Sc. (Hons) Sociology
  • MA Criminology
  • Postgraduate Diploma in Applied Social Studies
  • CQSW (Certificate of Qualification in Social Work)
  • Diploma in Humanistic Psychology
  • Association for Management Education and Development (AMED)
  • Association for Coaching (AC)
  • Primeast Organisation Accredited Coach
  • NCVO Registered Consultant.
  • Certified Hakomi Psychotherapist
  • MBACP (Senior Practitioner) Accredited Counsellor and Accredited Supervisor
  • UKCR Registered Counsellor and Psychotherapist
  • Association for Coaching Accredited Master Coach